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ASP.NET 1.0 articles, fixes and updates - letter F
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft ASP.NET 1.0 starts with letter F that have been released. The list is daily updated.
- 555466 FIX: How to resolve Security Exception (ASP.NET)? Q555466 KB555466 June 10, 2019
- 324479 FIX: ASP.NET SQL Server Session State Impersonation Is Lost Under Load Q324479 KB324479 April 28, 2018
- 319991 FIX: ASP.NET Does Not Copy Files from Bin Directory to Temporary ASP.NET Files Folder Q319991 KB319991 April 28, 2018
- 321792 FIX: ASP.NET Worker Process (Aspnet_wp.exe) Is Recycled Unexpectedly Q321792 KB321792 April 27, 2018
- 323744 FIX: "The View State Is Invalid for This Page and Might Be Corrupted" Error Message in ASP.NET Q323744 KB323744 April 19, 2018
- 315158 FIX: ASP.NET does not work with the default ASPNET account on a domain controller Q315158 KB315158 April 19, 2018
- 818262 FIX: Visual Studio .NET cannot open existing ASP.NET projects after you install Internet Protocol version 6 on Windows XP Q818262 KB818262 April 18, 2018
- 3126034 Folders to exclude from antivirus scanning in ASP.NET apps Q3126034 KB3126034 March 16, 2016
- 320353 FIX: ASP.NET Worker Process Does Not Start on Computers with the /3GB Boot Switch Q320353 KB320353 June 19, 2014
- 831210 FIX: Cannot create Web projects on Windows Server 2003 Q831210 KB831210 February 27, 2014
- 827163 FIX: References to STA objects that are stored in session state may become corrupted if they are called from a Session_End event Q827163 KB827163 February 27, 2014
- 821317 FIX: Error occurs when you access the Global.asax file for a Visual C# .NET Web Serviceproject in Visual Studio .NET Q821317 KB821317 February 27, 2014
- 820746 FIX: Some Antivirus Programs May Cause Web Applications to Restart Unexpectedly Q820746 KB820746 February 27, 2014
- 818537 FIX: Requests Are Incorrectly Treated as Non-Postback Requests Q818537 KB818537 February 27, 2014
- 817779 FIX: Form Inside of a User Control Generates a Script Error Q817779 KB817779 February 27, 2014
- 817005 FIX: Severe Performance Issues When You Bind Session State to Threads in ASPCompat Mode Q817005 KB817005 February 27, 2014
- 816829 FIX: When I/O thread processes a slow request, completions on named pipes between Inetinfo.exe and Aspnet_wp.exe are blocked in the .NET Framework 1.0 Q816829 KB816829 February 27, 2014
- 813078 FIX: Postbacks May Fail When SmartNav Is On Q813078 KB813078 February 27, 2014
- 810280 FIX: After an AppDomain Unload, the ASP.NET Worker Process Uses 100 Percent of the CPU Q810280 KB810280 February 27, 2014
- 325329 FIX: Response.Redirect Method Permits Newlines to Be Embedded in the URL That Is Passed to It Q325329 KB325329 November 1, 2013
- 883651 FIX: The Server.Execute method does not remove the HttpRequest object from the RequestTimeoutManager list when the Web page contains the AspCompat attribute Q883651 KB883651 October 27, 2013
- 810245 FIX: Invalid Object in ASP Session State Q810245 KB810245 October 26, 2013
- 329956 FIX: Requests Are Not Removed from ASP.NET Request Table Q329956 KB329956 October 26, 2013
- 327256 FIX: Memory Leak of Permission Objects in a Managed Heap Q327256 KB327256 October 26, 2013
- 327132 FIX: PassportIdentity Does Not Require Secure PIN When Security-Enhanced Authentication Is Requested Q327132 KB327132 October 26, 2013
- 324735 FIX: Postback Is Not Fired with Netscape Browser When the Form Is Inside a WebControl Q324735 KB324735 October 26, 2013
- 323292 FIX: Cannot Browse to ASP.NET Pages If Computer Name Contains Certain Words Q323292 KB323292 October 26, 2013
