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ASP.NET 1.1 articles, fixes and updates - Year 2019
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft ASP.NET 1.1 that have been released in Year 2019. The list is daily updated.
- 910449 Troubleshooting common permissions and security-related issues in ASP.NET Q910449 KB910449 November 21, 2019
- 893667 Overview of user controls vs. custom controls Q893667 KB893667 November 7, 2019
- 308359 HOW TO: Write a Simple Web Service by Using Visual C# .NET Q308359 KB308359 November 7, 2019
- 904262 The request that is sent by the HttpWebRequest class may stop responding when you use the HttpWebRequest class in an ASP.NET application Q904262 KB904262 August 1, 2019
- 919075 Error message when you request an ASP.NET 1.1 page: "Server Application Unavailable" Q919075 KB919075 June 10, 2019
- 893660 Quick things to check when you experience high memory levels in ASP.NET Q893660 KB893660 June 10, 2019
- 892277 Troubleshooting ASP.NET using WinDbg and the SOS extension Q892277 KB892277 June 10, 2019
- 889251 How to spawn a process that runs under the context of the impersonated user in Microsoft ASP.NET pages Q889251 KB889251 June 10, 2019
- 873198 The TextChanged event of a TextBox control may not fire if the AutoComplete feature is enabled in Internet Explorer Q873198 KB873198 June 10, 2019
- 837375 How to show progress in the client browser for a long-running ASP.NET page Q837375 KB837375 June 10, 2019
- 829743 Troubleshooting the "View state is invalid" error with ASP.NET Q829743 KB829743 June 10, 2019
- 825739 PRB: "Request Timed Out" Error Occurs When You Use the DataAdapter Method in an ASP.NET Application Q825739 KB825739 June 10, 2019
- 823196 PRB: You Receive a "System.IO.FileNotFoundException" Error When the Client Application Calls a Web Service Q823196 KB823196 June 10, 2019
- 822322 You receive an "HTTP Error 403:Forbidden" error while you work in ASP.NET Web Application projects with SSL enabled Q822322 KB822322 June 10, 2019
- 820108 You may receive the "System.OutOfMemoryException" error message when you view ASP.NET pages on a server that has 3 gigabytes of RAM Q820108 KB820108 June 10, 2019
- 818016 HOW TO: Deploy Applications That Are Built on the .NET Framework Q818016 KB818016 June 10, 2019
- 818014 HOW TO: Secure Applications That Are Built on the .NET Framework Q818014 KB818014 June 10, 2019
- 817267 "The specified Web server is not running ASP.NET version 1.1" error message when you create an ASP.NET 1.1 application and you have both ASP.NET 1.1 and ASP.NET 1.0 installed Q817267 KB817267 June 10, 2019
- 817266 PRB: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException Error Message When You Use Server.Transfer in HTTPHandler in an ASP.NET Application Q817266 KB817266 June 10, 2019
- 816150 How to upload a file to a Web site by using Visual C# Q816150 KB816150 June 10, 2019
- 815808 How to install an assembly into the Global Assembly Cache in Visual C# Q815808 KB815808 June 10, 2019
- 815178 How To Edit the Configuration of an ASP.NET Application Q815178 KB815178 June 10, 2019
- 815175 HOW TO: Selectively Enable or Disable ASP.NET Functionality in IIS Q815175 KB815175 June 10, 2019
- 815174 How To Make Application and Directory-Specific Configuration Settings in an ASP.NET Application Q815174 KB815174 June 10, 2019
- 815157 HOW TO: Disable Debugging for ASP.NET Applications Q815157 KB815157 June 10, 2019
- 815153 HOW TO: Configure NTFS File Permissions for Security of ASP.NET Applications Q815153 KB815153 June 10, 2019
- 815151 How To Restrict Specific Users from Gaining Access to Specified Web Resources Q815151 KB815151 June 10, 2019
- 815149 HOW TO: Disable the Documentation Protocol for ASP.NET Web Services Q815149 KB815149 June 10, 2019
