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Visual C++ .NET 2002 articles, fixes and updates - letter H
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2002 starts with letter H that have been released. The list is daily updated.
- 815662 How to catch exceptions in Visual C++ Q815662 KB815662 June 10, 2019
- 815661 How to write to an event log by using Visual C++ Q815661 KB815661 June 10, 2019
- 310809 How to create and use string arrays in Visual C++ Q310809 KB310809 June 10, 2019
- 310674 How to add references to a managed Visual C++ project Q310674 KB310674 June 10, 2019
- 308510 How to update a SQL Server database by using the SqlDataAdapter object in Visual C++ .NET Q308510 KB308510 June 10, 2019
- 307395 How to use Visual C++ to close another application Q307395 KB307395 June 10, 2019
- 131991 How to change the mouse pointer for a window in MFC by using Visual C++ Q131991 KB131991 June 10, 2019
- 94227 How to flush the cout buffer in Visual C++ Q94227 KB94227 June 10, 2019
- 30580 How to declare an array of pointers to functions in Visual C++ Q30580 KB30580 June 10, 2019
- 307473 How to use a type library for Office Automation from Visual C++.NET Q307473 KB307473 May 27, 2019
- 815718 How to clear the cache when your application hosts a WebBrowser control in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q815718 KB815718 December 19, 2018
- 841293 How to pass an array between a Visual Basic .NET or Visual Basic 2005 application and a Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 function Q841293 KB841293 April 19, 2018
- 829488 How to write ANSI C programs by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q829488 KB829488 April 19, 2018
- 829437 How to import a dialog resource from one project to another project by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q829437 KB829437 April 19, 2018
- 816179 How to change the foreground and the background text colors in a Console window by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q816179 KB816179 April 19, 2018
- 816148 How to read from and write to a text file by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q816148 KB816148 April 19, 2018
- 815787 How to trace and debug in Visual C++ .NET and in Visual C++ 2005 Q815787 KB815787 April 19, 2018
- 815668 How to use the QueryPerformanceCounter function to time code in Visual C++ Q815668 KB815668 April 19, 2018
- 815657 How to make a GET request by using Visual C++ Q815657 KB815657 April 19, 2018
- 324168 How to deploy an assembly to the target computer global assembly cache Q324168 KB324168 April 19, 2018
- 318263 How to identify memory leaks in the common language runtime Q318263 KB318263 April 19, 2018
- 311580 How to concatenate strings in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q311580 KB311580 April 19, 2018
- 310142 HOW TO: Execute SQL Parameterized Stored Procedures by Using the ODBC .NET Provider and Visual C++ .NET Q310142 KB310142 April 19, 2018
- 307384 How to read a text file by using System.IO and Visual C++ Q307384 KB307384 April 19, 2018
- 251059 How to provide your own Window class name for an MFC dialog box Q251059 KB251059 April 19, 2018
- 243953 How to limit 32-bit applications to one instance in Visual C++ Q243953 KB243953 April 19, 2018
- 156078 How to clean up invalid registry entries in Visual C++ and in Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) Q156078 KB156078 April 19, 2018
- 149558 How to create an .mdb file for Microsoft Access databases in Visual C++ Q149558 KB149558 April 19, 2018
- 131368 How to create MFC applications that do not have a menu bar in Visual C++ Q131368 KB131368 April 19, 2018
- 311546 How to embed and automate an Excel worksheet by using MFC and Visual C++ 2005 or Visual C++ .NET Q311546 KB311546 April 18, 2018
- 310294 How to write a Windows XP Application that stores user and application data in the correct location by using Visual C++ Q310294 KB310294 April 18, 2018
- 308407 How to automate Excel from MFC and Visual C++ 2005 or Visual C++ .NET to fill or obtain data in a range using arrays Q308407 KB308407 April 18, 2018
