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.NET Framework 1.0 articles, fixes and updates - letter F
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 starts with letter F that have been released. The list is daily updated.
- 917865 FIX: The System.Threading.Timers Class Library unexpectedly runs in the .NET Framework 1.0 Service Pack 3 Q917865 KB917865 January 17, 2015
- 906475 FIX: Error message when you run a Visual Studio .NET application that tries to load more than one assembly: "System.IO.FileNotFoundException" Q906475 KB906475 January 17, 2015
- 904561 FIX: The System.Data.DataTable.Select method returns a result that is sorted on the first column of the table instead of the column that you specify in the second parameter of the method in the .NET Framework 1.0 Service Pack 3 Q904561 KB904561 January 17, 2015
- 898608 FIX: Unexpected behavior may occur when a Windows Forms application raises the UserPreferenceChanged event in the .NET Framework 1.0 with SP3 Q898608 KB898608 January 17, 2015
- 826297 FIX: An Invalid Handle Exception Occurs When You Use the ReceiveBy or ReceiveByCorrelationID Methods with Multiple Threads Q826297 KB826297 February 28, 2014
- 827163 FIX: References to STA objects that are stored in session state may become corrupted if they are called from a Session_End event Q827163 KB827163 February 27, 2014
- 821340 FIX: ASP.NET Client SCRIPT Elements Do Not Contain a Type Attribute Q821340 KB821340 February 27, 2014
- 820746 FIX: Some Antivirus Programs May Cause Web Applications to Restart Unexpectedly Q820746 KB820746 February 27, 2014
- 818537 FIX: Requests Are Incorrectly Treated as Non-Postback Requests Q818537 KB818537 February 27, 2014
- 817779 FIX: Form Inside of a User Control Generates a Script Error Q817779 KB817779 February 27, 2014
- 817005 FIX: Severe Performance Issues When You Bind Session State to Threads in ASPCompat Mode Q817005 KB817005 February 27, 2014
- 816829 FIX: When I/O thread processes a slow request, completions on named pipes between Inetinfo.exe and Aspnet_wp.exe are blocked in the .NET Framework 1.0 Q816829 KB816829 February 27, 2014
- 813105 FIX: .NET Framework Implementation of IEnumConnections::Next Causes the Client Application to Stop Responding Q813105 KB813105 February 27, 2014
- 813078 FIX: Postbacks May Fail When SmartNav Is On Q813078 KB813078 February 27, 2014
- 811532 FIX: The Windows Forms ActiveX Control Importer (Aximp.exe) does not correctly handle default values Q811532 KB811532 February 27, 2014
- 810280 FIX: After an AppDomain Unload, the ASP.NET Worker Process Uses 100 Percent of the CPU Q810280 KB810280 February 27, 2014
- 810814 FIX: Web Services Performance When You Use Authentication Q810814 KB810814 November 2, 2013
- 329250 FIX: Stronger Credentials for processModel, identity, and sessionState Q329250 KB329250 November 2, 2013
- 316334 FIX: COM Interop marshaler incorrectly matches types between assemblies Q316334 KB316334 November 2, 2013
- 834053 FIX: You receive a "server application unavailable" error message in the Session_OnStart event of your application Q834053 KB834053 November 1, 2013
- 825878 FIX: A Web client may stop responding for a longer time period than the time period that is specified in the timeout property while calling a method of the Web service Q825878 KB825878 November 1, 2013
- 823015 FIX: Access violations in ASP.NET that are associated with IObjContext Interface Object Q823015 KB823015 November 1, 2013
- 813031 FIX: The LostFocus event is raised before the GotFocus event when you press the TAB key to change the focus to a ComboBox control in the .NET Framework 1.0 Q813031 KB813031 November 1, 2013
