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Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0 articles, fixes and updates - Year 2004
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0 that have been released in Year 2004. The list is daily updated.
- 279569 Restored ads have a weight of 1 in Commerce Server 2000 and Commerce Server 2002 Q279569 KB279569 November 17, 2004
- 322816 Commerce Profile Services returns E_OutofMemory Q322816 KB322816 September 22, 2004
- 300469 How To Use Internet Publishing Provider to Upload Files in IIS Q300469 KB300469 September 7, 2004
- 837518 How to install IIS 5.0 debug tools on an Application Center 2000 cluster Q837518 KB837518 August 12, 2004
- 197728 Creating a Thread Pool for MFC-Based ISAPI Extensions Q197728 KB197728 August 5, 2004
- 328138 Support WebCast: Microsoft Internet Information Services: Debugging Web Applications Q328138 KB328138 August 4, 2004
- 295405 How To Capture TCP and HTTP Data Frames Using Network Monitor and MSXML HTTP Code Q295405 KB295405 July 16, 2004
- 250673 PRB: Visual Basic GetSetting and SaveSetting Do Not Work in IIS Components Q250673 KB250673 July 16, 2004
- 238082 FIX: Source and Description Blank when Using Err.Raise from MTS and ASP Q238082 KB238082 July 16, 2004
- 237536 PRB: 80004005 Unspecified Error When Passing Disconnected Recordset from MTS to ASP Q237536 KB237536 July 16, 2004
- 223406 How To Create an Empty MTS Package to Add Components for ASP Q223406 KB223406 July 16, 2004
- 198808 How To Post a Dynamic String Array from the Client to an ASP Q198808 KB198808 July 16, 2004
- 319179 PRB: Operation Is Excessively Slow When You Start the IIS MMC or Explorer.exe to Retrieve Directory Properties Q319179 KB319179 July 15, 2004
- 310178 HOW TO: Install Imported Certificates on a Web Server in Windows 2000 Q310178 KB310178 July 15, 2004
- 273496 PRB: IIS 5.0 Stops Responding When You Call Application.Lock and Application.Unlock in WebClasses Q273496 KB273496 July 15, 2004
- 238274 How To Obtain ObjectContext with ObjectControl Inside VB COM DLL From ASP and MTS Q238274 KB238274 July 15, 2004
- 229672 How To Create an Updateable Grid by Using the Visual InterDev 6.0 Grid DTC Q229672 KB229672 July 15, 2004
- 199841 How To Display ASP Results Using Excel in IE with MIME Types Q199841 KB199841 July 15, 2004
- 189888 PRB: Stack Size Now 256 K in Internet Information Server 4.0 Q189888 KB189888 July 15, 2004
- 255886 INFO: How to Pause ASP Code for Debugging Q255886 KB255886 July 14, 2004
- 217111 PRB: Calling getenv() in COM Objects Does Not Work Under Active Server Pages Q217111 KB217111 July 14, 2004
- 306216 PRB: Error "Unable to Load Communication Module" in ASP/ADO/SQL Server Q306216 KB306216 July 13, 2004
- 272490 BUG: Error 0x800A02E0 "Cannot Save an Uninitialized Class" on Visual Basic Component Q272490 KB272490 July 13, 2004
- 272269 How To Retrieve XML Data by Using a SQL XML Query in an ASP Client Q272269 KB272269 July 13, 2004
- 260881 How To Use the DATAPAGESIZE DHTML Attribute to Control Data Display in Databound HTML Table Q260881 KB260881 July 13, 2004
- 224282 How To Select Client Certificate in WinInet Q224282 KB224282 July 13, 2004
- 238554 How To Prevent MFC ISAPI Extensions from Returning a Default Set of Headers Q238554 KB238554 July 1, 2004
- 225131 How To Implement Visual C++ COM Objects Returning Recordsets Q225131 KB225131 July 1, 2004
- 224424 How To Implement Visual Basic COM Objects Returning Recordsets Q224424 KB224424 July 1, 2004
- 218454 How To Implement Array Arguments in Visual C++ COM Objects for Active Server Pages Q218454 KB218454 July 1, 2004
- 245198 INFO: Response.Buffer Is ON by Default in Internet Information Services 5.0 Q245198 KB245198 June 30, 2004
- 310901 HOW TO: Use a Project Hook to Recycle IIS So VFP COM DLL Can Be Rebuilt Q310901 KB310901 June 29, 2004
- 260529 How To Create a Reentrant ASP Page Q260529 KB260529 June 29, 2004
- 240146 Delay Between TCP Response Packets Generated by ISAPI on IIS Q240146 KB240146 June 29, 2004
- 224397 PRB: "Error Loading DLL" When Returning User Defined Data Type from VB COM Object Q224397 KB224397 June 29, 2004
- 203573 PRB: ASP/ADO Coding Error Produces ASP 0115 Error Q203573 KB203573 June 29, 2004
- 262681 FIX: When You Store an ActiveX Data Objects Recordset Object Session in Internet Information Server 5.0 Q262681 KB262681 June 28, 2004
- 307267 HOW TO: Secure XML Web Services with Secure Socket Layer in Windows 2000 Q307267 KB307267 June 25, 2004
- 290398 PRB: Access Denied When You Try to Start DCOM Server Q290398 KB290398 June 25, 2004
- 271787 PRB: Application.Lock and Application.UnLock Cause Server to Hang in IIS 5.0 Q271787 KB271787 June 25, 2004
- 268585 How to Run IIS 5.0 and Windows Media Services with HTTP Streaming Enabled Q268585 KB268585 June 25, 2004
- 251215 Error Message: Error 406, No Acceptable Objects Were Found Q251215 KB251215 June 24, 2004
- 245000 PRB: Do Not Save ASP Files in UNICODE Format Q245000 KB245000 June 24, 2004
- 236889 BUG: JScript from ASP Page Sends Mixed-Case Boolean Values to Client Q236889 KB236889 June 24, 2004
- 200261 PRB: AppendChunk from ADO or RDS Doubles Binary Field Size Q200261 KB200261 June 24, 2004
- 178037 PRB: Session Variables Are Lost When ASP Is Located in Frameset Q178037 KB178037 June 24, 2004
- 555129 Updating Performance Counters from ASP.NET Q555129 KB555129 June 5, 2004
- 327437 An application that ran correctly before a restart now does not run because the Active Directory schema is not correctly cached by ADSI Q327437 KB327437 June 1, 2004
- 555116 Create IIS Default website using IIS 6.0 Resource kit. Q555116 KB555116 May 17, 2004