- 307382 How to programmatically start the default Internet browser by using Visual C++ Q307382 KB307382 April 18, 2018
- 311259 How to convert from System::String* to Char* in Visual C++ Q311259 KB311259 April 17, 2018
- 828736 How to call a managed DLL from native Visual C++ code in Visual Studio.NET or in Visual Studio 2005 Q828736 KB828736 April 16, 2018
- 307402 How To Create a SQL Server Database Programmatically by Using ADO.NET and Visual C++ .NET Q307402 KB307402 April 13, 2018
- 837697 How to use the STL PRIORITY_QUEUE class with a custom type Q837697 KB837697 March 30, 2017
- 818271 HOW TO: Create a Library Using the Out Parameter Function in Visual C++ .NET Q818271 KB818271 January 17, 2015
- 816194 How to make a Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 class usable in a foreach statement Q816194 KB816194 January 17, 2015
- 816189 How to create a FileCompare function by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q816189 KB816189 January 17, 2015
- 816162 How to write your own registry accessing functions by using the base class libraries in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q816162 KB816162 January 17, 2015
- 816155 How to use structured exception handling in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q816155 KB816155 January 17, 2015
- 815785 How to store custom information to and retrieve custom information from an application configuration file by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815785 KB815785 January 17, 2015
- 815678 How to merge data from two XML documents by using System.Xml with Visual C++ .NET or with Visual C++ 2005 Q815678 KB815678 January 17, 2015
- 815376 How to create and insert a splash screen in an SDI application or in an MDI application by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815376 KB815376 January 17, 2015
- 318651 How to build or clean a specific Visual C++ project without building other dependencies in the solution Q318651 KB318651 January 17, 2015
- 307393 How to determine the operating system service pack level in Visual C++ Q307393 KB307393 January 16, 2015
- 160740 How to use the vector::size, vector::capacity, and vector::push_back STL functions in Visual C++ Q160740 KB160740 January 11, 2015
- 158612 How to use the vector::erase, vector::empty, and vector::push_back STL functions in Visual C++ Q158612 KB158612 June 22, 2014
- 158576 How to use the set::find STL function in Visual C++ Q158576 KB158576 June 22, 2014
- 158200 How to use the string::getline STL function in Visual C++ Q158200 KB158200 June 22, 2014
- 158091 How to use the list::list STL functions in Visual C++ Q158091 KB158091 June 22, 2014
- 158040 How to use the stack::top and stack::empty STL functions in Visual C++ Q158040 KB158040 June 22, 2014
- 157950 How to use trigonometry STL functions in Visual C++ Q157950 KB157950 June 22, 2014
- 157942 How to use the STL sqrt function and the STL pow function in Visual C++ Q157942 KB157942 June 22, 2014
- 157622 How to use the member functions of the STL queue class in Visual C++ Q157622 KB157622 June 22, 2014
- 157159 How to use the map::end, map::find, map::insert, map::iterator, and map::value_type Standard Template Library (STL) functions in Visual C++ Q157159 KB157159 June 22, 2014
- 156994 How to use the random_shuffle STL function in Visual C++ Q156994 KB156994 June 22, 2014
- 194678 How to use SQL Server identity, OLE DB templates, and OLE DB for ODBC in Visual C++ Q194678 KB194678 December 27, 2013
- 194207 How to use Access autonumber column with OLE DB templates in Visual C++ Q194207 KB194207 December 27, 2013
- 312383 How to remove Visual Studio .NET Beta and Release Candidate versions Q312383 KB312383 October 24, 2013
- 307388 How to wait for a shelled application to finish by using Visual C++ Q307388 KB307388 November 30, 2012
- 815658 How to read the XML data from a file by using Visual C++ Q815658 KB815658 October 17, 2012
- 307394 How to determine the version of Windows by using Visual C++ Q307394 KB307394 October 17, 2012
- 264471 How to use the PageHeap utility to detect memory errors in a Microsoft Visual C++ project Q264471 KB264471 September 20, 2012