- 891782 FIX: You may receive a "BOOTUP_EXCEPTION_COMPLUS (0xc0020001)" error message when you quit a program that uses the System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent class in the .NET Framework 1.0 Q891782 KB891782 October 27, 2013
- 887807 FIX: You receive an error message when you try to use the Sos.dll debugging extension in the .NET Framework 1.0 Service Pack 2 Q887807 KB887807 October 27, 2013
- 840870 FIX: ASP.NET requests run, but no ASPNET_WP.EXE worker process appears in Task Manager Q840870 KB840870 October 26, 2013
- 839425 FIX: The group membership list becomes truncated when you add group memberships by using the .NET Framework System.DirectoryServices namespace Q839425 KB839425 October 26, 2013
- 839046 FIX: A memory leak may occur when COM objects are passed as VARIANT in the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 Q839046 KB839046 October 26, 2013
- 838965 FIX: You may experience performance issues if your application uses reflection with the SharedSecurityDescriptor object critical section in the .NET Framework 1.0 Q838965 KB838965 October 26, 2013
- 838964 FIX: You experience an InvalidOperationException error in an application that uses the Enterprise Instrumentation Framework Q838964 KB838964 October 26, 2013
- 838093 FIX: A leak in the async handles and the server sockets occurs when the connection drops in an application that uses .NET Framework remoting Q838093 KB838093 October 26, 2013
- 834907 FIX: The Visual Studio .NET 2002 IDE crashes when a double array property of a user control is set to a very small value or to a very large value Q834907 KB834907 October 26, 2013
- 834394 FIX: The debugger receives an invalid handle exception error message when you run AppVerifier on a program that was built on the .NET Framework 1.0 Q834394 KB834394 October 26, 2013
- 834292 FIX: You receive a "TypeLoadException: MethodImpl's Decl and Body method signatures do not match" error message and your assembly does not load Q834292 KB834292 October 26, 2013
- 833643 FIX: Function names that use Double-Byte Character Set characters are changed by Wsdl.exe if you installed software update Q826231 Q833643 KB833643 October 26, 2013
- 831960 FIX: The DirectorySearcher class returns incorrect values when you search the Active Directory hierarchy Q831960 KB831960 October 26, 2013
- 830730 FIX: The Zoom option of the System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog class does not work in the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 Q830730 KB830730 October 26, 2013
- 830698 FIX: Generated assembly may not contain emitted attributes Q830698 KB830698 October 26, 2013
- 828687 FIX: "Unhandled Execution" Error Message When You Use .NET Framework Remoting in Visual Studio .NET Q828687 KB828687 October 26, 2013
- 828224 FIX: No data is returned by the ODBC .NET Managed Provider even though data is available Q828224 KB828224 October 26, 2013
- 828077 FIX: A text box appears behind the scroll bars of a DataGrid object in an application that was created by using Visual Studio .NET 2002 Q828077 KB828077 October 26, 2013
- 826985 FIX: Performance slows in memory-intensive programs after you apply the hotfix that KB article 817618 describes Q826985 KB826985 October 26, 2013
- 826915 FIX: Marshal.ReleaseComObject Does Not Correctly Release Objects That Implement the IDisposable Interface Q826915 KB826915 October 26, 2013
- 826116 FIX: The focus in a DataGrid object does not respond correctly when you press CTRL+TAB to change the focus in a .NET Framework 1.0 application Q826116 KB826116 October 26, 2013
- 825058 FIX: The DataGrid control does not behave as expected when you scroll through the control by using the UP key or the DOWN key Q825058 KB825058 October 26, 2013
