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Internet Explorer 5.5 articles, fixes and updates - letter Y
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 starts with letter Y that have been released. The list is daily updated.
- 293623 You receive a "Microsoft Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close (Pdm.dll)" error message Q293623 KB293623 April 30, 2020
- 822458 You are repeatedly prompted to enter your credentials to use a proxy server in Internet Explorer Service Pack 1 Q822458 KB822458 April 20, 2018
- 314645 You Cannot Save Web Proxy Setting in Internet Explorer on Some Windows-Based Clients Q314645 KB314645 April 16, 2018
- 872884 You are not prompted to change your expired password when Internet Explorer is configured to connect to a remote access server by using a dial-up or a VPN connection Q872884 KB872884 January 4, 2015
- 834282 You may be unexpectedly prompted to log on when you open an HTML e-mail message in Outlook or in Outlook Express Q834282 KB834282 December 31, 2014
- 325355 You cannot access Word documents by using Outlook Web Access on a server that is running SharePoint Portal Server Q325355 KB325355 December 31, 2014
- 815628 You Cannot Log On to Secure Web Page After You Install the August 22, 2002 Cumulative Patch for Internet Explorer Q815628 KB815628 October 26, 2013
- 305674 You Cannot View Java Applets After You Upgrade to Internet Explorer 5.5 Q305674 KB305674 October 26, 2013
- 192591 You receive the "Error loading Setupwbv.dll" error message when you try to remove Internet Explorer Q192591 KB192591 October 26, 2013
- 294707 You May Receive a Dr Watson Error Message When You Select the "Security" Tab in Internet Explorer Q294707 KB294707 October 23, 2013
- 328002 You cannot connect to Terminal Services from a Web page Q328002 KB328002 April 12, 2013
- 303399 You Cannot Finish Installing or Upgrading Internet Explorer Q303399 KB303399 August 2, 2012
- 320159 Your home page setting changes unexpectedly, or you cannot change your home page setting in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.or Windows Internet Explorer 7 Q320159 KB320159 December 21, 2007
- 416351 You cannot open Office files in Internet Explorer Q416351 KB416351 August 17, 2007
- 308326 You Cannot Install the May 24th, 2001 Security Update from the Windows Update Web Site Q308326 KB308326 August 6, 2007
- 820575 You cannot customize Outlook Today after you install Critical Update 813489 for Internet Explorer Q820575 KB820575 March 6, 2007
- 884430 Your home page is assigned to the incorrect security zone if Internet Explorer uses a proxy auto-configuration (.pac) file to specify proxy settings Q884430 KB884430 February 7, 2007
- 330824 You Can Send XML-Formatted Web Pages Only as Attachments Q330824 KB330824 February 1, 2007
- 308082 You Cannot Use the TAB or ESC Keys to Close the Trusted Sites and Restricted Sites Dialog Boxes Q308082 KB308082 January 31, 2007
- 301897 You Cannot Change the Temporary Internet File Folder or the Cache Size Q301897 KB301897 January 31, 2007
- 822128 You receive a password prompt when you close a Word 2007 or Word 2003 document in Internet Explorer 5.0 or later versions Q822128 KB822128 January 30, 2007
- 273108 You Cannot Change the Default Option for Printing Framed Web Pages Q273108 KB273108 January 29, 2007
- 181502 You May Not be Able to Change the Font Size in Internet Explorer Q181502 KB181502 January 22, 2007
- 174608 You receive an error message when you try to open Control Panel in Windows 95 Q174608 KB174608 November 1, 2006
- 873091 You cannot type Japanese characters in an input text box on a HTML Web page in Windows 2000 Q873091 KB873091 January 11, 2006
- 172546 You receive the "Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site <address>" error message when you try to connect to the Internet Q172546 KB172546 October 7, 2004