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Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.6 articles, fixes and updates - letter B
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.6 starts with letter B that have been released. The list is daily updated.
- 304537 BUG: Message Box with Question Marks Appears When You Use ODBC for Oracle Driver to Create a New Data Source Q304537 KB304537 October 24, 2013
- 294160 BUG: Update of Newly Inserted Row Causes DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED Q294160 KB294160 November 30, 2007
- 308264 BUG: SQLDescribeCol Returns Wrong Column Size in a Complex Union Query with Parameters Q308264 KB308264 February 23, 2007
- 300948 BUG: Incorrect TABLE_TYPE Is Returned for Excel Worksheets Q300948 KB300948 February 12, 2007
- 272581 BUG: MDAC 2.6 Breaks Localized Error Message on a MUI Computer Q272581 KB272581 February 12, 2007
- 267550 BUG: "Assertion Failed" When You Connect to a SQL Server Through TCP/IP Q267550 KB267550 February 12, 2007
- 245509 BUG: Error Message "Async Operation Is Pending" Using RDS DataControl Q245509 KB245509 February 12, 2007
- 172864 BUG: ASP Pages Fail on Access to Session and Application Objects Q172864 KB172864 May 2, 2006
- 253157 BUG: Identity field remains read-only after executing SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON statement Q253157 KB253157 April 29, 2005
- 189220 BUG: "Syntax Error in INSERT INTO..." on ADO Recordset.Update Q189220 KB189220 March 2, 2005
- 309306 BUG: OLE DB HIERARCHIES Schema Rowset Incorrectly Documents the ALL_MEMBER Column Q309306 KB309306 September 10, 2004
- 305387 BUG: UpdateBatch Generates SQL Statement That Cannot Reuse SQL Server Query Plans Q305387 KB305387 June 28, 2004
- 317913 BUG: Data Loss When You Use the Save Method with adPersistADTG and adUseServer Q317913 KB317913 April 6, 2004
- 314639 BUG: Access Violation Occurs When You Open a Recordset with a Different Lock Type Q314639 KB314639 April 6, 2004
- 294168 BUG: Memory Leak in OLE DB Provider for SQL Server When It Is Loaded and Unloaded Multiple Times Q294168 KB294168 April 6, 2004
- 294149 BUG: Function Sequence Error Not Returned for Transactions When Connection Pooling Is Disabled Q294149 KB294149 December 5, 2003
- 293901 BUG: Incorrect Number of Rows Inserted Using MS ODBC Driver and Stored Procedure on SQL Server Q293901 KB293901 December 5, 2003
- 293659 BUG: SQL Server ODBC Driver Incorrectly Maps Unicode Datatypes with SQL_C_DEFAULT Q293659 KB293659 December 5, 2003
- 289280 BUG: Oracle ODBC Connectivity Slow with MDAC 2.5/2.6 on Windows 95/98/NT Q289280 KB289280 December 5, 2003
- 271852 BUG: MS Oracle ODBC Driver Truncates Trailing Spaces in Column Name Q271852 KB271852 December 5, 2003
- 247070 BUG: Opening a Long-Running View from SQL Server Enterprise Manager Gets ODBC Timeout Q247070 KB247070 December 5, 2003
- 241347 BUG: Inserting/Updating Dates Before "01-01-1900" Into SQL Using JDBC-ODBC Creates Errors Q241347 KB241347 December 5, 2003
- 239725 BUG: SQL Server Error "Specified Column Precision 38 Is Greater Than the Maximum Precision of 28. (2750)" When Running Parameterized Query Q239725 KB239725 December 5, 2003
- 301518 BUG: WriteText Method Fails If You Set the charset Property of the ADO Stream Object to ASCII Q301518 KB301518 December 3, 2003
- 294163 BUG: ADO Recordset EditMode Property Is Not Set If You Close Form While Editing Q294163 KB294163 December 3, 2003
- 257731 BUG: Error Message "Rows Must Be Released" with SQLOLEDB and ADO Recordset Events Q257731 KB257731 December 3, 2003
- 180211 BUG: Synonyms Do Not Work With Oracle Stored Procedures Q180211 KB180211 December 3, 2003