- 319714 How to troubleshoot Visual Studio.NET installation Q319714 KB319714 September 22, 2011
- 316587 How to automate embedded Office ActiveX documents with C++ Q316587 KB316587 March 23, 2009
- 317840 How to change print settings for Internet Explorer and the WebBrowser control programmatically in Managed C++ Q317840 KB317840 June 25, 2008
- 230485 How to create an Access 2000 database with MFC DAO Q230485 KB230485 May 22, 2008
- 218972 How to load graphics files and display them in Visual C++ Q218972 KB218972 May 22, 2008
- 206076 How to marshal interfaces across apartments in Visual C++ Q206076 KB206076 May 22, 2008
- 198623 How to JIT debug exceptions from a COM local server in Visual C++ Q198623 KB198623 May 22, 2008
- 157437 How to start a second thread in an MFC-based ActiveX control to fire events in Visual C++ Q157437 KB157437 May 22, 2008
- 315530 How to use the System Restore API to save and to restore system data in Visual C++ Q315530 KB315530 March 19, 2008
- 310153 How to write an application that supports fast user switching in Windows XP Q310153 KB310153 March 19, 2008
- 914135 How to use Visual C++ .NET to detect the .NET Framework versions and service packs that are installed on the computer Q914135 KB914135 December 3, 2007
- 815172 HOW TO: Migrate an ASP Web Application to ASP.NET While Retaining Existing File Name Extensions Q815172 KB815172 December 3, 2007
- 310084 HOW TO: Build a Connection String Programmatically in ADO.NET by Using Visual C++ .NET Q310084 KB310084 November 29, 2007
- 816180 How to clear the Console window with Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q816180 KB816180 November 26, 2007
- 816160 How to synchronize access to a shared resource in a multithreaded environment by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q816160 KB816160 November 26, 2007
- 815812 How to serialize an object to XML by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815812 KB815812 November 14, 2007
- 815783 How to convert string to lowercase, to uppercase, or to title case by using Visual C++ Q815783 KB815783 November 14, 2007
- 815670 How to use inheritance in Visual C++ Q815670 KB815670 November 14, 2007
- 815664 How to obtain the NetBIOS and DNS computer names by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815664 KB815664 November 14, 2007
- 815659 How to read XML data from a URL by using Visual C++ Q815659 KB815659 November 14, 2007
- 815655 How to apply an XSL transformation to XML for streaming by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815655 KB815655 November 14, 2007
- 815653 How to apply an XSL transformation from one XML document to another by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815653 KB815653 November 14, 2007
- 818780 How to create a remote server by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q818780 KB818780 August 28, 2007
- 309301 HOW TO: Handle Events for Excel by Using Visual C++ .NET Q309301 KB309301 June 29, 2007
- 309294 HOW TO: Handle Word Events by Using Visual C++ .NET and MFC Q309294 KB309294 June 29, 2007
- 308336 How to use Automation to create and to show a PowerPoint 2000 presentation or a PowerPoint 2002 presentation by using Visual C++ .NET 2002 or Visual C++ .NET 2003 and Microsoft Foundation Classes Q308336 KB308336 June 29, 2007
- 306686 How To Run Office Macros Using Automation From Visual C++ .NET Q306686 KB306686 June 29, 2007
- 815807 How to install an assembly in the global assembly cache in Visual C++ .NET and in Visual C++ 2005 Q815807 KB815807 May 21, 2007
- 818781 How to create client access to a remote server by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q818781 KB818781 May 16, 2007
- 818779 How to populate a DataSet object from a database by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q818779 KB818779 May 16, 2007
- 818062 How to marshal an object to a remote server by reference by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q818062 KB818062 May 16, 2007
- 816171 How to create a key element for an XML schema in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q816171 KB816171 May 16, 2007
