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Publisher 2003 articles, fixes and updates - Year 2017
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Publisher 2003 that have been released in Year 2017. The list is daily updated.
- 315353 "The Windows Installer Service Could Not Be Accessed" error when you try to install a program in Windows 7 or Windows Vista Q315353 KB315353 May 15, 2017
- 898707 When you use the Microsoft Office Document Imaging program to view a bi-level or a grayscale TIFF image, the image may appear as a negative image Q898707 KB898707 March 30, 2017
- 903774 If you disable the Ose.exe file, Microsoft Office updates do not install when you use Microsoft Windows Server Update Services or the Microsoft Update Web site to deploy software updates and hotfixes to computers in the organization Q903774 KB903774 March 29, 2017
- 898469 The Office Setup program unexpectedly quits, and you do not receive an error message Q898469 KB898469 March 29, 2017
- 897755 When you click a hyperlink to an Adobe Acrobat PDF file in an Office document, Adobe Acrobat Reader starts and then closes without opening the PDF file Q897755 KB897755 March 29, 2017
- 826526 "Your installation cannot be activated" error message when you try to activate Office 2007 or Office 2003 Q826526 KB826526 March 29, 2017
- 825935 Office templates are missing from the New Office Document dialog box in Office Q825935 KB825935 March 29, 2017
- 822518 You cannot preview or insert images correctly when you use Web Collections to search the Internet for clip art thumbnails in Office Q822518 KB822518 March 29, 2017
- 923272 Description of the security update for Office 2003: October 10, 2006 Q923272 KB923272 February 16, 2017
- 912675 Error message when you try to insert a clip art image in an Office 2003 program or in an Office XP program: "Clip Organizer cannot complete the operation. Error Code 0x800c0008" Q912675 KB912675 February 16, 2017