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Visual C++ 2005 articles, fixes and updates - January 2006
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 that have been released in January 2006. The list is daily updated.
- 216858 How to use the quick-sort function to sort MFC CArray-derived classes on the MFC and Visual C++ run-time library Q216858 KB216858 January 21, 2006
- 193474 Developer Studio cannot create files with no name extension Q193474 KB193474 January 20, 2006
- 317810 BUG: Project-level tool settings are lost for utility projects during conversion from Visual C++ 6.0 to Visual C++ .NET or to Visual C++ 2005 Q317810 KB317810 January 18, 2006
- 306272 How to add a user account to the local system by using the DirectoryServices namespace in Visual C++ Q306272 KB306272 January 18, 2006
- 222966 How to call a script method from an ActiveX script host in Visual C++ Q222966 KB222966 January 18, 2006
- 183001 How to retrieve the output parameters from a stored procedure in MFC Q183001 KB183001 January 18, 2006
- 156592 How to use the "deque::rbegin" STL function, the "deque::rend" STL function, and the "deque::push_back" STL function in Visual C++ Q156592 KB156592 January 18, 2006
- 156591 How to use the deque::begin and deque:end STL functions in Visual C++ Q156591 KB156591 January 18, 2006
- 839297 Difference between the return value of the CDialogBar::HandleInitDialog function in Visual C++ 6.0 and that in Visual C++ .NET or that in Visual C++ 2005 Q839297 KB839297 January 17, 2006
- 828643 MFC application stops responding when you initialize the application as a multithreaded apartment in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q828643 KB828643 January 17, 2006
- 820995 You cannot locate the complete path of the source file in a Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 project Q820995 KB820995 January 17, 2006
- 815774 How to subclass windows in Windows Forms by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815774 KB815774 January 17, 2006
- 320479 Porting MFC projects to Visual C++ .NET or to Visual C++ 2005 changes in the target operating system Q320479 KB320479 January 17, 2006
- 311933 How to specify Environment variables in project settings by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q311933 KB311933 January 17, 2006
- 310832 You receive the AssemblyUnloadFinished notification before the AssemblyLoadFinished notification Q310832 KB310832 January 17, 2006
- 243480 How to change background color of a dialog box by using ATL Q243480 KB243480 January 17, 2006
- 148436 The Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) AppWizard or MFC Application Wizard in Visual C++ does not generate resources in sublanguages Q148436 KB148436 January 17, 2006
- 899146 In Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005, the debugger may display incorrect line number information when you debug a source file that contains lines of code that have Macintosh OS line breaks Q899146 KB899146 January 16, 2006
- 815711 How to update parent-child data with an identity column from a Windows Forms application by using a Web service in Visual C++ Q815711 KB815711 January 16, 2006
- 313981 Questions about the Visual C++ IDE Q313981 KB313981 January 16, 2006
- 312220 The functionId that is passed to UnmanagedToManagedTransition callback is not JIT-compiled in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q312220 KB312220 January 16, 2006
- 843413 Visual Studio .NET may stop responding if the BoundsChecker tool is integrated with Visual Studio .NET or Visual Studio 2005 when you build a solution that contains multiple projects Q843413 KB843413 January 13, 2006
- 815673 How to use the Hashtable collection in Visual C++ Q815673 KB815673 January 13, 2006
- 156743 How to use the replace_if STL function in Visual C++ Q156743 KB156743 January 13, 2006
- 888328 Building binaries with Common Object File Format (COFF) symbols is not supported in Visual C++ .NET 2003 and in Visual C++ 2005 Q888328 KB888328 January 12, 2006
- 820990 External dependencies are not displayed in Solution Explorer in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q820990 KB820990 January 12, 2006
- 816182 How to set the color and the font of the StatusBarPanel object by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q816182 KB816182 January 12, 2006