- 825031 FIX: You may receive an "IndexOutOfRangeException" error message when you use the SHIFT+UP ARROW key combination in a DataGrid control in Visual Studio .NET 2002 Q825031 KB825031 October 26, 2013
- 824381 FIX: The build process stops responding when you build a Visual Basic .NET project in a large Web solution in Visual Studio .NET 2002 Q824381 KB824381 October 26, 2013
- 824059 FIX: A System.InvalidOperationException occurs when you drag an application window over a .NET Framework 1.0 DataGrid object Q824059 KB824059 October 26, 2013
- 823202 FIX: Managed Application That Makes COM to COM+ Calls May Experience an Access Violation Error Q823202 KB823202 October 26, 2013
- 822923 FIX: The Regex class and the Match class may not correctly find matches for a regular expression Q822923 KB822923 October 26, 2013
- 822875 FIX: You notice an index out of bounds exception in the paint code of a Windows Forms DataGrid class when you compile an application Q822875 KB822875 October 26, 2013
- 821991 FIX: IEHost Causes Additional Traffic on Port 80 for Sites That Are Hosted on Other Ports Q821991 KB821991 October 26, 2013
- 820697 FIX: Worker ThreadPool Object Has No Threads Available Q820697 KB820697 October 26, 2013
- 819633 FIX: GDI Handles Leak When You Assign an Icon to a Windows Form Q819633 KB819633 October 26, 2013
- 817723 FIX : Menu Items Leak When Added to a Menu Bar on a Windows Form Q817723 KB817723 October 26, 2013
- 817618 FIX: Managed memory increases over time when you perform asynchronous network calls Q817618 KB817618 October 26, 2013
- 816762 FIX: The application configuration file cannot be downloaded from the Web server when you start a Web-based application that you deployed by using Internet Explorer Q816762 KB816762 October 26, 2013
- 816759 FIX: SqlClient Throws "Timeout Expired" with Extended Stored Procedure Q816759 KB816759 October 26, 2013
- 816498 FIX: The Visual Studio .NET 2002 Macro IDE crashes after you apply certain ASP.NET fixes Q816498 KB816498 October 26, 2013
- 815999 FIX: "FileNotFound" Error Message When You Run a Managed Application Under High Stress Q815999 KB815999 October 26, 2013
- 814970 FIX: The KeyDown event of a Simple style combo box is raised two times when you press the PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, UP ARROW, or DOWN ARROW key in the .NET Framework 1.0 SP2 Q814970 KB814970 October 26, 2013
- 814861 FIX: An unhandled exception error occurs in the Timer control in Visual Studio .NET 2002 Q814861 KB814861 October 26, 2013
- 814206 FIX: Calling Server.Transfer Skips Execution of Custom HTTP Filters Q814206 KB814206 October 26, 2013
- 813967 FIX: ImageList Class Leaks GDI Objects Q813967 KB813967 October 26, 2013
- 813419 FIX: Common Language Runtime may not handle an unexpected process shutdown correctly Q813419 KB813419 October 26, 2013
- 813354 FIX: You may notice a memory leak when you use the DateTimePicker control in the .NET Framework 1.0 Q813354 KB813354 October 26, 2013
- 813350 FIX: "Category Not Found" Error Message When You Run a New Visual Studio .NET Application in a Side-by-Side Environment Q813350 KB813350 October 26, 2013
- 812693 FIX: Unexpected Results for .NET-Connected Assemblies That Were Compiled by Using the JIT Compiler and That Contain Some Operators Q812693 KB812693 October 26, 2013
- 812280 FIX: EventLogEntry Class May Cause Leaks in Thread Local Storage and Event ID 4199 Event Log Entries Q812280 KB812280 October 26, 2013
- 812104 FIX: Form Keyboard Event Does Not Fire if a ComboBox Control Has Focus Q812104 KB812104 October 26, 2013
- 811330 FIX: Data may become corrupted in the DataGrid control on a computer that is running the .NET Framework 1.0 Q811330 KB811330 October 26, 2013