- 816158 How to use ADO RecordSet objects in Visual C++ 2005 or in Visual C++ .NET Q816158 KB816158 May 16, 2007
- 815704 How to create and use static members by using Visual C++ Q815704 KB815704 May 13, 2007
- 311570 How to reaad XML data into DataSet by using Visual C++ .NET Q311570 KB311570 May 13, 2007
- 309184 How To Persist an ADO.NET DataSet into XML by Using Visual C++ .NET Q309184 KB309184 May 13, 2007
- 309108 HOW TO: Create a Serviced .NET Component in Visual C++ .NET Q309108 KB309108 May 13, 2007
- 815656 How to compute and compare hash values by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815656 KB815656 May 12, 2007
- 328578 How to view the address of variables in Managed Extensions for C++ Debugger Q328578 KB328578 April 19, 2007
- 309805 How to create .NET modules by using Visual C++ Q309805 KB309805 April 4, 2007
- 308408 How To Use Automation to Get and Set Office Document Properties from a Managed C++ Client Q308408 KB308408 March 29, 2007
- 839287 How to set a different file name extension on files to be opened by the Visual C++ editor in Visual Studio .NET and in Visual Studio 2005 Q839287 KB839287 March 19, 2007
- 815660 How to update a database from a DataSet object by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815660 KB815660 March 19, 2007
- 184382 How to use the Remote Data Service (RDS) of ADO in Visual C++ Q184382 KB184382 February 15, 2007
- 100993 How to Create Additional Views with CreateNewFrame() Function Q100993 KB100993 January 29, 2007
- 310744 How To Dismiss a Dialog Box Displayed by an Office Application by Using Visual C++ .NET and MFC Q310744 KB310744 January 17, 2007
- 810230 How to implement build events in Visual C# .NET or Visual C# 2005 Q810230 KB810230 January 10, 2007
- 323187 How to use the Visual Studio .NET or Visual Studio 2005 samples without the media CD or DVD Q323187 KB323187 December 11, 2006
- 317915 How to move the Visual Studio .NET or Visual Studio 2005 MSDN documentation to a different location Q317915 KB317915 December 11, 2006
- 291585 How to Create Debug Symbols for a Visual C++ Application Q291585 KB291585 November 27, 2006
- 248019 How to prevent the OLE Server Busy dialog box from appearing during a lengthy COM operation Q248019 KB248019 November 21, 2006
- 243751 How to add command handlers for MRU menu items in MFC applications Q243751 KB243751 November 21, 2006
- 231591 How to use a dialog template to create an MFC dialog that contains an ActiveX control Q231591 KB231591 November 21, 2006
- 230049 How to highlight a whole row in the ListView common control in a multicolumn report view mode Q230049 KB230049 November 21, 2006
- 222829 How to use accelerator keys within a modal dialog box in Visual C++ Q222829 KB222829 November 21, 2006
- 214478 How to handle check notifications in CCheckListBox in Visual C++ Q214478 KB214478 November 21, 2006
- 206626 How to change the text color of the selected property sheet tab in Visual C++ Q206626 KB206626 November 21, 2006
- 205670 How to obtain access to an ActiveX control from its property page Q205670 KB205670 November 21, 2006
- 201879 How to determine whether an ActiveX ambient property is implemented Q201879 KB201879 November 21, 2006
- 201553 How to disable the window close button in an MFC Multiple Document Interface (MDI) application Q201553 KB201553 November 21, 2006
- 201045 How to add multiple window types to a non-document view MDI application Q201045 KB201045 November 21, 2006
- 200854 How To Trapping Server's Menu Commands in Composite Menu Bar Q200854 KB200854 November 21, 2006
- 199516 How To Set Default Values for ActiveX Control Stock Properties Q199516 KB199516 November 21, 2006
- 198732 How To Draw ActiveX Controls with Child Controls in Design Time Q198732 KB198732 November 21, 2006
- 195034 How to use and customize the Explorer-style CFileDialog by using the OfnKing sample Q195034 KB195034 November 21, 2006
- 193103 How to modify the "default" printer for your Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) application to be other than the actual system-defined default printer Q193103 KB193103 November 21, 2006