- 326616 BUG: The Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 debugger cannot display std::string and std::wstring variables correctly Q326616 KB326616 January 12, 2006
- 317221 BUG: Incomplete call stack when you debug mixed managed and unmanaged Visual C++ code Q317221 KB317221 January 12, 2006
- 315487 How to run an existing Visual Studio .NET or Visual Studio 2005 Wizard by using DTE.LaunchWizard Q315487 KB315487 January 12, 2006
- 312844 The Visual C++ System::String class does not support greater than and less than operators Q312844 KB312844 January 12, 2006
- 312514 How to implement custom collections in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q312514 KB312514 January 12, 2006
- 307011 How to determine when a shelled process ends in Visual C++ Q307011 KB307011 January 12, 2006
- 275862 How to add verbs for ATL ActiveX controls embedded in an Office application Q275862 KB275862 January 12, 2006
- 839286 You may receive a "fatal error LNK1181" error message when you build a Visual C++ project in Visual Studio .NET or in Visual Studio 2005 Q839286 KB839286 January 11, 2006
- 836732 Controls that you add to a Windows form disappear when you close and reopen the Windows form in Visual C++ .NET 2003 or in Visual C++ 2005 Q836732 KB836732 January 11, 2006
- 310833 SetILInstrumentedCodeMap may cause access violation Q310833 KB310833 January 11, 2006
- 294704 You cannot see defined classes in Visual C++ ClassView Q294704 KB294704 January 11, 2006
- 270663 How to open a secured Microsoft Access database in Visual C++ Q270663 KB270663 January 11, 2006
- 250848 STL list::remove does not remove all the occurrences of an element from the list in a debug build in Visual C++ Q250848 KB250848 January 11, 2006
- 199515 How to use SwSplit.exe to switch between a single view and multiple views in an SDI application Q199515 KB199515 January 11, 2006
- 198589 How to determine justification in a ListView control in Visual C++ Q198589 KB198589 January 11, 2006
- 198486 How to use ATL OLE DB Consumer to perform a full-text query with Visual C++ Q198486 KB198486 January 11, 2006
- 181255 How to implement enumerated properties in ATL Q181255 KB181255 January 11, 2006
- 177425 How to replace #import's exception raising mechanism for ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) in Visual C++ Q177425 KB177425 January 11, 2006
- 158578 How to use the set::rbegin and set::rend STL functions in Visual C++ Q158578 KB158578 January 11, 2006
- 158574 How to use the set::count STL function in Visual C++ Q158574 KB158574 January 11, 2006
- 158206 How to use the string::operator!= STL function in Visual C++ Q158206 KB158206 January 11, 2006
- 158033 The browse information is not available when you try to browse a symbol inside Visual C++ Q158033 KB158033 January 11, 2006
- 156790 How to use the operator == and the operator < Standard Template Library (STL) functions for the deque container class in Visual C++ Q156790 KB156790 January 11, 2006
- 155059 You receive a "The ActiveX control '<The control inserted>' could not be instantiated" error message when you try to place an ActiveX (OLE) control on a dialog box template in Visual C++ Q155059 KB155059 January 11, 2006
- 146866 You may receive a "warning LNK4018" warning message when you link a debug version of your application in Visual C++ Q146866 KB146866 January 11, 2006
- 57948 The escape character erases the first characters in the gets() string Q57948 KB57948 January 11, 2006
- 258965 ImgEdit.ocx causes breakpoint in RtlFreeHeap when it is executed from Visual C++ Debugger Q258965 KB258965 January 10, 2006
- 247072 The DnDZoom.exe sample demonstrates how to implement a drag-and-drop and zoom operation in the ATL framework in Visual C++ Q247072 KB247072 January 10, 2006
- 238077 How to set a blank date as the initial value for Date Time Picker control Q238077 KB238077 January 10, 2006
- 218982 How to override IUnknown methods in an ATL server Q218982 KB218982 January 10, 2006
- 207088 How to implement a Date/Time generic ActiveX property page in Visual C++ Q207088 KB207088 January 10, 2006
- 179137 How to enable default processing in a subclass Button control in Visual C++ Q179137 KB179137 January 10, 2006
- 167927 The service is not registered when you build an ATL service in Visual C++ Q167927 KB167927 January 10, 2006
