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Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 articles, fixes and updates - letter Y
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alphabetical list: A B C D E F H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y
This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 starts with letter Y that have been released. The list is daily updated.
- 251404 You cannot post data to a non-NTLM-authenticated Web site Q251404 KB251404 February 28, 2020
- 145661 You receive a "The specified CGI application misbehaved" error message Q145661 KB145661 August 1, 2019
- 919074 You receive an error message when you try to import an SSL private key certificate (.pfx) file into the local computer personal certificate store by using IIS Manager Q919074 KB919074 June 10, 2019
- 908572 You receive a "Failed to generate the certificate request" error message when you try create a certificate request in IIS Q908572 KB908572 June 10, 2019
- 309634 You receive the "Cannot create a file when that file already exists" error message when you try to rename a file in IIS Q309634 KB309634 June 9, 2019
- 886695 You receive an "Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion" error message when a service that uses the local system account tries to start on a Windows Server 2003-based computer Q886695 KB886695 May 2, 2019
- 327659 You may receive a 403 error when you use an ASP request to upload a large file in Internet Information Services Q327659 KB327659 December 19, 2018
- 824035 You receive a "Page cannot be displayed" error message when you try to access a site by using HTTPS Q824035 KB824035 April 23, 2018
- 920721 You may receive an "ASP 0126" error message when you try to view an ASP Web page that is hosted in IIS 6 Q920721 KB920721 April 19, 2018
- 890015 You receive a "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" error message when you try to start a Web site in the Internet Information Services MMC snap-in Q890015 KB890015 April 17, 2018
- 896861 You receive error 401.1 when you browse a Web site that uses Integrated Authentication and is hosted on IIS 5.1 or a later version Q896861 KB896861 April 16, 2018
- 903072 You may receive an error message and the installation may stop responding when you try to start the IIS Admin service in IIS Q903072 KB903072 March 30, 2017
- 896839 You may receive an "Error 1053" error message when you try to start or to restart the IIS Admin Service in IIS6 Q896839 KB896839 March 30, 2017
- 871179 You receive an "HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials" error message when you try to access a Web site that is part of an IIS 6.0 application pool Q871179 KB871179 March 29, 2017
- 906474 You may receive an "HTTP Error 401.5" error message when you open an ASP page that is hosted on Internet Information Services 6.0 Q906474 KB906474 February 16, 2017
- 922734 You receive an HTTP error message when you try to view an ASP page that is located in a virtual directory on a server that is running IIS 6.0 or 5.0 Q922734 KB922734 January 17, 2015
- 922722 You are not redirected to a password change page when you try to open a Web folder from a remote WebDAV-enabled site Q922722 KB922722 January 17, 2015
- 922421 You may receive multiple "HTTP 400 BadRequest" error messages from IIS when you configure Outlook 2003 to use RPC over HTTP to connect to an Exchange Server 2003 e-mail server Q922421 KB922421 January 17, 2015
- 909289 You may receive “Out of memory” error messages when you run a multithreaded program that uses the IIS ADSI provider on a Windows Server 2003 SP1-based computer Q909289 KB909289 January 17, 2015
- 905423 You may notice multiple instances of Inetinfo.exe on the computer or you may receive an error message when you try to start an IIS service Q905423 KB905423 January 17, 2015
- 897110 You may receive one or more error messages when you try to access an ASP.NET application that is hosted by using pass-through authentication in a UNC virtual directory in Internet Information Services 6.0 Q897110 KB897110 January 17, 2015
- 896285 You may receive an error message when you try to use WebDAV to upload files to Web site that is hosted on IIS 6.0 Q896285 KB896285 January 17, 2015
- 895248 You may receive a "Documents in this folder are not available" error message when you try to open a Web folder that is hosted on an Internet Information Services Web site Q895248 KB895248 January 17, 2015