- 179689 How to hook into the IUnknown members of a COM object in MFC Q179689 KB179689 November 21, 2006
- 175668 How to pass a socket connection between threads in an MFC application in Visual C++ Q175668 KB175668 November 21, 2006
- 168326 How To Define the Display Size of an MFC ActiveX Control Q168326 KB168326 November 21, 2006
- 167668 How to pass a SafeArray of strings in a VARIANT* between Visual C++ and Visual Basic 6.0 Q167668 KB167668 November 21, 2006
- 166129 How to programmatically print to a non-default printer in MFC Q166129 KB166129 November 21, 2006
- 154039 How to pass optional arguments to a method on an ActiveX Control Q154039 KB154039 November 21, 2006
- 152092 How to implement OLE drag and drop in Windows 95 Common controls in Visual C++ Q152092 KB152092 November 21, 2006
- 151032 How to put different types of windows in splitter panes by using the GENSPLIT sample Q151032 KB151032 November 21, 2006
- 150552 How to avoid the ODBC login dialog box when using MFC in Visual C++ Q150552 KB150552 November 21, 2006
- 148860 How To Show Container's Toolbar During Inplace Activation Q148860 KB148860 November 21, 2006
- 148242 How to change the background color of an OLE control in Visual C++ Q148242 KB148242 November 21, 2006
- 148222 How to update property values in a property page by using Visual C++ Q148222 KB148222 November 21, 2006
- 147842 How to detect a mouse click on any column of a List View control in Visual C++ Q147842 KB147842 November 21, 2006
- 146916 How To Create a Modeless CPropertySheet with Standard Buttons Q146916 KB146916 November 21, 2006
- 146120 How to use an OLE control as an automation server in Visual C++ Q146120 KB146120 November 21, 2006
- 145994 How to calculate dialog box units based on the current font in Visual C++ Q145994 KB145994 November 21, 2006
- 143432 How to gain access to member variables of the control derived class from its property page when you use an ActiveX control Q143432 KB143432 November 21, 2006
- 143291 How to resize CPropertyPages at run time in Visual C++ Q143291 KB143291 November 21, 2006
- 143255 How to make a resizable dialog bar in Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) Q143255 KB143255 November 21, 2006
- 142202 How to create a process bar on the status bar in Visual C++ Q142202 KB142202 November 21, 2006
- 141871 How to add ToolTips to ActiveX controls Q141871 KB141871 November 21, 2006
- 141834 How to change the icon or the bitmap of a CListCtrl item in Visual C++ Q141834 KB141834 November 21, 2006
- 141802 How to dynamically determine the number, the types, and the names of each column in a given table and then bind these columns to dynamically allocated objects in your CRecordset derived class by using Visual C++ Q141802 KB141802 November 21, 2006
- 141758 How to add tooltips for controls to an MFC modal dialog box Q141758 KB141758 November 21, 2006
- 141277 How to override an interface in an MFC application by using Visual C++ Q141277 KB141277 November 21, 2006
- 141154 How to use single or multiple instances of an OLE object in MFC by using Visual C++ Q141154 KB141154 November 21, 2006
- 138505 How to add a context-sensitive help button to the title bar of dialog boxes in Windows 95 Q138505 KB138505 November 21, 2006
- 137357 How to insert objects without using the InsertObject dialog box by using Visual C++ Q137357 KB137357 November 21, 2006
- 132243 How to create controls that have a 3D border at run time by using MFC in Visual C++ Q132243 KB132243 November 21, 2006
- 132080 How to change the color scheme of a standard child class of controls in MFC Q132080 KB132080 November 21, 2006
- 129471 How to create the MDIClient window by using MFC Q129471 KB129471 November 21, 2006
- 129224 How to remove the system menu from an iconized application in Visual C++ Q129224 KB129224 November 21, 2006
- 121950 How to detect an empty CRecordset object in Visual C++ Q121950 KB121950 November 21, 2006
- 117778 How to change the background color of an MFC edit control Q117778 KB117778 November 21, 2006
