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PowerPoint 2000 articles, fixes and updates - Year 2006
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 that have been released in Year 2006. The list is daily updated.
- 841354 You cannot specify a Windows Server 2003-based computer as the Windows Media Server for an online presentation broadcast in PowerPoint 2003, in Microsoft PowerPoint 2002, or in Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 Q841354 KB841354 December 15, 2006
- 907349 How to troubleshoot video issues in Office programs Q907349 KB907349 December 7, 2006
- 231009 OFF2000: Inserting a Chart Control on a UserForm Does Not Start the Chart Wizard Q231009 KB231009 November 23, 2006
- 302087 How to run Office 2000 from a network server Q302087 KB302087 October 13, 2006
- 299660 You receive the "Msohelp caused error in Msohelp.exe" error message when you try to start or remove an Office 2000 program Q299660 KB299660 October 13, 2006
- 235335 "Ie5wzd caused an exception in module Msjava.dll or Kernel32.dll" error message when you run Office 2000 Setup Q235335 KB235335 October 13, 2006
- 267974 GRAPH2000: VBA: How to Paste New Excel Data into an Existing Graph Q267974 KB267974 October 11, 2006
- 248377 OFF2000: CDate, CVDate Functions Unexpectedly Return Two-Digit Years Q248377 KB248377 October 11, 2006
- 236808 OFF2000: New Behavior with MsgBox Function Q236808 KB236808 October 11, 2006
- 234184 PPT2000: How to Create Application Level Event Handlers Q234184 KB234184 October 11, 2006
- 231955 OFF2000: Office Assistant Not Answering Visual Basic Questions Q231955 KB231955 October 11, 2006
- 230888 OFF2000: "System Error &H80004005 (-2147467259)" Running Macro with UserForm Q230888 KB230888 October 11, 2006
- 229958 PPT2000: Unable to Reference Renamed and Grouped Objects by Name Q229958 KB229958 October 11, 2006
- 229393 OFF2000: Run-Time Error 13 Coercing Euro Symbol to Currency Data Type Q229393 KB229393 October 11, 2006
- 222794 PPT2000: Sample Code to Control Word from a PowerPoint Macro Q222794 KB222794 October 11, 2006
- 222793 PPT2000: Sample Code to Extract Text from an Organization Chart Q222793 KB222793 October 11, 2006
- 222775 PPT2000: How to Record a Macro using PowerPoint Q222775 KB222775 October 11, 2006
- 222771 PPT2000: Introduction to Macro Programming in PowerPoint 2000 Q222771 KB222771 October 11, 2006
- 222762 PPT2000: Macro May Stop Running After Slide Show Ends Q222762 KB222762 October 11, 2006
- 222758 PPT2000: How to Use the Presentations.Open Method Q222758 KB222758 October 11, 2006
- 222737 How to create a PowerPoint add-in in PowerPoint 2000 Q222737 KB222737 October 11, 2006
- 222732 PPT2000: Sample Code to Retrieve the Fonts Used in a Presentation Q222732 KB222732 October 11, 2006
- 222719 PPT2000: Sample Visual Basic Code Retrieves Total Number of Custom Shows Q222719 KB222719 October 11, 2006
- 222703 PPT2000: How to Manipulate ActiveX Controls Through VBA Macros Q222703 KB222703 October 11, 2006
- 222702 PPT2000: Sample Code to Reset the Builds on a Slide Q222702 KB222702 October 11, 2006
- 222700 PPT2000: Sample Visual Basic Code That Detects When a Slide Show Ends Q222700 KB222700 October 11, 2006
- 222689 PPT2000: Sample Visual Basic Code to Update Links in a Graph Datasheet Q222689 KB222689 October 11, 2006
- 222688 PPT2000: Sample Code to Create Backup Presentations Q222688 KB222688 October 11, 2006
- 222684 PPT2000: Code to Detect if PowerPoint is Running on a Macintosh Q222684 KB222684 October 11, 2006
- 221423 OFF2000: Invalid Page Fault in FM20.DLL When Showing UserForm Q221423 KB221423 October 11, 2006
- 220684 OFF2000: Error Or Unexpected Results Using SetFocus Method on Commandbar Q220684 KB220684 October 11, 2006
- 220681 OFF2000: "Could Not Open Macro Storage" Error Message When Euro Character or Other Symbol Used in Module, Procedure or Macro Name Q220681 KB220681 October 11, 2006
- 220613 OFF2000: Error Message: "Could Not Set the Name Property..." When Naming Control in UserForm Q220613 KB220613 October 11, 2006
- 215149 CommandBar indexes different from Office 97 Q215149 KB215149 October 11, 2006
- 213558 XL2000: Error When Function Contains a Breakpoint Q213558 KB213558 October 11, 2006
- 212524 OFF2000: ActiveX Control Copy or Drag Between Applications Fails Q212524 KB212524 October 11, 2006
- 210734 OFF2000: Exit Event for TextBox in a Frame Does Not Run Correctly Q210734 KB210734 October 11, 2006
- 209960 How to create sample Visual Basic for Applications code that uses Automation to create a PowerPoint 2000 presentation in Access 2000 Q209960 KB209960 October 11, 2006
- 201543 PPT2000: Running Windows Media Player via VBA Q201543 KB201543 October 11, 2006
- 200551 ACC2000: How to Create an MS Graph in PowerPoint Using Access Q200551 KB200551 October 11, 2006