- 811239 FIX: ODBC .NET Managed Provider always binds decimal data type as precision 28 Q811239 KB811239 October 26, 2013
- 810852 FIX: The validating event on the user control does not fire as expected Q810852 KB810852 October 26, 2013
- 810328 FIX: Hotfix 324735 causes ASPX pages to generate HTML that does not postback correctly on Pocket PC 2002 Q810328 KB810328 October 26, 2013
- 810178 FIX: Memory Leak When Throwing Exceptions from Nested Exception Blocks Q810178 KB810178 October 26, 2013
- 810155 FIX: The application is slow to start when you debug in the Visual Studio .NET IDE Q810155 KB810155 October 26, 2013
- 330900 FIX: ExecutionEngineException Error After a Typical Exception Is Thrown Q330900 KB330900 October 26, 2013
- 330469 FIX: ASP.NET health monitoring does not work on servers that are running many processes Q330469 KB330469 October 26, 2013
- 330311 FIX: Slow Performance When You Use XmlValidatingReader Q330311 KB330311 October 26, 2013
- 330203 FIX: An application that uses MDI Child Forms and menus leaks Win32 resources Q330203 KB330203 October 26, 2013
- 329519 FIX: Memory leak in semaphores and events Q329519 KB329519 October 26, 2013
- 328557 FIX: You receive a "NullReferenceException" error message when you try to pass a .NET Framework class to a COM wrapper class Q328557 KB328557 October 26, 2013
- 328369 FIX: PerformanceCounter Class Keeps Remote Registry Handle Open Q328369 KB328369 October 26, 2013
- 327885 FIX: HttpWebRequest Sends an "Expect: 100-Continue" Header When You Use HTTP 1.0 Q327885 KB327885 October 26, 2013
- 327782 FIX: Performance Degrades When You Call Methods of a ServicedComponent Q327782 KB327782 October 26, 2013
- 327570 FIX: "Object Reference Error" error message when you add the System Monitor Control to a Windows Form Q327570 KB327570 October 26, 2013
- 327351 FIX: You Cannot Edit a DataRow in a Child Table if the DataSet Is Constructed from XML DiffGram Q327351 KB327351 October 26, 2013
- 325912 FIX: HTTP POST Can Block After a POST Does Not Succeed Q325912 KB325912 October 26, 2013
- 325799 FIX: Thread.CurrentPrincipal Is NULL When You Use Remoting Q325799 KB325799 October 26, 2013
- 325330 FIX: Numeric values do not parse correctly in Visual Basic .NET when you use Swedish language settings Q325330 KB325330 October 26, 2013
- 324547 FIX: Windows Control That Is Hosted in Microsoft Internet Explorer Leaks Unmanaged Resources Q324547 KB324547 October 26, 2013
- 324181 FIX: Marshaling of Fixed Arrays of BSTR Fields in .NET Framework Q324181 KB324181 October 26, 2013
- 321563 FIX: EventLog.WriteEntry Method May Fail Under Stress Q321563 KB321563 October 26, 2013
- 317353 FIX: Unexpected Validation Error on xsd:any processContents="skip" Q317353 KB317353 October 26, 2013
- 316797 FIX: The Validation of Keys Does Not Work If You Define More Than One Key Q316797 KB316797 October 26, 2013
- 328267 FIX: Aspnet_wp.exe is recycled because of a false deadlock Q328267 KB328267 October 25, 2013
- 322173 FIX: OnKeyUp Event Does Not Fire for WebBrowser Control Q322173 KB322173 October 24, 2013
- 322172 FIX: Marshalling Structures that Contain SafeArray Fields Q322172 KB322172 October 24, 2013
- 322171 FIX: When You Click a Maximized MDI Child Window Menu, the Adjacent Menu Appears Q322171 KB322171 October 24, 2013
- 321562 FIX: Role-Based Authentication Fails for Users Who Belong to Many Groups Q321562 KB321562 October 24, 2013
- 320898 FIX: NullReferenceException When You Print in Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition Q320898 KB320898 October 24, 2013
- 320849 FIX: Add Method of the DataRowCollection Does Not Reflect Changes in XmlDataDocument View Q320849 KB320849 October 24, 2013