- 158614 How to define operator== to compare one vector of user-defined types to another in Visual C++ Q158614 KB158614 January 10, 2006
- 158258 How to use the reverse_copy STL function in Visual C++ Q158258 KB158258 January 10, 2006
- 155361 How to use Visual C++ on networks Q155361 KB155361 January 10, 2006
- 280467 All the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) messages are discarded when a Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) application displays a modal dialog box Q280467 KB280467 January 9, 2006
- 263884 Description of the AdoChng.exe sample that demonstrates how to write an Active Template Library (ATL) COM .dll file Q263884 KB263884 January 9, 2006
- 248883 You receive a LNK2001 error when you link Visual C++ 5.0 and Visual C++ 6.0 binaries Q248883 KB248883 January 9, 2006
- 241849 Description of the MIDL2362 warning in Visual C++ Q241849 KB241849 January 9, 2006
- 232394 How to catch run-time errors in an ActiveX Script Host Q232394 KB232394 January 9, 2006
- 201390 The CDynamicAccesor class does not handle string columns correctly in Visual C++ Q201390 KB201390 January 9, 2006
- 198485 How to use the Visual C++ ATL Consumer templates to perform a distributed query Q198485 KB198485 January 9, 2006
- 184234 Incorrect rounding results occur when you use some functions in Visual C++ Q184234 KB184234 January 9, 2006
- 177218 How to return an array from a Visual C++ DLL or OLE server by using the ColeSafeArray class Q177218 KB177218 January 9, 2006
- 170117 How to use GUID fields in Access from Visual C++ Q170117 KB170117 January 9, 2006
- 168384 "Error C2248" complier error when you declare a template parameter type as a friend class of a template class in Visual C++ Q168384 KB168384 January 9, 2006
- 168045 How to use the list::merge STL function in Visual C++ Q168045 KB168045 January 9, 2006
- 158571 How to use the string::operator>= STL function in Visual C++ Q158571 KB158571 January 9, 2006
- 158207 How to use the string::operator+ STL function in Visual C++ Q158207 KB158207 January 9, 2006
- 158086 How to use the list::back, list::front, list::pop_back, list::pop_front, list::push_back, and list::push_front STL functions in Visual C++ Q158086 KB158086 January 9, 2006
- 155716 Single-stepping through a SQL Server stored procedure does not display error messages at the point where the errors occur in Visual C++ Q155716 KB155716 January 9, 2006
- 143072 How to determine default libraries for an .obj object file in Visual C++ Q143072 KB143072 January 9, 2006
- 98841 ANSI C specifies the requirements for a "strictly conforming" program Q98841 KB98841 January 9, 2006
- 87638 You receive a "C4512" error message when Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0 or later is used to compile a C++ source file that uses a class containing a const data member Q87638 KB87638 January 9, 2006
- 48885 The newline character (\n) is equivalent to the ASCII linefeed character (hex 0A) Q48885 KB48885 January 9, 2006
- 820997 The Toolbox window does not close or hide when the Dialog Editor is not visible in Visual Studio .NET or in Visual Studio 2005 Q820997 KB820997 January 7, 2006
- 253130 The message box is not displayed with the ExitInstance function of a dialog-based MFC application Q253130 KB253130 January 7, 2006
- 247784 An undocumented error code 0x80020101 occurs when you use the ActiveX Scripting interface in Visual C++ Q247784 KB247784 January 7, 2006
- 181894 An error message occurs when you are performing intensive OLE Automation in a loop in Visual C++: "The remote procedure call failed" Q181894 KB181894 January 7, 2006
- 87636 You receive a "C2660" error code when you call a Windows API from within a member function of a window class Q87636 KB87636 January 7, 2006
- 817372 How to insert a splash screen in a dialog-based application by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q817372 KB817372 January 6, 2006
- 815325 The Visual Studio .NET IDE designer fails when implementing an inherited form programmatically in Managed Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815325 KB815325 January 6, 2006
- 814914 You receive a "C2259" error code when a derived class has stricter access permissions for interface method implementations Q814914 KB814914 January 6, 2006
- 323635 You may experience a C-Runtime heap performance problem in a Visual C++ application that is running on Windows 2000 or on Windows XP Q323635 KB323635 January 6, 2006
