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SNA Server 4.0 articles, fixes and updates - letter E
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 starts with letter E that have been released. The list is daily updated.
- 198684 Event 94 Continuously Logged on COMTI Client Q198684 KB198684 January 16, 2015
- 172808 EBCDIC 0xB5 Not Mapped by PDT File Q172808 KB172808 November 2, 2013
- 258981 Error Message When You Add LU to Connection and Pool by Using Snacfg.exe Q258981 KB258981 October 31, 2013
- 222121 Enhanced Security When Using Persistent Verification Q222121 KB222121 October 31, 2013
- 126399 Event ID 49: Node ID from Remote Computer was Rejected Q126399 KB126399 October 31, 2013
- 311837 End of Print Job Handling Incorrect If Print Filter DLL Used Q311837 KB311837 October 24, 2013
- 242551 Error Message: Setup Has Determined That Your Original Install Path No Longer Exists Q242551 KB242551 October 22, 2013
- 225261 Error line number returned by Snacfg.exe may be incorrect, other enhancements Q225261 KB225261 October 20, 2013
- 183563 Error Msg: "Invalid Bookmark" Accessing Mainframe Files Q183563 KB183563 October 7, 2013
- 183561 Excessive Non-paged Pool Memory At SNA DDM Service Startup Q183561 KB183561 October 7, 2013
- 182915 3270 Emulator Hangs and Returns X'1003' Error to Mainframe Q182915 KB182915 October 7, 2013
- 182832 Error in COBOL Export After Moving Type Library Q182832 KB182832 October 7, 2013
- 181121 Enhanced Event Logging for SNA Server Event 9, 12 Q181121 KB181121 October 7, 2013
- 172635 Event 567, RC =10048 When Restarting SNA Server Q172635 KB172635 October 7, 2013
- 172602 Event ID 3 Logged After Application Exception in Snaservr.exe Q172602 KB172602 October 7, 2013
- 171991 3270 Emulator May Truncate Script File When Disk Full Q171991 KB171991 October 7, 2013
- 170424 Enhancements to DLSSTAT for 802.2 Distributed Links Q170424 KB170424 October 7, 2013
- 169488 Errors When Performance Monitoring SNA Server Q169488 KB169488 October 7, 2013
- 268498 Error message: "Stop error code 0x0000001E (KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED)" Q268498 KB268498 April 23, 2012
- 294393 Error "No LU in LU Group Free" occurs when starting 3270 applet Q294393 KB294393 December 4, 2007
- 246672 Error message: No Folders found in <AS400 system name> Q246672 KB246672 December 4, 2007
- 141592 Event ID: 56 with Distributed Link Services to AS/400 Q141592 KB141592 December 4, 2007
- 327157 3270 Emulator Traps in the SNAGetUserRecord Function Q327157 KB327157 February 22, 2007
- 321245 3270 Emulators and LUA Applications Stop Responding When They Use the Single Sign-On Feature Q321245 KB321245 February 22, 2007
- 288740 Event 39 Logged if SnaServer Service Configured to AutoStart Q288740 KB288740 February 22, 2007
- 247322 "Error Reading Configuration File" When Using the 3270 Applet Q247322 KB247322 February 22, 2007
- 225055 Event 15 logged when attempting to print with SNA Print Server Q225055 KB225055 February 22, 2007
- 224825 Event 4097 logged continuously by 5250 print session Q224825 KB224825 February 22, 2007
- 186713 Event ID 1010, 1008, 1011, and 4005 with CIM and Perflib Q186713 KB186713 January 23, 2007
- 236922 Event 201 Errors Logged Even When Licenses Are Available Q236922 KB236922 September 22, 2005
- 181122 Event ID 627 Running SNA Services Under WinNT User Account Q181122 KB181122 September 22, 2005
