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Access 2010 articles, fixes and updates - Year 2020
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chronological list: 2021/3 2 1 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Access 2010 that have been released in Year 2020. The list is daily updated.
- 2553446 Description of the Access 2010 update: September 10, 2013 Q2553446 KB2553446 December 18, 2020
- 983126 Access Services in SharePoint Server 2010 and in Access 2010 generate different error codes for a type mismatch error Q983126 KB983126 December 18, 2020
- 2397391 Microsoft Access stops responding on Hewlett-Packard (HP) machines with Digital Persona Biometric device Q2397391 KB2397391 December 17, 2020
- 299958 Errors that the RegClean utility finds after you install Microsoft Office Q299958 KB299958 December 17, 2020
- 202261 You cannot use a pound character in a file name for a hyperlink in an Office program Q202261 KB202261 December 17, 2020
- 2889262 Office 365: Microsoft Access Database Engine could not find the object Q2889262 KB2889262 November 20, 2020
- 2685090 Acc: You may encounter slow performance or hangs when designing/executing queries that include pass-through queries Q2685090 KB2685090 November 8, 2020
- 839779 Text that is in a text box control of a report or a form may not appear correctly in Access Q839779 KB839779 August 20, 2020
- 325573 You receive error messages when you try to open an Office document Q325573 KB325573 July 1, 2020
- 3104540 MS15-116: Security update for Microsoft Office to address remote code execution: November 10, 2015 Q3104540 KB3104540 April 13, 2020
- 2687423 MS13-074: Description of the security update for Access 2010 Service Pack 1: September 10, 2013 Q2687423 KB2687423 April 13, 2020
- 983462 How to sequence Office 2010 in App-V 4.5 SP2 or App-V 4.6 Q983462 KB983462 April 9, 2020