- 315485 BUG: You may receive unexpected results when you use ATL automation components in a scripting client Q315485 KB315485 January 6, 2006
- 197490 You may receive a "There is no object in this control" error message when you open a form that was saved in Access 97 and that contains ActiveX controls developed with ATL Q197490 KB197490 January 6, 2006
- 181444 How to pass an automation object from Visual Basic to a C/C++ DLL Q181444 KB181444 January 6, 2006
- 180223 How to synchronize writing and reading performance between two DAO processes Q180223 KB180223 January 6, 2006
- 164149 How to build custom COM interface marshalers in Visual C++ Q164149 KB164149 January 6, 2006
- 841926 An RTP program may receive an RTCMediaEvent with the RTCMER_TIMEOUT reason code in Visual C++ 2005, in Visual C++ .NET 2003, and in Visual C++ .NET 2002 Q841926 KB841926 January 5, 2006
- 816170 How to draw a rubber band or focus rectangle in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q816170 KB816170 January 5, 2006
- 815776 How to create a Key property for a TreeView Node object in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q815776 KB815776 January 5, 2006
- 815773 You receive the linker tools warning "LNK4221" message when you try to add resources to a static library Q815773 KB815773 January 5, 2006
- 815708 How to check security in a COM+ application by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815708 KB815708 January 5, 2006
- 815703 How to define and how to use properties in Visual C++ Q815703 KB815703 January 5, 2006
- 328698 The print preview behavior in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q328698 KB328698 January 5, 2006
- 317217 How to use the #import directive to target a specific type library resource ID from a file in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q317217 KB317217 January 5, 2006
- 312222 Profiler does not receive JIT-Compilation notifications for method with reason COR_PRF_TRANSITION_RETURN in Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q312222 KB312222 January 5, 2006
- 311273 The ObjectAllocatedByClass callback does not return the exact number of objects allocated Q311273 KB311273 January 5, 2006
- 309813 Visual C++ compiler does not generate non-CLS compliance warning Q309813 KB309813 January 5, 2006
- 308358 You may receive an "error PRJ0008" or "Fatal error LNK1168" error message when you try to build a solution or an ActiveX project in Visual C++ Q308358 KB308358 January 5, 2006
- 307387 How to use a file name to start an application by using Visual C++ Q307387 KB307387 January 5, 2006
- 241852 You receive a C2335 error message when you compile an ATL project with Visual C++ Q241852 KB241852 January 5, 2006
- 239436 You receive a LNK2001 error message when you use the template member functions Q239436 KB239436 January 5, 2006
- 222837 You cannot call ActiveX Scripting engine methods from non-base threads in Visual C++ Q222837 KB222837 January 5, 2006
- 167960 BUG: When you edit labels in a CTreeCtrl, you are unable to use ESC or ENTER to cancel or accept changes in Visual C++ Q167960 KB167960 January 5, 2006
- 158201 How to use the string::operator> Standard Template Library (STL) function in Visual C++ Q158201 KB158201 January 5, 2006
- 156807 How to use the accumulate, copy, and vector::push_back STL functions in Visual C++ Q156807 KB156807 January 5, 2006
- 99097 How to customize common dialog box parameter blocks by using Visual C++ Q99097 KB99097 January 5, 2006
- 98598 How to use the CFormView class in single document interface (SDI) and multiple document interface (MDI) applications Q98598 KB98598 January 5, 2006
- 44895 The kbhit function does not take the character out of the buffer Q44895 KB44895 January 5, 2006
- 823936 Error C2440 occurs when you convert a string array to the IEnumerable* interface implicitly in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q823936 KB823936 January 4, 2006
- 820993 You cannot jump to the source file if you press F4 when you are debugging in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q820993 KB820993 January 4, 2006
- 816186 How to implement automatic text completion for a ComboBox control in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q816186 KB816186 January 4, 2006