- 320425 FIX: Delay in response for Dispose or Clear methods of a ListView control in Visual Studio .NET 2002 Q320425 KB320425 October 24, 2013
- 318360 FIX: The xsl:number Element Generates an Exception Error When the Format Pattern Is Set to "A.1" Q318360 KB318360 October 24, 2013
- 317415 FIX: XmlSchema Object Incorrectly Permits Invalid Local Elements in an XSD Schema Q317415 KB317415 October 24, 2013
- 316808 FIX: XPathNavigator.MoveToNextNamespace with XPathNamespaceScope.Local Q316808 KB316808 October 24, 2013
- 316552 FIX: Type Library Importer (Tlbimp.exe) Fails to Parse Certain Type Libraries Q316552 KB316552 October 24, 2013
- 312548 FIX: QuickStart Source Viewer Enables User to Read Any Text File on the Host Server Q312548 KB312548 October 24, 2013
- 311526 FIX: Misleading statement in System.Security.Cryptography.Xml namespace documentation Q311526 KB311526 October 24, 2013
- 310835 FIX: .NET Profiling Service Remoting Callbacks Are Unreliable Q310835 KB310835 October 24, 2013
- 887813 FIX: You receive an "AxImp Error Invalid Primitive Type System.Reflection.Missing" error message when you try to import an ActiveX control by using Aximp.exe in the .NET Framework 1.0 SP3 Q887813 KB887813 October 9, 2011
- 944746 FIX: Event ID: 1008 occurs after you apply security update MS07-040 on a computer that has the .NET Framework 1.0 installed Q944746 KB944746 October 8, 2011
- 893315 FIX: A program that frequently uses the System.Net.WebRequest method experiences an OutOfMemoryException error in the .NET Framework 1.0 Service Pack 3 Q893315 KB893315 September 28, 2011
- 893314 FIX: You may receive an "InvalidOperationException, Hashtable insert failed Load factor too high" error message when you try to insert a set of items into a Hashtable collection in the .NET Framework 1.0 SP3 Q893314 KB893314 September 28, 2011
- 912891 FIX: When you run a 64-bit application that was built by using the .NET Framework, you may notice that the application uses more memory than a similar 32-bit application Q912891 KB912891 March 24, 2009
- 899434 FIX: The Windows Forms ComboBox control may take longer to populate after you install the .NET Framework 1.0 Service Pack 3 Q899434 KB899434 December 3, 2007
- 895183 FIX: The ASP.NET worker process may stop responding, and you may experience an access violation in the Mscorsvr.dll file or in the Mscorwks.dll file Q895183 KB895183 December 3, 2007
- 892088 FIX: Your ASP.NET request runs, but no ASPNET_WP.EXE worker process appears in Task Manager when you use Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 SP3 Q892088 KB892088 December 3, 2007
- 891864 FIX: You receive a "Privilege not held" error message when you execute WMI operations by using the System.Management namespace in the .NET Framework 1.0 Service Pack 3 Q891864 KB891864 December 3, 2007
- 889392 FIX: BIN information is not included in the Mscorwks.dll file or in the Mscorsvr.dll file in the .NET Framework Q889392 KB889392 December 3, 2007
- 886795 FIX: The Leave event for a TextBox control may not be raised after you install the .NET Framework 1.0 Service Pack 3 Q886795 KB886795 December 3, 2007
- 886763 FIX: Your CPU utilization may increase and your computer may stop responding when you use a Windows Forms application that has a DataGrid control in the .NET Framework 1.0 Q886763 KB886763 December 3, 2007
- 884542 FIX: You receive an "Exception System.Security.SecurityException" error message when you host a .NET Windows Forms control in a browser window on a computer that has the .NET Framework 1.0 SP3 installed Q884542 KB884542 December 3, 2007
- 316319 FIX: System.StackOverflowException Error When You Access the UnderlyingValue Property Q316319 KB316319 November 29, 2007