- 813834 HOW TO: Pass Current Credentials to an ASP.NET Web Service Q813834 KB813834 June 10, 2019
- 811767 HOW TO: Format DateTime and Date Values in the XML Extracted from an ADO.NET DataSet by Using Visual Basic .NET Q811767 KB811767 June 10, 2019
- 811318 PRB: "Access Denied" Error Message When You Call a Web Service While Anonymous Authentication Is Turned Off Q811318 KB811318 June 10, 2019
- 810572 How to configure an ASP.NET application for a delegation scenario Q810572 KB810572 June 10, 2019
- 555466 FIX: How to resolve Security Exception (ASP.NET)? Q555466 KB555466 June 10, 2019
- 329291 PRB: "Requested Registry Access Is Not Allowed" Error Message When ASP.NET Application Tries to Write New EventSource in the EventLog Q329291 KB329291 June 10, 2019
- 321749 HOW TO: Register an Assembly in a WebForm to Use a Custom Control Q321749 KB321749 June 10, 2019
- 320439 PRB: "Error Executing Child Request" Error Message When You Use Server.Transfer or Server.Execute in ASP.NET Page Q320439 KB320439 June 10, 2019
- 320268 "System.Security.SecurityException: Security error" error message when the virtual directory points to a remote share in ASP.NET Q320268 KB320268 June 10, 2019
- 317604 HOW TO: Configure SQL Server to Store ASP.NET Session State Q317604 KB317604 June 10, 2019
- 315588 HOW TO: Secure an ASP.NET Application Using Client-Side Certificates Q315588 KB315588 June 10, 2019
- 312558 INFO: Handling Arrays of HTML Input Elements with Request.Form and Request.QueryString Q312558 KB312558 June 10, 2019
- 308147 HOW TO: Implement Key-Based Dependencies for Data Caching in ASP.NET by Using Visual C# .NET Q308147 KB308147 June 10, 2019
- 308143 HOW TO: Work with Code-Behind Class Files in an ASP.NET Application by Using Visual C# .NET Q308143 KB308143 June 10, 2019
- 308132 How To Create Custom Error Reporting Pages in ASP.NET Using Visual Basic .NET Q308132 KB308132 June 10, 2019
- 308097 State server logs Event ID 1072 or Event ID 1076 Q308097 KB308097 June 10, 2019
- 307985 INFO: ASP.NET HTTP Modules and HTTP Handlers Overview Q307985 KB307985 June 10, 2019
- 307901 INFO: Permissions to Connect to a Remote Access Database from ASP.NET Q307901 KB307901 June 10, 2019
- 307467 How To Create an ASP.NET Application from Multiple Projects for Team Development Q307467 KB307467 June 10, 2019
- 306996 How To Disable ASP Session State in ASP.NET Q306996 KB306996 June 10, 2019
- 306575 How To Dynamically Include Files in ASP.NET Q306575 KB306575 June 10, 2019
- 306572 How to query and display excel data by using ASP.NET, ADO.NET, and Visual C# .NET Q306572 KB306572 June 10, 2019
- 306359 PRB: Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") Returns Empty String in ASP.NET Q306359 KB306359 June 10, 2019
- 306169 PRB: Visual Studio .NET Debugger Does Not Stop on Breakpoints When You Debug ASP.NET Pages Q306169 KB306169 June 10, 2019
- 303247 INFO: ASP.NET Code-Behind Model Overview Q303247 KB303247 June 10, 2019
- 815155 How to configure URLScan to protect ASP.NET Web applications Q815155 KB815155 June 9, 2019
- 316721 PRB: "Failed to Start Monitoring Directory Changes" Error Message When You Browse to ASP.NET Page Q316721 KB316721 June 9, 2019
- 316148 PRB: Session variables are lost intermittently in ASP.NET applications Q316148 KB316148 June 9, 2019
- 315736 How To Secure an ASP.NET Application by Using Windows Security Q315736 KB315736 June 9, 2019
- 306005 How to repair IIS mapping after you remove and reinstall IIS Q306005 KB306005 June 9, 2019
- 323176 How to implement Windows authentication and authorization in ASP.NET Q323176 KB323176 March 11, 2019
- 306459 ASP.NET server controls overview Q306459 KB306459 March 11, 2019