- 975439 You receive an HTTP Error 403 page when you access the Reporting Services virtual directory for System Center Operations Manager 2007 after you upgrade to Windows Server 2008 Q975439 KB975439 January 16, 2015
- 831923 You receive an "Access is denied" error message when you try to view a Web page in Internet Explorer 6 SP1 Q831923 KB831923 January 12, 2015
- 828359 You Receive an Error Message When You Try to Pass Certain Parameters to an .idc File Q828359 KB828359 February 27, 2014
- 824033 You receive an Event ID 1131 error message when you try to add a Web site Q824033 KB824033 February 27, 2014
- 818073 You cannot configure Web and FTP site operators by using Internet Services Manager Q818073 KB818073 February 27, 2014
- 826410 You Cannot Disable the Logging of Successful Requests in IIS 6.0 Q826410 KB826410 October 26, 2013
- 2023856 You receive a script error message when you use the Web Deployment Tool (Web Deploy) dbFullSql provider to execute a database script Q2023856 KB2023856 April 20, 2010
- 2023855 You receive an error message when you use the Web Deployment Tool (Web Deploy) as a delegated user over a remote IIS manager connection via the Web Management Service (WMSVC) Q2023855 KB2023855 April 20, 2010
- 2023852 You receive an error when you use the Web Deployment Tool (Web Deploy) as a non-administrative user Q2023852 KB2023852 April 20, 2010
- 2023850 You receive a connection error message when you use the Web Deployment Tool (Web Deploy) dbFullSql provider to connect to a SQL instance Q2023850 KB2023850 April 20, 2010
- 843584 Your ASP or ASP.NET application may restart or you may lose the session object when more SMB requests exist than the Web server can process Q843584 KB843584 August 11, 2009
- 958974 You may be unable to manage IIS 6.0 by using Server Manager if two threads access IIS 7.0 at the same time Q958974 KB958974 October 17, 2008
- 954756 You experience issues when you host a Web application that contains lots of ASP files in IIS Q954756 KB954756 June 27, 2008
- 903071 You may receive a "The function requested is not supported" error message when you try to connect to a Web site that is hosted on IIS Q903071 KB903071 June 5, 2008
- 904056 You may receive an error message when you try to start a CGI program that is hosted on IIS 6 Q904056 KB904056 December 3, 2007
- 902160 You receive "HTTP Error 401" error messages, and you intermittently cannot connect to a Web site that is hosted on IIS 6.0 Q902160 KB902160 December 3, 2007
- 899523 You receive an error message when you try to use IIS 6.0 Manager for Windows XP to connect to an instance of IIS 6.0 that is running on a remote server Q899523 KB899523 December 3, 2007
- 896286 You receive a 2269 event message when you try to start a worker process in IIS 6.0 Q896286 KB896286 December 3, 2007
- 884115 You receive a "403.13 client certificate revoked" error message when you connect to a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 and Internet Information Services 6.0 Q884115 KB884115 December 3, 2007
- 883489 You receive an "Access is denied" error message when you connect to a Web site after you modify permissions in the metabase in IIS 6.0 Q883489 KB883489 December 3, 2007
- 841460 You may experience performance problems when you use the URL authorization feature of IIS 6.0 Q841460 KB841460 December 3, 2007
- 836533 You receive a "The security context is invalid" error message when you call or create an out-of-process component Q836533 KB836533 December 3, 2007
- 835880 You receive a "400 – BadRequest" error message from Internet Information Services 6.0 Q835880 KB835880 December 3, 2007
- 284662 You receive a "Web Proxy service failed to bind its socket" event message when you use both IIS and ISA Server 2000 Q284662 KB284662 December 3, 2007
- 937690 You may experience unexpected behavior when you send a request for a resource that has the .map file name extension to a server that is running IIS Q937690 KB937690 June 15, 2007
- 922703 You may experience poor Web performance when you use Internet Explorer 6 to try to access a Web application that is hosted on Internet Information Services 6.0 Q922703 KB922703 June 7, 2007
- 925038 You may be unable to start the World Wide Web Publishing Service on a computer that is running IIS 6.0 and has the Patchlink third-party software installed Q925038 KB925038 October 11, 2006