- 819450 FIX: Intermittent "Underlying connection was closed" error message when you call a Web service from ASP.NET Q819450 KB819450 November 6, 2007
- 815252 Form key events are not raised when you type in a DataGrid cell with the KeyPreview property set to true Q815252 KB815252 May 13, 2007
- 812833 FIX: You cannot run multiple processes of ASP.NET at the same time Q812833 KB812833 May 12, 2007
- 896246 FIX: An E_POINTER value is returned when you call the Dispose method on an object that was derived from the ServicedComponent class in the .NET Framework 1.1 Q896246 KB896246 March 23, 2007
- 817854 FIX: ASP.NET Web application cannot deliver a client certificate to a security-enhanced Web site Q817854 KB817854 March 22, 2007
- 318945 FIX: Visual Studio .NET and MSDN files corrupted during installation Q318945 KB318945 March 16, 2007
- 327118 FIX: Tlbimp Does Not Support Retval Attribute on Parameters of Methods in a DISPINTERFACE Q327118 KB327118 February 23, 2007
- 327107 FIX: OutOfMemoryException Occurs When You Access Non-Fixed Size Safe Arrays in a User-Defined Type Q327107 KB327107 February 23, 2007
- 318608 FIX: Tlbimp.exe Generates Interface Wrappers that Cannot Be Used Q318608 KB318608 February 23, 2007
- 317577 FIX: Call to managed class method with StringBuilder as in or out parameter may fail Q317577 KB317577 February 23, 2007
- 317048 FIX: SafeArrayTypeMismatchException Error Message When You Invoke a COM Method Q317048 KB317048 February 23, 2007
- 819692 FIX: "Underlying Connection Was Closed" Exception on Long Running Method Calls Q819692 KB819692 February 12, 2007
- 328534 FIX: "The XML File \\MyComputer\MyShare\Web.config Could Not Be Loaded" Error Message Q328534 KB328534 February 12, 2007
- 327071 FIX: Qualified Attributes in XML Schemas Do Not Serialize Correctly Q327071 KB327071 February 12, 2007
- 326477 FIX: Software Publisher Certificate Verification Is Ignored During Policy Resolution Q326477 KB326477 February 12, 2007
- 326366 Fatal Execution Engine Error When AppDomain Unloads Q326366 KB326366 February 12, 2007
- 322844 FIX: XmlValidatingReader performs incorrect attribute and text nodes normalization with character entities 0xA and 0xD Q322844 KB322844 February 12, 2007
- 319177 FIX: CallContext objects are lost when you create a new serviced component Q319177 KB319177 February 12, 2007
- 318738 FIX: .NET Programs Are Slow to Load When Running Under a Domain Q318738 KB318738 February 12, 2007
- 317570 FIX: Instability Problems When You Run .NET Enterprise Services on Windows 2000 SP2 Q317570 KB317570 February 12, 2007
- 329658 FIX: You receive a "System.OverFlowException" error message when you call a method of a Component Object Model (COM) DLL from a Visual C# .NET program or a Visual Basic .NET program Q329658 KB329658 December 30, 2006
- 328811 FIX: The performance of a static synchronized method is slow in the .NET Framework 1.0 Q328811 KB328811 December 30, 2006
- 812515 FIX: You may receive a System.Messaging.MessageQueueException exception when you are running an application Q812515 KB812515 November 8, 2006
- 893222 FIX: You may experience frequent generation 2 garbage collection and high CPU usage by Aspnet_wp.exe on a computer that has the .NET Framework 1.0 SP2 installed Q893222 KB893222 July 26, 2006
- 816943 FIX: You may receive a java.net.NoRouteToHostException error when you try to open a new socket connection in a Visual J# project through a VPN connection Q816943 KB816943 July 12, 2006
- 893058 FIX: You may experience frequent generation 2 garbage collection and high CPU usage by Aspnet_wp.exe on a computer that has the .NET Framework 1.0 SP3 installed Q893058 KB893058 June 1, 2006