- 301534 BUG: RDO Returns Empty Recordset When You Pass Parameter from Visual Basic to Access Q301534 KB301534 November 17, 2003
- 246560 BUG: Excessive Network Activity When Using Access ODBC Driver Q246560 KB246560 November 17, 2003
- 245515 BUG: "Need a Newer Version of HHCTRL.OCX" Error Message When You View Help Files Q245515 KB245515 November 17, 2003
- 191708 BUG: Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver May Crash Client Application Q191708 KB191708 November 17, 2003
- 288772 BUG: Error Message Received When You Use the DTPicker to Update Table Q288772 KB288772 November 5, 2003
- 288409 BUG: Disconnected Hierarchical Recordset Does Not Disconnect from Database Server Q288409 KB288409 November 5, 2003
- 245494 BUG: adFilterConflictingRecords Does Not Filter All Conflicting Records When You Connect Through SQL Server ODBC Driver Q245494 KB245494 November 5, 2003
- 191513 BUG: T-SQL Debugger Is Not Invoked Calling Second Stored Procedure Q191513 KB191513 November 5, 2003
- 304372 BUG: SQLOLEDB May Fail with Parameterized Queries Q304372 KB304372 November 3, 2003
- 304277 BUG: ADO/SHAPE Generates Incorrect UPDATE Statement When Using UNION Clause Q304277 KB304277 November 3, 2003
- 301628 BUG: Update on Filter Column Row Pointer Changes from MDAC 2.1 to 2.5 and 2.6 Q301628 KB301628 October 17, 2003
- 331087 BUG: You Receive Error Messages If You Apply Microsoft Data Access Components Version 2.6 to a Computer That Is Running Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Message Queue Server Q331087 KB331087 September 24, 2003
- 298943 BUG: "Connect Timeout" Value Does Not Persist in UDL File Q298943 KB298943 September 24, 2003
- 323032 BUG: Component Checker Cannot Find Files in \Program Files\Common Files\System Folders Q323032 KB323032 May 28, 2003
- 313925 BUG: Oledb32.dll Truncates Data at the Embedded Null-termination Character if a Column Is Bound to DBTYPE_WSTR Q313925 KB313925 May 12, 2003
- 294153 BUG: SQLBulkOperations and SQLSetPos Don't Insert Identity Values Q294153 KB294153 May 12, 2003
- 294132 BUG: IDBSchemaRowset::GetRowset Returns Wrong Table Catalog Name Using SQLOLEDB with Server Cursor Q294132 KB294132 May 12, 2003
- 281735 BUG: "Memory could not be read" Error Occurs with ODBC Under High Stress Q281735 KB281735 May 12, 2003
- 274829 BUG: SQLGetDescField to Get Table Name Does Not Work with Firehose Cursor and/or Parameter Q274829 KB274829 May 12, 2003
- 269344 BUG: Microsoft Oracle ODBC Driver and OLE DB Provider Report "Driver Not Capable" Q269344 KB269344 May 12, 2003
- 294177 BUG: SQLConfigDataSource Returns TRUE Even Without Registry Permissions Q294177 KB294177 May 10, 2003
- 311505 BUG: "PL/SQL Argument Name Is Invalid" Error Message When You Use MSDAORA with 30 Character Parameter Q311505 KB311505 May 8, 2003
- 304253 BUG: Error When You Set the "Server Data on Insert" Property and Open a Recordset Q304253 KB304253 May 8, 2003
- 293828 BUG: Excel File Size Grows When You Edit or Update ADO Recordset on Excel Spreadsheet Q293828 KB293828 May 8, 2003
- 287083 BUG: First Row Is Not Saved if ADO Recordset Is Bound to Any Control and Persisted to XML Q287083 KB287083 May 8, 2003
- 269577 BUG: Cannot Cancel Execution of Command/Recordset Through the Shape Provider Q269577 KB269577 May 8, 2003
- 269522 BUG: Data in Bound Text Box Does Not Return to Original Value After CancelUpdate If Changed in Code Q269522 KB269522 May 8, 2003
- 246905 BUG: Problem Updating ADO Hierarchical Recordset When Join Tables Share Same Column Name Q246905 KB246905 May 8, 2003
- 245498 BUG: MSDAIPP Provider Does Not Deny The Assignment of an Integer Value to an Array Typed Column Q245498 KB245498 May 8, 2003
- 235566 BUG: Unexpected Cursor Behavior with Set NoCount Statement and SQLOLEDB Q235566 KB235566 May 8, 2003