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Visual C++ 6.0 articles, fixes and updates - letter D
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 starts with letter D that have been released. The list is daily updated.
- 125749 Description of the R6025 run-time error in Visual C++ Q125749 KB125749 April 17, 2018
- 811192 DOC: Memory Window in Microsoft Visual C++ Debugger Does Not Display MBCS characters Q811192 KB811192 February 27, 2014
- 148498 DOC: CListBox::ItemFromPoint() Works Only in Windows 95 Q148498 KB148498 October 26, 2013
- 255252 Description of the performance problems of building projects over a network in Visual C++ Q255252 KB255252 April 17, 2013
- 197489 DOC: STRING Record Description Omits grbit Field Q197489 KB197489 February 12, 2007
- 249235 DOC: AfxLoadLibrary() Documentation is not Clear on Usage Q249235 KB249235 November 21, 2006
- 194298 Description of the changes in MFC between Visual C++ 5.0 and Visual C++ 6.0 Q194298 KB194298 November 21, 2006
- 190486 DOC: Missing Styles for CToolbar::SetButtonStyles Q190486 KB190486 November 21, 2006
- 166505 DOC: FindNextFile Returns 0 for Last File Found Q166505 KB166505 November 21, 2006
- 147578 Description of CWnd derived MFC objects and multithreaded applications in Visual C++ Q147578 KB147578 November 21, 2006
- 145698 Description of the mnemonic differences between MFC 4.0 and Visual Basic 4.0 Q145698 KB145698 November 21, 2006
- 141445 DLGDB32 CDialog Sharing a CRecordset Object Q141445 KB141445 November 21, 2006
- 134391 Description of references that discuss ODBC in Visual C++ Q134391 KB134391 November 21, 2006
- 132291 DOC: AfxRegisterWndClass with WS_* Styles Causes Exception Q132291 KB132291 November 21, 2006
- 129095 Description of the format of the document template string Q129095 KB129095 November 21, 2006
- 98863 DOC: SB_ENDSCROLL Code Missing from OnHScroll() Documentation Q98863 KB98863 November 21, 2006
- 98479 DOC: CHKBOOK.CLW File Documents ExtraDDX Lines Incorrectly Q98479 KB98479 November 21, 2006
- 259723 Debugger may stop responding in Visual C++ during a debug session on a fast dual processor computer Q259723 KB259723 October 25, 2006
- 65472 Description of the predefined identifiers in Microsoft C and C++ Q65472 KB65472 April 24, 2006
- 32109 Descriptions of two syntaxes for calling functions by using pointers Q32109 KB32109 April 24, 2006
- 145669 Description and comparison of Visual C++ products Q145669 KB145669 February 24, 2006
- 193474 Developer Studio cannot create files with no name extension Q193474 KB193474 January 20, 2006
- 263884 Description of the AdoChng.exe sample that demonstrates how to write an Active Template Library (ATL) COM .dll file Q263884 KB263884 January 9, 2006
- 241849 Description of the MIDL2362 warning in Visual C++ Q241849 KB241849 January 9, 2006
- 100832 Description of the calling conventions that the 32-bit compiler supports Q100832 KB100832 December 9, 2005
- 216356 Description of Visual C++ project settings and .dbg file creation Q216356 KB216356 September 2, 2005
- 217182 Descriptions are not added to the registry when using the DECLARE_REGISTRY() macro Q217182 KB217182 September 1, 2005
- 177429 Description of the DUMPBIN utility Q177429 KB177429 September 1, 2005
- 173164 Developer Studio may appear to stop responding for 60 seconds or more when you load a workspace in Visual C++ Q173164 KB173164 September 1, 2005
- 131006 Dr Watson does not log stack symbols in the postmortem debug log in Visual C++ applications Q131006 KB131006 September 1, 2005
- 126845 Description of C++ name decoration Q126845 KB126845 September 1, 2005
- 216334 DOC: defaultvalue Attribute Doesn't Work for MFC dispinterface Server and VB Client Q216334 KB216334 August 15, 2005