- 884871 FIX: The Server property may return as an empty string when you receive the SQLException object in the .NET Framework 1.0 and in the .NET Framework 1.1 Q884871 KB884871 June 1, 2006
- 875510 FIX: An access violation occurs when an AppDomain.Unload method is unloading in the .NET Framework 1.0 Q875510 KB875510 June 1, 2006
- 842765 FIX: When a new user logs on to a server, the Security.Config.cch file is not copied, and the logon may fail in the .NET Framework 1.0 Q842765 KB842765 June 1, 2006
- 875503 FIX: Slow performance, deadlocks, and memory leaks may occur when applications do not call the Dispose method on all instances of the ServicedComponent class in the .NET Framework Q875503 KB875503 May 12, 2006
- 317309 FIX: Unhandled Exception Occurs When You Create a Bitmap with a Negative Stride Q317309 KB317309 May 3, 2006
- 884021 FIX: You may experience the System.StackOverflowException error when you open an XML document that contains a deeply nested XML document in the .NET Framework 1.1 and in the .NET Framework 1.0 Q884021 KB884021 April 7, 2006
- 870722 FIX: Duplicate import schema may cause the XML schema compilation to fail Q870722 KB870722 April 7, 2006
- 823679 Fix: Multiple Fixes for SQL Server .NET Data Provider Q823679 KB823679 April 7, 2006
- 821289 FIX: "General Network Error" when you use SqlClient with SSL encryption Q821289 KB821289 April 7, 2006
- 814687 FIX: An orphaned critical section may cause the ASP.NET worker process to stop responding Q814687 KB814687 April 7, 2006
- 329905 FIX: Your Windows application stops responding in the .NET Framework 1.0 on a Windows NT 4.0-based computer Q329905 KB329905 April 7, 2006
- 814470 FIX: The DataTable.Select method leaks memory from the index when you set some specific filter properties Q814470 KB814470 March 10, 2006
- 327824 FIX: MinimumSize and MaximumSize properties are not obeyed when window is an MDI child Q327824 KB327824 February 3, 2006
- 306722 FIX: Upgrading from Visual Studio .NET 1.0 Beta 2 to RTM breaks common language runtime performance counters in Windows XP and Windows 2000 Q306722 KB306722 February 3, 2006
- 315059 FIX: You receive a "digital signature error" error message during the MDAC portion of Visual Studio .NET Setup Q315059 KB315059 January 19, 2006
- 313504 FIX: Debugger does not work after you remove the .NET Framework Q313504 KB313504 January 19, 2006
- 832591 FIX: A race condition in Web service configuration handling causes a System.InvalidOperationException exception Q832591 KB832591 October 26, 2005
- 837362 FIX: "Out-of-process and SQL session state are not supported in this version of the OS" error message when you use the out-of-process session state mode with the .NET Framework 1.0 on Windows Server 2003, Web Edition Q837362 KB837362 October 25, 2005
- 833552 FIX: The Copy Project feature in Visual Studio .NET 2002 fails when you copy to a share when the trailing virtual root path does not match the virtual root alias Q833552 KB833552 October 25, 2005
- 831382 FIX: ASP.NET returns a "NullReferenceException" error message when you use SQL Server Session state and you turn on the OutPutCaching feature Q831382 KB831382 October 25, 2005
- 831259 FIX: Csc.exe runs unexpectedly when you try to access Web services by using ASP.NET Q831259 KB831259 October 25, 2005
- 831144 FIX: Divide-by-zero error in the .NET Framework 1.0 Q831144 KB831144 October 25, 2005
- 829930 FIX: You receive an "HTTP 404 Error" error message and the custom HTTP handler does not run again after you map Aspnet_asapi.dll to .* Q829930 KB829930 October 25, 2005
- 824407 FIX: "Object Reference Not Set to an Instance of an Object" Error While Rolling Back a Transaction Q824407 KB824407 October 25, 2005
