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BizTalk Server 2002 articles, fixes and updates - Year 2002
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft BizTalk Server 2002 that have been released in Year 2002. The list is daily updated.
- 331337 Must Restart the Interchange COM+ Application After a Connection Loss to SQL Q331337 KB331337 December 19, 2002
- 311516 BUG: Runtime Errors When You Try to Open the Trading Partner Manager Q311516 KB311516 November 22, 2002
- 319003 IInterchange::Submit() Remains Pending When You Submit a Document to a Distribution List Q319003 KB319003 October 16, 2002
- 326452 INFO: What Are the Differences Between the Different Editions of BizTalk Server? Q326452 KB326452 September 11, 2002
- 327060 INFO: Windows XP Supports BizTalk Server 2002 for Development Purposes Q327060 KB327060 August 27, 2002
- 299975 PRB: You May Encounter Delays When You Are Running Multiple XLANG Schedules That Are Using Correlation Q299975 KB299975 August 15, 2002
- 319975 FIX: RosettaNet Receives "No Object for Moniker" Error Message from XLANG for Valid Monikers Under Stress Q319975 KB319975 July 30, 2002
- 312748 BUG: Garbage Characters Are Displayed in a File Name When It Is Stored to WebDAV Q312748 KB312748 June 11, 2002
- 323205 PRB: "500 Internal Server" Error Message with Synchronous HTTP Receive Function Q323205 KB323205 June 6, 2002
- 308999 PRB: BizTalk Server Does Not Log Errors for Requests Made to a Disabled HTTP Receive Function Q308999 KB308999 May 24, 2002
- 321853 INFO: HTTP Receive Function Correlation Token Format Q321853 KB321853 May 1, 2002
- 312658 PRB: Large Documents Are Not Processed When You Have Document Tracking Turned On Q312658 KB312658 April 26, 2002
- 320163 PRB: You Can Not See the Incoming Document in the Document Tracking Tool When It Processes a Flat File Q320163 KB320163 April 11, 2002
- 312761 BUG: You Cannot Add a BizTalk Server to a Group If the Messaging Service Is Paused Q312761 KB312761 April 8, 2002
- 312751 PRB: BizTalk Administration Generates an Error If Microsoft BizTalk Server Cannot Connect to Microsoft SQL Server Q312751 KB312751 April 8, 2002
- 312707 PRB: Constants of Type UINT or INT Are Invalid Input Parameters for an Orchestration Scripting Component Q312707 KB312707 March 20, 2002
- 319025 Map Definition Associated with a Given Channel Is Not Refreshed with the BizTalk SDK Refresh Messaging Manager Tool Q319025 KB319025 March 13, 2002
- 316778 DOC: BizTalk 2002 Documentation Incorrectly Indicates That Windows Only Authentication Mode Is Required on SQL Server Q316778 KB316778 February 21, 2002
- 312764 BUG: You Cannot Input Characters That Are Defined in Unicode Version 3.0 in BizTalk Editor Q312764 KB312764 February 20, 2002
- 312723 INFO: XLANG Correlation Does Not Work with XLANG Receive Actions That Are Bound to BizTalk Messaging Q312723 KB312723 January 23, 2002
- 312729 INFO: You Cannot Deploy Items That Are Not Associated with a Resource in Application Center 2000 Q312729 KB312729 January 6, 2002
- 312695 BUG: Meaningless Characters Are Displayed When You Add New Shapes to an SKV File Q312695 KB312695 January 6, 2002
- 312769 BUG: "Internal Error 2744" or "Internal Error 2740" Error Message When You Uninstall BizTalk Server 2002 Q312769 KB312769 January 4, 2002
- 312687 PRB: BizTalk Server Tutorial Sends Responses to Console When You Use Terminal Services Q312687 KB312687 January 4, 2002