- 121366 Description of the .PDB files and of the .DBG files Q121366 KB121366 August 5, 2005
- 193471 DOC: MIDL /char Switch Does Not Behave as Expected Q193471 KB193471 July 11, 2005
- 113116 DOC: Undocumented Fatal Error C1053 Q113116 KB113116 July 5, 2005
- 93591 DOC: strstream Constructor Documented Incorrectly Q93591 KB93591 July 5, 2005
- 67078 Different Warnings Appear Using Different Optimizations Q67078 KB67078 July 5, 2005
- 51724 DOC: Clarification of the /H Identifier Length Option Q51724 KB51724 July 5, 2005
- 51326 DOC: tmpfile() Creates a Temporary File in the Root Dir Q51326 KB51326 July 5, 2005
- 46131 DOC: tmpnam() Operation Does Not Change If P_tmpdir Modified Q46131 KB46131 July 5, 2005
- 41104 DOC: Libraries Added by Comment pragma Appear After Default Q41104 KB41104 July 5, 2005
- 145889 Description of why floating point numbers may lose precision in Visual C++ Q145889 KB145889 June 10, 2005
- 294320 Description of the "How to" information for Visual C++ beginners Q294320 KB294320 June 4, 2005
- 146876 DAO error 3028 may occur when you try to create a workspace DAO object in Visual C++ Q146876 KB146876 June 2, 2005
- 201321 Description of an alternative implementation of ATL singleton in Visual C++ 6.0 Q201321 KB201321 May 3, 2005
- 100775 Description of the stack checking for Windows NT-based applications Q100775 KB100775 May 3, 2005
- 108433 Descriptions of multithreaded programming techniques Q108433 KB108433 April 29, 2005
- 104641 Description of using C Run-Time (CRT) functions and CreateThread () Q104641 KB104641 April 29, 2005
- 202110 Deleting a C++ object that is associated with an ATL dialog box causes an assert in Atlwin.h, Line 2281 in Visual C++ 6.0 Q202110 KB202110 April 28, 2005
- 136994 Description of read-only recordset with Microsoft SQL Server version 6.0 and 6.5 Q136994 KB136994 April 22, 2005
- 131058 Descriptions of tips for remote debugging with Visual C++ versions 2.x, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0 Q131058 KB131058 April 22, 2005
- 85956 DOC: Visual Editors Do Not Use INCLUDE Environment Variable Q85956 KB85956 December 12, 2003
- 50712 DOC: Run-Time Routines Assume Direction Flag Is Clear in C Q50712 KB50712 December 12, 2003
- 46024 DOCFIX: fopen() Will Set errno Values Incorrect in Documentation Q46024 KB46024 December 12, 2003
- 147427 DOC: Description of C2354 Error Is Unclear Q147427 KB147427 December 9, 2003
- 131947 DOC: CDC::GetWindow() Is Documented but Not Available Q131947 KB131947 December 9, 2003
- 199907 DOC: Debugger.Evaluate Method Doesn't Evaluate Functions Q199907 KB199907 December 8, 2003
- 192621 DOC: CUSTOMWZ Sample Is Actually Custom AppWizard Code Q192621 KB192621 December 2, 2003
- 190998 DOC: Help for Dir and Files Macros Missing in Project Settings Q190998 KB190998 December 2, 2003
- 170513 DOC: PRF1301 Using Sample Command "FTIME test.exe" Q170513 KB170513 December 2, 2003
- 165789 DOC: Tab Text is too Small to Read Q165789 KB165789 December 2, 2003
- 141493 DOC: "How to Use Debug Heap from C++" Documented Incorrectly Q141493 KB141493 December 2, 2003
- 139640 Do Not Mix Operating System and CRT File Handles Q139640 KB139640 December 1, 2003
- 125473 DOC: Pass Counts for Breakpoints Undocumented Q125473 KB125473 December 1, 2003
- 117866 DOC: Adding Icon and Cursor Devices Documented Incorrectly Q117866 KB117866 December 1, 2003
- 108293 DOC: LIBRARY Statement Documented Incorrectly Q108293 KB108293 December 1, 2003
- 235956 DOC: /OPT:NOWIN98 Linker Option Not Described in Linker Reference Q235956 KB235956 November 18, 2003
- 138695 DOC: ConstructElements & DestructElements Q138695 KB138695 September 18, 2003