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Access 2003 articles, fixes and updates - letter A
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alphabetical list: A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W Y
This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Access 2003 starts with letter A that have been released. The list is daily updated.
- 891775 Access exports long integer numbers as double data type with decimal places in dBase IV (.dbf) format Q891775 KB891775 August 20, 2020
- 835404 An out-of-date antivirus program may cause errors when you try to open an Office document or to start Outlook Q835404 KB835404 May 20, 2019
- 950929 Activate Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 - Windows Help Q950929 KB950929 September 4, 2018
- 301915 Access causes an error when you export fields with data type single or double to Oracle Q301915 KB301915 April 19, 2018
- 287756 AutoNumber field is not reset after you compact an Access database Q287756 KB287756 April 18, 2018
- 283788 ACCESS: "Microsoft Access Was Unable to Create an MDE, ACCDE, or ADE Database" Error Message with a Database That You Cannot Compile Q283788 KB283788 April 17, 2018
- 197103 ACCESS: How to Prompt User to Save Changes to Record in a Form Q197103 KB197103 January 7, 2017
- 927417 A table field appears incorrectly in Datasheet view when you add the field by using the Microsoft DAO Object Library and you set the OrdinalPosition property in Access Q927417 KB927417 December 9, 2015
- 209912 ACCESS: How to Reference Classes That Exist in Multiple Libraries Q209912 KB209912 January 17, 2015
- 922395 All the fields of a record display #Delete when you copy and paste a record that contains a Null field in Office Access 2003 Q922395 KB922395 January 15, 2015
- 210174 ACCESS: How to Index an Existing Field with Data Access Objects (DAOs) Q210174 KB210174 January 14, 2015
- 208842 ACCESS: Linked SQL Server Table Cannot Be Updated Q208842 KB208842 January 14, 2015
- 883969 AutoShapes that were added to an HTML or an MHTML file in a Microsoft Office program do not appear when you open the file in Internet Explorer after you install Windows XP SP2 Q883969 KB883969 January 13, 2015
- 210588 ACCESS: How to Parse Comma-Separated Text into Multiple Fields Q210588 KB210588 January 11, 2015
- 330903 An Office program stops responding, and you receive an error message that references the Hpbafd32.dll file Q330903 KB330903 January 10, 2015
- 832357 Access 2003 hotfix package: February 29, 2004 Q832357 KB832357 December 28, 2014
- 824181 Access may stop responding when you preview a report Q824181 KB824181 December 26, 2014
- 302968 ACCESS: Query of ODBC Linked Data Returns Unexpected Results Q302968 KB302968 December 26, 2014
- 318989 A collation conflict error occurs when you open an Access Project table or view Q318989 KB318989 December 24, 2014
- 282315 Access appears to hang when you preview or print an object in PivotTable view Q282315 KB282315 December 23, 2014
- 259602 An Access Snapshots (*.snp) object looks distorted when you insert the object in PowerPoint Q259602 KB259602 December 23, 2014
- 827041 ADO help is not displayed when you reference the ADO 2.7 or later Object Library Q827041 KB827041 February 27, 2014
- 322900 ACCESS: How to Populate Text Boxes with Multicolumn Combo Box Selections Q322900 KB322900 November 2, 2013
- 210340 ACCESS: How to Display Line Numbers on Subform Records Q210340 KB210340 November 2, 2013
- 209807 ACCESS: Remote ODBC Tables Are Read-Only Without a Unique Index Q209807 KB209807 November 2, 2013
- 208408 ACCESS: Exporting to Text File Truncates to Two Decimals Places Q208408 KB208408 November 2, 2013
- 2650051 ACC: Linked table to SQL Server does not prompt for SQL login / password as expected Q2650051 KB2650051 July 12, 2013
- 914830 Access 2003 may not start as expected after you install Office 2003 SP2 Q914830 KB914830 August 29, 2012
- 826170 Administrators can use Office policy templates with the Group Policy settings of Windows Q826170 KB826170 May 24, 2012
- 814858 Access may stop responding when you try to create an MDE or ACCDE file, or an ADE file Q814858 KB814858 September 30, 2011
- 827426 "An error occurred and this feature is no longer functioning properly" error message when you start Microsoft Script Editor Q827426 KB827426 September 17, 2011
- 202106 ACC2000: Changes That You Make to Referenced Projects Are Not Saved in Visual Basic Editor Q202106 KB202106 March 4, 2009
- 824165 ActiveX control that is contained in an Access form does not appear when the design-time license is not available Q824165 KB824165 October 30, 2008
- 823224 Access queries with a wildcard character do not export data to an XML document Q823224 KB823224 October 30, 2008
- 943967 After you install Office 2003 SP3, you encounter various problems in an Access project when you work with a Bit data type column in a linked SQL Server table Q943967 KB943967 December 31, 2007
- 912448 An Office 2003 program unexpectedly quits with an unrecoverable error when the program is started by another program that is running under a non-interactive account Q912448 KB912448 September 25, 2007
- 895618 An Office update does not appear to be installed after you install the update Q895618 KB895618 January 12, 2007
- 923508 A .tif file or a .tiff file unexpectedly opens in Microsoft Office Document Imaging Q923508 KB923508 October 9, 2006
- 291162 AutoNumber field duplicates previous values after you compact and repair a database Q291162 KB291162 July 28, 2006
- 819780 Access 2003 or Access 2002 stops responding with an error message that references the Msaccess.exe file when you open a database file Q819780 KB819780 July 27, 2006
- 918957 A file does not open in the program that you expect when you try to open the file in Office Q918957 KB918957 May 24, 2006
- 824171 Administrative installation of the Access run-time application is not successful Q824171 KB824171 August 31, 2005
- 904948 A document may take a longer time than expected to print or the print spool file may be larger in Office 2003 or in Office XP Q904948 KB904948 August 17, 2005
- 212886 ACC2000: Using File DSN to Import or Link a FoxPro ODBC Data Source Causes Reserved Error -7778 Q212886 KB212886 June 24, 2004
- 825440 ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 is referenced instead of ActiveX Data Objects 2.7 in a newly created Access database or project Q825440 KB825440 June 9, 2004
- 824276 Access quits unexpectedly when you programmatically export a Graph object Q824276 KB824276 June 9, 2004
- 834858 An unhandled exception error occurs when you build or run a client application that runs a query against a Microsoft Jet data source Q834858 KB834858 February 24, 2004