- 182651 Error Message When Editing Properties for Multiple Print Servers Q182651 KB182651 May 12, 2005
- 182574 Event 60, SNA Server Stops Forwarding FMH-5 Attach Messages Q182574 KB182574 May 11, 2005
- 161189 Error 7008 when using the StarSQL ODBC driver Q161189 KB161189 April 29, 2005
- 319784 Event 1006 Posted When Opening SNA Manager on Backup Server Q319784 KB319784 April 18, 2005
- 198179 Enabling an APPC/CPIC Program to Use Persistent Verification Q198179 KB198179 March 8, 2005
- 163521 Event ID 5000 Starting The Shared Folders Gateway Service Q163521 KB163521 March 8, 2005
- 246714 Errors Occur When AS/400 Network Attribute DDMACC Is Set to *REJECT Q246714 KB246714 November 24, 2004
- 251285 Error Message: Setup Step Failed. Unable to Add C:\Program Files\SNA\COMTI\COMTISec.dll to the MTS COM+ Utilities Package. Q251285 KB251285 November 18, 2004
- 123256 Enabling SNA Server Windows 3.x Client Traces Q123256 KB123256 September 10, 2004
- 246991 Event 4097 occurs when an invalid printer type is entered in Host Print Transform (HPT) Q246991 KB246991 August 26, 2004
- 246830 Event ID 60 occurs with SNA Server after updating to Windows NT 4.0 SP4 or Later Q246830 KB246830 August 17, 2004
- 171251 Eicon Drivers not Copied when Updating to SNA 3.0 SP1 Q171251 KB171251 July 16, 2004
- 172799 Extra Form Feed Printed With LU3 Print Job Q172799 KB172799 July 15, 2004
- 275870 Erroneous Query by Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT SNA Client Causes DNS Event Errors Q275870 KB275870 July 14, 2004
- 182691 Event 730 Can Return Garbled Characters for Local LU Name Q182691 KB182691 July 14, 2004
- 195883 3270 EIS/FMI Applications Fail if RU size in BIND Set To 32 KB Q195883 KB195883 July 13, 2004
- 179921 Error -204 When Using the STARSQL32 Driver Q179921 KB179921 June 30, 2004
- 172821 Expectation of Unbind Response Can Cause Application Failure Q172821 KB172821 June 30, 2004
- 254662 Event ID 5: TN5250 Generates Dr. Watson with a Fault in DbgBreakPoint Q254662 KB254662 June 29, 2004
- 252837 Exception in DbgBreakPoint with TN5250 Service Q252837 KB252837 June 29, 2004
- 196241 Event ID 205 Does Not Include Source SAP Information Q196241 KB196241 June 28, 2004
- 246706 Errors Generated if TCP/IP DDM Server on AS/400 Not Started Q246706 KB246706 March 12, 2004
- 253889 Event ID: 5009 - IFS Driver Cannot be Unloaded Q253889 KB253889 March 10, 2004
- 183566 Error Message: "Record Not Found" for Certain Dates Q183566 KB183566 March 10, 2004
- 259701 Extra Lines Appear in LU3 Print Job When You Use PDT Q259701 KB259701 February 12, 2004
- 250562 Error: Access Violation in RemoveEntryList() Function of TN3270 Server Q250562 KB250562 February 11, 2004
- 235571 Enumerating Files with Shared Folders Gateway May Be Very Slow Q235571 KB235571 January 16, 2004
- 275709 Event 108 When You Cancel CPI-C CMALLC Verb Q275709 KB275709 December 29, 2003
- 195769 Events 38 and 92 Logged When Closing 5250 Applet Session Q195769 KB195769 November 26, 2003
- 237896 Enhanced GET_LU_STATUS Incorrectly Indicates SyncPoint Support Q237896 KB237896 November 13, 2003
- 237376 Extra Restart Required after Installing SNA 4.0 SP2 and Using Host Security Integration (HSI) Q237376 KB237376 November 8, 2003
- 262027 Enabling SyncPoint May Cause SNA Server Event 60, 730 Q262027 KB262027 October 22, 2003