- 102328 How To Center a Dialog Using the Microsoft Foundation Classes Q102328 KB102328 November 21, 2006
- 99182 How To Change an MFC-Based MDI Child Window's Frame Text Q99182 KB99182 November 21, 2006
- 113418 How to determine whether a drive is a RAM drive Q113418 KB113418 April 24, 2006
- 319720 "High encryption mismatch" error message occurs when you try to install Visual Studio .NET Q319720 KB319720 January 25, 2006
- 216858 How to use the quick-sort function to sort MFC CArray-derived classes on the MFC and Visual C++ run-time library Q216858 KB216858 January 21, 2006
- 306272 How to add a user account to the local system by using the DirectoryServices namespace in Visual C++ Q306272 KB306272 January 18, 2006
- 222966 How to call a script method from an ActiveX script host in Visual C++ Q222966 KB222966 January 18, 2006
- 183001 How to retrieve the output parameters from a stored procedure in MFC Q183001 KB183001 January 18, 2006
- 156592 How to use the "deque::rbegin" STL function, the "deque::rend" STL function, and the "deque::push_back" STL function in Visual C++ Q156592 KB156592 January 18, 2006
- 156591 How to use the deque::begin and deque:end STL functions in Visual C++ Q156591 KB156591 January 18, 2006
- 311933 How to specify Environment variables in project settings by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q311933 KB311933 January 17, 2006
- 243480 How to change background color of a dialog box by using ATL Q243480 KB243480 January 17, 2006
- 156743 How to use the replace_if STL function in Visual C++ Q156743 KB156743 January 13, 2006
- 315487 How to run an existing Visual Studio .NET or Visual Studio 2005 Wizard by using DTE.LaunchWizard Q315487 KB315487 January 12, 2006
- 312514 How to implement custom collections in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q312514 KB312514 January 12, 2006
- 307011 How to determine when a shelled process ends in Visual C++ Q307011 KB307011 January 12, 2006
- 275862 How to add verbs for ATL ActiveX controls embedded in an Office application Q275862 KB275862 January 12, 2006
- 270663 How to open a secured Microsoft Access database in Visual C++ Q270663 KB270663 January 11, 2006
- 199515 How to use SwSplit.exe to switch between a single view and multiple views in an SDI application Q199515 KB199515 January 11, 2006
- 198589 How to determine justification in a ListView control in Visual C++ Q198589 KB198589 January 11, 2006
- 198486 How to use ATL OLE DB Consumer to perform a full-text query with Visual C++ Q198486 KB198486 January 11, 2006
- 181255 How to implement enumerated properties in ATL Q181255 KB181255 January 11, 2006
- 177425 How to replace #import's exception raising mechanism for ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) in Visual C++ Q177425 KB177425 January 11, 2006
- 158578 How to use the set::rbegin and set::rend STL functions in Visual C++ Q158578 KB158578 January 11, 2006
- 158574 How to use the set::count STL function in Visual C++ Q158574 KB158574 January 11, 2006
- 158206 How to use the string::operator!= STL function in Visual C++ Q158206 KB158206 January 11, 2006
- 156790 How to use the operator == and the operator < Standard Template Library (STL) functions for the deque container class in Visual C++ Q156790 KB156790 January 11, 2006
- 238077 How to set a blank date as the initial value for Date Time Picker control Q238077 KB238077 January 10, 2006
- 218982 How to override IUnknown methods in an ATL server Q218982 KB218982 January 10, 2006
- 207088 How to implement a Date/Time generic ActiveX property page in Visual C++ Q207088 KB207088 January 10, 2006
- 179137 How to enable default processing in a subclass Button control in Visual C++ Q179137 KB179137 January 10, 2006
- 158614 How to define operator== to compare one vector of user-defined types to another in Visual C++ Q158614 KB158614 January 10, 2006
- 158258 How to use the reverse_copy STL function in Visual C++ Q158258 KB158258 January 10, 2006
- 155361 How to use Visual C++ on networks Q155361 KB155361 January 10, 2006
- 232394 How to catch run-time errors in an ActiveX Script Host Q232394 KB232394 January 9, 2006