- 823248 FIX: "Possible Version Mismatch" Error Message When You De-Serialize Objects Q823248 KB823248 October 25, 2005
- 820769 FIX: Code in the InitializeComponent Function Is Deleted When You Change the EnableViewState Property Value of a Page Q820769 KB820769 October 25, 2005
- 818612 FIX: "COM Object Can Not Be Used" Error Message When You Use an STA COM Object That You Created by Using Server.CreateObject and Stored in Session Scope in a Different Web Page Q818612 KB818612 October 25, 2005
- 327418 FIX: You receive a "Leaving Secure Connection" error message when you use LinkButton in DataGrid and SSL Q327418 KB327418 October 18, 2005
- 812399 FIX: "The view state is invalid for this page and might be corrupted" error message when the view state contains objects that have long decimals in the .NET Framework 1.0 Q812399 KB812399 October 11, 2005
- 811672 FIX: You receive an "Unhandled Exception" error message when you run an application that uses valid C code Q811672 KB811672 October 11, 2005
- 321542 FIX: The DataSet.WriteXML method outputs a decimal value as scientific notation and causes a System.FormatException exception in subsequent DataSet.ReadXML method calls Q321542 KB321542 October 11, 2005
- 830514 FIX: You experience performance problems and compatibility problems between Fujitsu COBOL and the MSIL Assembler in Visual Studio .NET 2003 Q830514 KB830514 October 5, 2005
- 328560 FIX: "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" error message when you try to deserialize data that has a value of Byte[0] in an application that was built on the .NET Framework 1.0 Q328560 KB328560 October 5, 2005
- 817795 FIX: The ToolTip component may cause a memory leak when it is added to a child MDI form in Visual Studio .NET Q817795 KB817795 September 27, 2005
- 810712 FIX: The response from a managed program on a Web server is delayed for over one minute Q810712 KB810712 September 27, 2005
- 329097 FIX: "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" error message when you deserialize an empty TimeSpan class in a DataSet collection in a .NET Framework application Q329097 KB329097 September 27, 2005
- 319837 FIX: Old address in Memory window may cause unhandled exception in Visual Studio .NET Q319837 KB319837 August 29, 2005
- 818031 FIX: Adding group memberships by using the System.DirectoryServices namespace can truncate group members Q818031 KB818031 May 23, 2005
- 832096 FIX: Transactions may not be sent when you call the Dispose method of the loaded object Q832096 KB832096 November 8, 2004
- 307515 FIX: Custom performance counters do not publish performance data to WMI Q307515 KB307515 October 29, 2004
- 327104 FIX: Signature verification fails when you implement signed XML by using a custom ID attribute Q327104 KB327104 August 11, 2004
- 325692 FIX: Document Function in XSLT Style Sheet Does Not Raise a .NET Exception Q325692 KB325692 September 22, 2003
- 320881 FIX: DataSet Containing Attribute Column and Default Value Generates Exception When AllowDBNull Set to False Q320881 KB320881 September 18, 2003
- 327507 FIX: "Access to the Registry Key Denied" Error Message When You Register .NET Assembly for COM Interop Q327507 KB327507 June 5, 2003
- 317878 FIX: DataGrid Web Server Control Does Not Display "<" and ">" Characters Correctly Q317878 KB317878 June 5, 2003
- 327441 FIX: "System.Security.SecurityException" Error Message Occurs When You Invoke a Method on a Transparent Proxy Q327441 KB327441 May 28, 2003
- 318143 FIX: XML input file erased when you use Transform method of XslTranform object Q318143 KB318143 April 28, 2003
- 313105 FIX: Cannot Compile Code-Behind Files That Use Src Attribute on a UNC Share Q313105 KB313105 March 26, 2003