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Excel 2007 articles, fixes and updates - Year 2011
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Excel 2007 that have been released in Year 2011. The list is daily updated.
- 822517 Picture placeholder that contains a red X appears when you open an Office 2000 document in Office 2007 or Office 2003 Q822517 KB822517 November 17, 2011
- 2637017 Excel 2007: Relative UNC path links become absolute after MS11-072 Q2637017 KB2637017 October 26, 2011
- 2618124 Office 2007 Cumulative Update for October 2011 Q2618124 KB2618124 October 26, 2011
- 977728 Description of the Office Excel 2007 hotfix package (Analys32-es-es.msp): December 15, 2009 Q977728 KB977728 October 10, 2011
- 981091 External links unexpectedly take several minutes to change when you change the data source to an Office Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 workbook that is created in the Open XML file format Q981091 KB981091 October 9, 2011
- 980297 Description of the Office Excel 2007 hotfix package: February 23, 2010 Q980297 KB980297 October 9, 2011
- 957386 Error message after you set a network path as the default file location in Excel 2007 and then click the Data tab: "\\<Path>\solver.xlam cannot be found. Check your spelling, or try a different path" Q957386 KB957386 October 9, 2011
- 956634 When you use a macro to automatically write and format data in an Excel 2007 workbook, the macro runs slowly Q956634 KB956634 October 9, 2011
- 953814 The caption text for ActiveX components in Excel 2007 is distorted when you use the Mstsc.exe command together with the /span switch to span multiple monitors Q953814 KB953814 October 9, 2011
- 933699 The words "Friendster," "Klum," "Nazr," "Obama," and "Racicot" are not recognized when you check the spelling of English-language text in the 2007 Office programs Q933699 KB933699 October 8, 2011
- 978522 Description of the Office Excel 2007 hotfix package (Excel-x-none.msp, Xlconv-x-none.msp): December 23, 2009 Q978522 KB978522 October 7, 2011
- 981046 Description of the Office Excel 2007 hotfix package (Excel-x-none.msp, Graph-x-none.msp, Xlconv-x-none.msp, Xlview-x-none.msp): April 27, 2010 Q981046 KB981046 October 6, 2011
- 976469 Memory leaks occur when charts are repeatedly updated in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Q976469 KB976469 October 6, 2011
- 936514 Description of the security update for the 2007 Office system and for the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system: July 10, 2007 Q936514 KB936514 September 30, 2011
- 936509 Description of the security update for Excel 2007: July 10, 2007 Q936509 KB936509 September 30, 2011
- 925755 Error message when you try to install a Office 2007 or Office 2010 suite or program: "Error 1321. Setup cannot modify the file <file_name>" Q925755 KB925755 September 28, 2011
- 888579 XML files may open in Internet Explorer instead of opening in the expected Office program when the ContentType header contains the charset parameter Q888579 KB888579 September 22, 2011
- 933557 You cannot use a custom Help file for a VBA project in Excel 2007 Q933557 KB933557 September 19, 2011
- 915971 Excel workbook is not held or stored on the printer when the whole workbook is printed to the private or secure area of the printer Q915971 KB915971 September 19, 2011
- 828340 Excel statistical functions: TINV Q828340 KB828340 September 19, 2011
- 828281 Excel statistical functions: LOGNORMDIST Q828281 KB828281 September 19, 2011
- 828236 Description of the FORECAST function in Excel Q828236 KB828236 September 19, 2011
- 828142 Excel statistical functions: SLOPE Q828142 KB828142 September 19, 2011
- 928282 Error message when you try to open a Word 2007 document: "The Office Open XML file <file_name> cannot be opened" Q928282 KB928282 September 18, 2011
- 870622 How to troubleshoot problems that you may experience when you try to print to a local printer by using Office programs in Windows XP Q870622 KB870622 September 18, 2011
- 928467 Chained commands do not run after the installation of a 2007 Office suite or program fails Q928467 KB928467 September 13, 2011
- 928149 Previews of 2007 Office files are not displayed after you install a 2007 Office suite or program on a computer that is running Windows Vista Q928149 KB928149 September 13, 2011
- 899726 Issues that you may experience when you work with an .art file in an Office document Q899726 KB899726 September 12, 2011
- 895975 You receive an "Error 2902. An internal error has occurred" error message or an "Installation unsuccessful" error message when you install an Office 2003 update on a computer that has Windows Installer 3.0 installed Q895975 KB895975 September 12, 2011
- 873299 "Windows Firewall has blocked this program from accepting connections from the Internet or network" message appears when you save a file to an FTP Web site in Office Q873299 KB873299 September 12, 2011
- 833267 Setup or repair quits unexpectedly with no error message when you try to setup or to repair Office 2007 or Office 2003 Q833267 KB833267 September 12, 2011
- 832765 Warning message appears when you visit the Office Update Web site: "Internet Explorer version 5.5 or later is required" Q832765 KB832765 September 12, 2011
- 827739 The Ink Annotation feature is available in a slide show in PowerPoint 2003 and in PowerPoint 2007 Q827739 KB827739 September 12, 2011
- 817096 You cannot paste or save changes to an .wmf or .emf file in Office 2007 and in Office 2003 Q817096 KB817096 September 12, 2011
- 983120 Error bars are applied to the incorrect data points in an Excel 2010 or Excel 2007 chart when the X-axis labels are dates and are sorted in descending order Q983120 KB983120 August 26, 2011
- 2590495 Outlook 2010 attachments may not open in downlevel Excel versions Q2590495 KB2590495 August 4, 2011
- 2552543 Description of the Excel 2007 hotfix package (xlconv-x-none.msp, oartconv-x-none.msp, oart-x-none.msp, graph-x-none.msp, excel-x-none.msp): June 28, 2011 Q2552543 KB2552543 June 28, 2011
- 2299192 Links to data tables residing in external files display #REF! Q2299192 KB2299192 June 17, 2011
- 2549291 Invalid product key type errors occur in Microsoft Office 2007 or 2003 Q2549291 KB2549291 May 11, 2011
- 2513216 Microsoft Query lists user objects and system views in the query wizard Q2513216 KB2513216 April 28, 2011
- 2534497 Description of the guidelines for selecting the appropriate picture format in an Office program Q2534497 KB2534497 April 10, 2011
- 2534458 How to obtain the latest service pack for the 2007 Office suite Q2534458 KB2534458 April 10, 2011
- 2519419 How to obtain a new product key for a Microsoft Office suite Q2519419 KB2519419 April 7, 2011
- 2493732 Office 2007 Cumulative Update for February 2011 Q2493732 KB2493732 February 24, 2011
- 2273257 Office Application Custom Code Solutions Q2273257 KB2273257 February 21, 2011
- 2496739 A Microsoft Office application will crash if you run the Close or Quit method from the PowerPoint object model Q2496739 KB2496739 February 14, 2011
- 2276904 Office Deployment Q2276904 KB2276904 January 12, 2011
- 2983314 Description of the Office Excel 2007 hotfix package (Excel-x-none.msp, Graph-x-none.msp, Xlconv-x-none.msp): June 29, 2010 Q2983314 KB2983314 January 11, 2011
- 2479671 Office 2007 Cumulative Update for December 2010 Q2479671 KB2479671 January 6, 2011