- 198485 How to use the Visual C++ ATL Consumer templates to perform a distributed query Q198485 KB198485 January 9, 2006
- 177218 How to return an array from a Visual C++ DLL or OLE server by using the ColeSafeArray class Q177218 KB177218 January 9, 2006
- 170117 How to use GUID fields in Access from Visual C++ Q170117 KB170117 January 9, 2006
- 168045 How to use the list::merge STL function in Visual C++ Q168045 KB168045 January 9, 2006
- 158571 How to use the string::operator>= STL function in Visual C++ Q158571 KB158571 January 9, 2006
- 158207 How to use the string::operator+ STL function in Visual C++ Q158207 KB158207 January 9, 2006
- 158086 How to use the list::back, list::front, list::pop_back, list::pop_front, list::push_back, and list::push_front STL functions in Visual C++ Q158086 KB158086 January 9, 2006
- 143072 How to determine default libraries for an .obj object file in Visual C++ Q143072 KB143072 January 9, 2006
- 817372 How to insert a splash screen in a dialog-based application by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q817372 KB817372 January 6, 2006
- 181444 How to pass an automation object from Visual Basic to a C/C++ DLL Q181444 KB181444 January 6, 2006
- 180223 How to synchronize writing and reading performance between two DAO processes Q180223 KB180223 January 6, 2006
- 164149 How to build custom COM interface marshalers in Visual C++ Q164149 KB164149 January 6, 2006
- 815708 How to check security in a COM+ application by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815708 KB815708 January 5, 2006
- 815703 How to define and how to use properties in Visual C++ Q815703 KB815703 January 5, 2006
- 317217 How to use the #import directive to target a specific type library resource ID from a file in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q317217 KB317217 January 5, 2006
- 307387 How to use a file name to start an application by using Visual C++ Q307387 KB307387 January 5, 2006
- 158201 How to use the string::operator> Standard Template Library (STL) function in Visual C++ Q158201 KB158201 January 5, 2006
- 156807 How to use the accumulate, copy, and vector::push_back STL functions in Visual C++ Q156807 KB156807 January 5, 2006
- 99097 How to customize common dialog box parameter blocks by using Visual C++ Q99097 KB99097 January 5, 2006
- 98598 How to use the CFormView class in single document interface (SDI) and multiple document interface (MDI) applications Q98598 KB98598 January 5, 2006
- 317433 How to suppress the console window for a managed extensions to Visual C++ Windows Forms application Q317433 KB317433 December 31, 2005
- 311065 How to modify default compiler options for the Visual C++ compiler Q311065 KB311065 December 31, 2005
- 288929 How to drag and drop files in and out of applications by using OLE drag and drop Q288929 KB288929 December 31, 2005
- 182046 How to work around bugs in template libraries by using Visual C++ Q182046 KB182046 December 31, 2005
- 158203 How to use the string::operator<= STL function in Visual C++ Q158203 KB158203 December 31, 2005
- 325613 How to design a resizable MFC property sheet in Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q325613 KB325613 December 30, 2005
- 260744 How to set an ActiveX control design-time property at run time in Visual C++ Q260744 KB260744 December 30, 2005
- 176552 How to set the initial default size of an Active Template Library (ATL) control in Visual C++ Q176552 KB176552 December 30, 2005
- 175784 How to replace #import's exception raising mechanism in Visual C++ Q175784 KB175784 December 30, 2005
- 158621 How to use the vector::reserve, vector::max_size, vector::resize, and vector::capacity STL functions in Visual C++ Q158621 KB158621 December 30, 2005
- 158575 How to use the set::empty and set::clear STL functions in Visual C++ Q158575 KB158575 December 30, 2005
- 157220 How to use the exp, log, and log10 STL functions in Visual C++ Q157220 KB157220 December 30, 2005
- 156744 How to use the replace_copy_if STL function in Visual C++ Q156744 KB156744 December 30, 2005
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