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Visual Basic .NET 2003 articles, fixes and updates - May 2007
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 2003 that have been released in May 2007. The list is daily updated.
- 836672 How to sum the fields in a Windows Forms DataGrid control and then display the calculated totals in a footer by using Visual Basic .NET Q836672 KB836672 May 31, 2007
- 814722 "Name 'DTE' is not declared" error message while running the "Item Method (General Extensibility)" MSDN sample code Q814722 KB814722 May 31, 2007
- 307225 INFO: ASP.NET Caching Overview Q307225 KB307225 May 31, 2007
- 305141 INFO: ASP.NET Page Framework Overview Q305141 KB305141 May 22, 2007
- 830788 FIX: The IRR function in Visual Basic .NET 2003 returns results that are different from the results in Excel or Visual Basic 6.0 Q830788 KB830788 May 21, 2007
- 814345 BUG: Font of TabPage text does not change when you change the Font property of the TabPage control Q814345 KB814345 May 21, 2007
- 323245 How to upload a file to a Web server in ASP.NET by using Visual Basic .NET Q323245 KB323245 May 21, 2007
- 316719 How to set focus to Web Form controls by using client-side script Q316719 KB316719 May 21, 2007
- 841699 How to validate Windows user rights in a Visual Basic .NET or Visual Basic 2005 application Q841699 KB841699 May 18, 2007
- 839293 BUG: IntelliSense feature stops functioning when you switch from Designer view to Code view Q839293 KB839293 May 18, 2007
- 828089 INFO: Migrating from Microsoft Office XP Developer Q828089 KB828089 May 18, 2007
- 822491 BUG: The "Localizable" property of a Windows Form does not properly handle culture-specific contents of the ListView control Q822491 KB822491 May 18, 2007
- 319180 How to transform a DataSet to spreadsheet XML for Excel by using Visual Basic .NET and ASP.NET Q319180 KB319180 May 18, 2007
- 316730 HOW TO: Serialize and Deserialize XML in Visual Basic .NET Q316730 KB316730 May 18, 2007
- 316478 BUG: "Object variable or With block variable not set" error message when you access a public object variable Q316478 KB316478 May 18, 2007
- 837226 BUG: A "The memory could not be 'read'" error or a "Freedom Engine COM Server has encountered a problem" error may occur when you upgrade a Visual Basic 6.0 project to Visual Basic .NET Q837226 KB837226 May 17, 2007
- 835389 You receive an "Unable to open Web project" error message when you upgrade a WebClass project to Visual Basic .NET Q835389 KB835389 May 17, 2007
- 834613 MergeMenu method modifies the source and the target MenuItem objects in Visual Studio .NET Q834613 KB834613 May 17, 2007
- 815635 PRB: “System.NullReferenceException” Unhandled Exception Error Occurs When You Run a .NET Portable Executable in Internet Explorer Q815635 KB815635 May 17, 2007
- 822489 Text of a ListView item is changed when the Text property of the first subitem is set Q822489 KB822489 May 16, 2007
- 822488 BUG: The icon that is displayed on the control loses the alpha channel when you set the Image property of a Microsoft Windows Form control to a 32-bit alpha-blended icon Q822488 KB822488 May 16, 2007
- 822487 BUG: The column width of a ListView control is not preserved when you re-create the handle of the control in Visual Basic .NET and in Visual C# .NET Q822487 KB822487 May 16, 2007
- 822486 BUG: The sizing grip does not work correctly on a Maximized Windows Form with a StatusBar control Q822486 KB822486 May 16, 2007
- 822480 BUG: TreeView fisplays node icons display after the images are removed from the ImageList Q822480 KB822480 May 16, 2007
- 821775 How to enumerate the software products that can be uninstalled on a computer Q821775 KB821775 May 16, 2007
- 821769 How to call the EnumJobs function from a Visual Basic .NET application Q821769 KB821769 May 16, 2007
- 820656 BUG: "Type <Class Name> is not defined" error message when you try to inherit a protected nested class in Visual Basic .NET Q820656 KB820656 May 16, 2007
- 820641 The ToolBar control is recreated when you set the properties of the button on the ToolBar at runtime Q820641 KB820641 May 16, 2007
- 820639 The Windows Forms Timer event is not raised in a Windows service Q820639 KB820639 May 16, 2007
