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Visual C# 2005 articles, fixes and updates - Year 2014
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Visual C# 2005 that have been released in Year 2014. The list is daily updated.
- 320348 How to create a File-Compare function in Visual C# Q320348 KB320348 June 19, 2014
- 823246 The Java Language Conversion Assistant does not support project conversion from Visual J# .NET to Visual C# .NET or Visual C# 2005 Q823246 KB823246 February 27, 2014
- 822752 Application configuration file is deleted when you build the solution Q822752 KB822752 February 27, 2014
- 822490 BUG: The control size is not preserved when a form is minimized and then the form is restored Q822490 KB822490 February 27, 2014
- 821320 Error message when you compile a project that you converted from Visual J++ to Visual C# .NET or Visual C# 2005 by using the Java language conversion assistant: "No Overload for Method 'TextBox'" Q821320 KB821320 February 27, 2014
- 820644 "PrintDocument Class" does not implement the PrintToFile feature Q820644 KB820644 February 27, 2014
- 820642 Default option for the DataSource property of a PivotTable is not displayed Q820642 KB820642 February 27, 2014
- 820638 BUG: TextBox content is not automatically scrolled to display selected text on receiving focus Q820638 KB820638 February 27, 2014
- 819600 BUG: Help topic for the java.io.PipedOutputStream class is not correct in Visual Studio .NET or in Visual Studio 2005 Q819600 KB819600 February 27, 2014
- 817183 BUG: The FillSchema method may not include schema for the PrimaryKey column for the join query Q817183 KB817183 February 27, 2014
- 814900 Setting the Authentication tag to Windows does not enable Windows authentication for a Web application Q814900 KB814900 February 27, 2014
- 814358 Compile error when you try to create an instance of System.Drawing.Imaging.PropertyItem Q814358 KB814358 February 27, 2014
- 814349 BUG: You cannot load images in the ImageList control by directly assigning the ImageStream property from one ImageList to another Q814349 KB814349 February 27, 2014
- 814342 "License cannot be granted" exception when you add a licensed user control to the Windows Form in the same solution Q814342 KB814342 February 27, 2014
- 814312 Text after the first line is lost when you modify the Multiline property of the RichTextBox control from true to false Q814312 KB814312 February 27, 2014
- 814309 You cannot drop text in a RichTextBox control by using a code sample from MSDN documentation Q814309 KB814309 February 27, 2014