- 321023 FIX: Cannot Use Null Key Values for Session Variables in SQL Server Mode or State Server Mode Q321023 KB321023 October 26, 2013
- 321552 FIX: Render Method in BasePartialCachingControl Class Renders by Using HtmlTextWriter Q321552 KB321552 October 24, 2013
- 319083 FIX: ASP.NET Does Not Pick Up the REMOTE_PORT Server Variable from IIS Q319083 KB319083 October 24, 2013
- 311519 FIX: ASP.NET May Not Shut Down Properly from Service Control Manager Q311519 KB311519 October 24, 2013
- 893315 FIX: A program that frequently uses the System.Net.WebRequest method experiences an OutOfMemoryException error in the .NET Framework 1.0 Service Pack 3 Q893315 KB893315 September 28, 2011
- 810259 FIX: SetMinThreads and GetMinThreads API Added to Common Language Runtime ThreadPool Class Q810259 KB810259 May 23, 2007
- 893662 Full content protection using ASP.NET Q893662 KB893662 May 18, 2007
- 891029 Finding ASP.NET session state information in the Knowledge Base Q891029 KB891029 May 12, 2007
- 812833 FIX: You cannot run multiple processes of ASP.NET at the same time Q812833 KB812833 May 12, 2007
- 318738 FIX: .NET Programs Are Slow to Load When Running Under a Domain Q318738 KB318738 February 12, 2007
- 194768 FIX: Daylight Saving Time Transition and GMT Time Zone Errors Q194768 KB194768 January 23, 2007
- 323293 FIX: "Access is denied" error message when you try to access indexing service from ASP.NET with impersonation enabled Q323293 KB323293 July 5, 2006
- 827492 FIX: You may receive error messages when you try to open an .aspx page in ASP.NET or in Visual Studio .NET 2002 Q827492 KB827492 January 20, 2006
- 833552 FIX: The Copy Project feature in Visual Studio .NET 2002 fails when you copy to a share when the trailing virtual root path does not match the virtual root alias Q833552 KB833552 October 25, 2005
- 831382 FIX: ASP.NET returns a "NullReferenceException" error message when you use SQL Server Session state and you turn on the OutPutCaching feature Q831382 KB831382 October 25, 2005
- 822162 FIX: ASP.NET Session variables are incorrectly accessible between applications when you use SQLServer Session Mode Q822162 KB822162 October 25, 2005
- 821387 FIX: The Aspnet_wp.exe process may stop responding when you use the Response.BinaryWrite method to download large files from an ASP.NET page Q821387 KB821387 October 25, 2005
- 820769 FIX: Code in the InitializeComponent Function Is Deleted When You Change the EnableViewState Property Value of a Page Q820769 KB820769 October 25, 2005
- 329959 FIX: Requests Current and Requests in Application Queue Performance Monitor Counters Added in ASP.NET Q329959 KB329959 October 11, 2005
- 319012 FIX: Delay When You View ASP.NET Page on Windows 2000 Q319012 KB319012 September 27, 2005
- 891027 Finding answers to ASP.NET debugging issues Q891027 KB891027 July 29, 2005
- 317955 FIX: "Failed to start monitoring directory changes" error message when you browse to an ASP.NET page Q317955 KB317955 July 8, 2005
- 318000 FIX: Various Problems When You Call Transactional COM+ Components from ASP.NET Q318000 KB318000 November 4, 2003
- 320606 FIX: Cannot Disable Enabled Property of HyperLink Web Server Control If HyperLink Control Is Inside HTML Table Q320606 KB320606 March 26, 2003
- 313105 FIX: Cannot Compile Code-Behind Files That Use Src Attribute on a UNC Share Q313105 KB313105 March 26, 2003
- 311094 FIX: "ConfigurationException" Error Message When Impersonated Accounts Read Configuration Q311094 KB311094 March 26, 2003
- 320117 FIX: "Value Cannot Be Null. Parameter Name: path2" Error Message When You Browse to ASP.NET Pages Q320117 KB320117 March 21, 2003