- 820629 BUG: A control on the hidden TabPage is not visible when you use the Control.Select method or the Form.ActiveControl property in Visual Basic .NET or in Visual C# .NET Q820629 KB820629 May 16, 2007
- 819354 BUG: You cannot use the Me keyword before the property name in a Visual Basic .NET structure Q819354 KB819354 May 16, 2007
- 819352 BUG: The Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll assembly is not marked with the CLSCompliant(True) attribute Q819352 KB819352 May 16, 2007
- 819349 BUG: You may receive a "Visual Basic internal compiler error" error message when you use the ADDHANDLER statement or the REMOVEHANDLER statement in Visual Studio .NET Q819349 KB819349 May 16, 2007
- 819345 BUG: Error message when you set the Width property of a Boolean DataGrid column to 1 in Visual Basic .NET or in Visual C# .NET: "System.ArgumentException" Q819345 KB819345 May 16, 2007
- 818411 BUG: You receive a "Reference required to assembly" error message when you run a Visual Basic .NET application Q818411 KB818411 May 16, 2007
- 818216 BUG: "Public Overrides WriteOnly Property..." error when you try to override a Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 property in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Q818216 KB818216 May 16, 2007
- 818215 BUG: You can add a member after a zero index in a Visual Basic .NET collection Q818215 KB818215 May 16, 2007
- 815253 PRB: Cannot Access Static Members of Visual J# .NET Interface in Visual C# .NET or Visual Basic .NET Q815253 KB815253 May 16, 2007
- 814735 Degradation occurs when you try to serialize and deserialize 32-bit icons Q814735 KB814735 May 16, 2007
- 814734 BUG: Subitems in a ListView control are displayed in incorrect colors and incorrect fonts Q814734 KB814734 May 16, 2007
- 814732 BUG: Windows Forms Resource Editor cannot open inherited forms Q814732 KB814732 May 16, 2007
- 317688 HOW TO: Create a Key Element for an XML Schema Q317688 KB317688 May 16, 2007
- 311540 A "COMPUTE BY statements not supported" exception occurs when you use the COMPUTE BY clause in SQL Server Q311540 KB311540 May 16, 2007
- 306287 How to compact a Microsoft Access database by using Visual Basic .NET Q306287 KB306287 May 16, 2007
- 301116 How to marshal an object to a remote server by value by using Visual Basic 2005 or Visual Basic .NET Q301116 KB301116 May 16, 2007
- 815545 An unhandled exception of the 'System.ArgumentException' type occurs after you rename the columns of a DataSet object Q815545 KB815545 May 13, 2007
- 815252 Form key events are not raised when you type in a DataGrid cell with the KeyPreview property set to true Q815252 KB815252 May 13, 2007
- 311543 INFO: Firing the Windows Forms CurrencyManager Events in Visual Basic .NET Q311543 KB311543 May 13, 2007
- 311284 How To Handle Document Events in a Visual Basic .NET Application Q311284 KB311284 May 13, 2007
- 311282 How to use the WebBrowser control NewWindow2 event in Visual Basic .NET Q311282 KB311282 May 13, 2007
- 310373 The DataAdapter.Fill method does not set all of the properties of the DataTable and DataColumn objects Q310373 KB310373 May 13, 2007
- 310372 DataTable and DataView do not include MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, and MovePrevious navigation methods Q310372 KB310372 May 13, 2007
- 310368 Error when you try to call the Prepare method before you add parameters: "An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in system.data.dll" Q310368 KB310368 May 13, 2007
- 310348 How To Avoid the Boxing Penalty When You Use the DataReader in Visual Basic .NET Q310348 KB310348 May 13, 2007
- 308070 How to implement a searchable DataGrid by using ADO.NET and Windows Forms Q308070 KB308070 May 13, 2007
- 308064 How To Persist an ADO.NET DataSet as XML by Using Visual Basic .NET Q308064 KB308064 May 13, 2007
- 305561 HOW TO: Locate a Specified DataRow by Using the Find Method of DataRowCollection in Visual Basic .NET Q305561 KB305561 May 13, 2007
- 820634 BUG: Error message when you use the FindString method or the FindStringExact method in Visual Basic .NET or in Visual C# .NET: "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" Q820634 KB820634 May 12, 2007