- 200123 OFF2000: Macro to Get Windows and Windows System Folders Q200123 KB200123 October 10, 2006
- 895457 You are prompted for the Office source files when you use the OHotFix program to install an Office update on a computer that has Office 2000 or a later version installed Q895457 KB895457 September 27, 2006
- 236806 OFF2000: MsgBox Function Example Does Not Use vbMsgBoxHelpButton Constant Q236806 KB236806 September 13, 2006
- 262588 You receive a "Vids:dvsd decompressor not available" error message when you try to view an Audio-Video Interleaved (AVI) file in PowerPoint 2000 Q262588 KB262588 September 11, 2006
- 234321 OFF2000: Transparent Vector Graphics Print Filled on PostScript Printers Q234321 KB234321 September 6, 2006
- 903216 Slide transitions and animations do not play when you run a slide show in PowerPoint Q903216 KB903216 August 29, 2006
- 842566 "This is an invalid CD Key value" error message when you try to install Microsoft Office Q842566 KB842566 August 29, 2006
- 249209 You cannot save changes to hyperlink settings in PowerPoint Q249209 KB249209 August 29, 2006
- 835716 Office 2000 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: February 11, 2004 Q835716 KB835716 August 24, 2006
- 832366 Transparent fill in Visio shape is printed with solid fill in Office 2000 programs Q832366 KB832366 August 1, 2006
- 231840 BUG: Hyperlinks in Embedded Excel Workbook Do Not Work Q231840 KB231840 July 28, 2006
- 922117 Audio files that are copied from an audio CD do not play in PowerPoint Q922117 KB922117 July 13, 2006
- 199830 EXD files are created when you insert controls Q199830 KB199830 June 29, 2006
- 238101 OFF2000: Special Characters That Can Cause Problems in Web Pages Q238101 KB238101 June 14, 2006
- 918957 A file does not open in the program that you expect when you try to open the file in Office Q918957 KB918957 May 24, 2006
- 270125 OFF2000: Program Quits Immediately After Installing Project or Visio Q270125 KB270125 May 22, 2006
- 319956 The Answer Wizard and the Help Index tabs appear blank when you use Help in an Office program Q319956 KB319956 April 17, 2006
- 225986 OFF2000: Cannot Use Microsoft Script Editor on Windows Terminal Server Q225986 KB225986 April 17, 2006
- 889398 Description of the Office 2000 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: November 24, 2004 Q889398 KB889398 April 7, 2006
- 842785 Description of the PowerPoint 2000 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: June 4, 2004 Q842785 KB842785 April 7, 2006
- 834711 Description of the Office 2000 Hungarian Proofing Tools post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: January 22, 2004 Q834711 KB834711 April 7, 2006
- 299965 OFF2000: "'\\Server' Could Not Be Found" Error Message When You Click Hyperlink Q299965 KB299965 April 7, 2006
- 241493 How to prepare and to distribute presentations on a CD-ROM in PowerPoint 97 and in PowerPoint 2000 Q241493 KB241493 April 3, 2006
- 916858 You cannot specify an address in the Cc box, an address in the Bcc box, or text in the body of an e-mail message in a "mailto" hyperlink in Office programs Q916858 KB916858 March 30, 2006
- 249958 OFF2000: Error Message: Windows Cannot Find <Program> Q249958 KB249958 March 20, 2006
- 218571 You receive an "Unable to load MS Organization Chart" error message when you insert an organization chart in PowerPoint 2000 Q218571 KB218571 February 20, 2006
- 207377 How to troubleshoot damaged PowerPoint 2000 presentations Q207377 KB207377 January 23, 2006
- 229550 You receive a program error message when you use FrontPage 2000 Help and then open Help in another Office program Q229550 KB229550 January 19, 2006
- 331872 How to Combine Two Presentations with Different Masters Q331872 KB331872 January 9, 2006
- 320365 You receive a "PowerPoint found an error it can't correct" error message when you quit PowerPoint 2000 Q320365 KB320365 January 9, 2006
- 307249 PPT2000: How to Create Relative Hyperlinks Q307249 KB307249 January 9, 2006
- 302851 PPT2000: Cannot Use the Keyboard to Advance a Slideshow Q302851 KB302851 January 9, 2006
- 314400 OFF2000: You Are Unnecessarily Prompted for Your Password When You Follow Hyperlink on an Office Document Q314400 KB314400 January 6, 2006
- 313935 OFF2000: Office Programs Stop Responding After You Upgrade to Windows XP Q313935 KB313935 January 6, 2006
- 310889 PPT2000: Cannot Insert a TIFF File from a Local Mapped Drive on a Citrix Connection Q310889 KB310889 January 6, 2006
- 309655 You receive the "Your system is low on virtual memory" error message when you open a presentation in PowerPoint 2000 Q309655 KB309655 January 6, 2006
- 305566 OFF2000: Text That You Type Changes Unexpectedly Q305566 KB305566 January 6, 2006