- 818361 How to disable the Close button on the title bar of a console application by using Visual Basic 2005 or Visual Basic .NET Q818361 KB818361 May 12, 2007
- 817057 BUG: Unexpected exception when you perform a late bind to call a Component Object Model component that returns a structure Q817057 KB817057 May 12, 2007
- 816799 "Can't create a child list" error message occurs when you open a form in Visual Studio .NET Q816799 KB816799 May 12, 2007
- 815629 HOW TO: Retrieve the Identity Value While Inserting Records into Access Database By Using Visual Basic .NET Q815629 KB815629 May 12, 2007
- 815131 BUG: "Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Data.DataSet'" error when application is built Q815131 KB815131 May 12, 2007
- 815119 "Connection string is invalid" error message when you preview data or generate a dataset control Q815119 KB815119 May 12, 2007
- 888168 How to create a custom menu in Visual Basic .NET or in Visual Basic 2005 Q888168 KB888168 May 11, 2007
- 821623 Help topic for PropertyItem class is not complete Q821623 KB821623 May 11, 2007
- 814606 BUG: "Out of memory" error if you sse the GetSetting function to retrieve an empty string from the registry in Visual Basic .NET and in Visual Basic 6.0 Q814606 KB814606 May 11, 2007
- 814362 Items in the ComboBox control are not selected while you type the first characters Q814362 KB814362 May 11, 2007
- 814354 BUG: Node element does not paint after you call the EndUpdate method Q814354 KB814354 May 11, 2007
- 814353 BUG: Menu shortcuts put "D" in front of numbers Q814353 KB814353 May 11, 2007
- 814350 BUG: Focus on a control that does not support the CausesValidation property suppresses validation of unvalidated controls in the user control Q814350 KB814350 May 11, 2007
- 814347 BUG: The value in the NumericUpDown control does not reset to the maximum or minimum value if you use the TAB key or mouse to shift focus Q814347 KB814347 May 11, 2007
- 322188 How to use single and multicast delegates in Visual Basic .NET or in Visual Basic 2005 Q322188 KB322188 May 11, 2007
- 320684 How to drag forms by using the client area with Visual Basic .NET or Visual Basic 2005 Q320684 KB320684 May 11, 2007
- 319963 How to add a ToolTip to a TreeNode in Visual Basic 2005 or in Visual Basic .NET Q319963 KB319963 May 11, 2007
- 318603 You may receive a "System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException" error message when you access the .resources file of the form at run time Q318603 KB318603 May 11, 2007
- 318600 How to set tab stops in a list box by using Visual Basic .NET or Visual Studio 2005 Q318600 KB318600 May 11, 2007
- 317859 Description of setting column properties in a DataGrid control Q317859 KB317859 May 11, 2007
- 316139 You may receive an error message "<Method> is not accessible in this context because it is 'Protected'" when you try to implement an interface in Visual Basic Q316139 KB316139 May 11, 2007
- 315528 How to implement the Dispose method in a derived class in Visual Basic .NET or in Visual Basic 2005 Q315528 KB315528 May 11, 2007
- 313640 How to bind an ArrayList or Collection of objects to a Windows Form by using Visual Basic 2005 or Visual Basic .NET Q313640 KB313640 May 11, 2007
- 313639 How to bind an array of objects to a Windows form by using Visual Basic .NET or Visual Basic 2005 Q313639 KB313639 May 11, 2007
- 313334 How to bind an array of structures to a Windows Form by using Visual Basic .NET or Visual Basic 2005 Q313334 KB313334 May 11, 2007
- 311337 You receive an "Image Cannot be Converted to Icon" compiler error message after you upgrade a Visual Basic 6.0 project to Visual Basic .NET or Visual Basic 2005 Q311337 KB311337 May 11, 2007
- 311321 How to dynamically add a control without hardcoding the control type in Visual Basic Q311321 KB311321 May 11, 2007
- 309480 How to create similar functionality to the Line and Shape controls in Windows Forms by using Visual Basic .NET or Visual Basic 2005 Q309480 KB309480 May 11, 2007
- 811203 How to programmatically set the DataGrid column width to the longest field by using Visual Basic .NET Q811203 KB811203 May 10, 2007
- 327895 HOW TO: Clear Items from a Bound ListBox, ComboBox, or CheckedListBox Control Q327895 KB327895 May 10, 2007