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Visual SourceSafe 6.0 articles, fixes and updates - Year 2002
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 6.0 that have been released in Year 2002. The list is daily updated.
- 141548 PRB: 16-Bit Visual Basic Requires 16-Bit SourceSafe Q141548 KB141548 November 7, 2002
- 320317 INFO: How to Connect to a Visual SourceSafe Database Over the Internet Q320317 KB320317 October 26, 2002
- 266429 BUG: "Invalid DOS Path" Error with Visual SourceSafe Command Line GET Q266429 KB266429 October 15, 2002
- 252887 BUG: Truncated File Listing with Visual SourceSafe Q252887 KB252887 October 15, 2002
- 248240 BUG: Using SourceSafe in Multiple Time Zones Q248240 KB248240 October 15, 2002
- 248078 BUG: VSSVersion Collection Does Not Give Filenames Q248078 KB248078 October 15, 2002
- 238272 BUG: Show Difference Causes Visual SourceSafe to Hang on Large Text Files Q238272 KB238272 October 15, 2002
- 238188 BUG: Branching a file gives "A more recent version is checked out" Q238188 KB238188 October 15, 2002
- 237966 BUG: Deleting and Purging without Destroy Permission Causes VSS Explorer to Close Q237966 KB237966 October 15, 2002
- 237798 BUG: SSRESTOR Fails with "Error reading from file" Q237798 KB237798 October 15, 2002
- 223128 FIX: Problems Saving Visual Basic Form to Visual SourceSafe Q223128 KB223128 October 15, 2002
- 216986 BUG: QueryInterface Returning E_NOINTERFACE Q216986 KB216986 October 15, 2002
- 216391 BUG: VSS History Not Updated for Modified Word Documents Q216391 KB216391 October 15, 2002
- 206665 FIX: Project Settings Not Updated for All Projects Q206665 KB206665 October 15, 2002
- 200979 FIX: File Corruption Occurs When Shadowed Q200979 KB200979 October 15, 2002
- 195025 BUG: VFP: "SCC API error "Reload File" occurred on file" Q195025 KB195025 October 15, 2002
- 193578 BUG: Rollback Causes File Label Corruption Q193578 KB193578 October 15, 2002
- 193273 BUG: FTP Creates Recursive Subfolders When Deploying Q193273 KB193273 October 15, 2002
- 190758 BUG: Recalculate Links Does Not Update File Version Number Q190758 KB190758 October 15, 2002
- 183728 BUG: "Failed To Reload Project" Err Opening VB Group File Q183728 KB183728 October 15, 2002
- 176351 BUG: Referenced Project Causes "Failed to Reload the Project" Q176351 KB176351 October 15, 2002
- 171350 BUG: Analyze Always Updates aaaaaaaa.cnt Q171350 KB171350 October 15, 2002
- 154835 BUG: "Project History Options" Won't Search for Labels in File Q154835 KB154835 October 15, 2002
- 154470 BUG: Long File Name Working Directory Not Created Q154470 KB154470 October 15, 2002
- 153503 BUG: Fonts are Corrupt or Extremely Large in Windows 95 Q153503 KB153503 October 15, 2002
- 149678 BUG: File Dates Do Not Change After a Rollback Q149678 KB149678 October 15, 2002
- 138480 BUG: Using the Keyboard in SourceSafe Administrator May Fail Q138480 KB138480 October 15, 2002
- 250834 INFO: Create a File List of a Project at a Particular Time or Label Q250834 KB250834 September 18, 2002
- 138298 INFO: Visual SourceSafe System Capacities and Specifications Q138298 KB138298 August 30, 2002
- 240052 HOWTO: Specifying a VSS Database Using the Command Line Q240052 KB240052 August 28, 2002
- 310326 DOC: SourceSafe - Change Password Topic in Help is Incorrect Q310326 KB310326 August 13, 2002
- 320319 PRB: "Um.dat May Be Corrupt" Error Message When You Start Visual SourceSafe Q320319 KB320319 August 6, 2002
- 285104 PRB: SSARC.exe with the -X Switch Does Not Recurse Through Deleted Files Q285104 KB285104 June 18, 2002
- 320318 PRB: Visual Basic Projects Cannot Connect to Relocated Visual SourceSafe Database Q320318 KB320318 May 10, 2002
- 320309 PRB: "File or Project Not Found" Error Message When You Try to Add User Rights to a Project Q320309 KB320309 May 9, 2002
- 150643 PRB: Setting Wrong System Date Causes Lost Project History Q150643 KB150643 February 19, 2002
- 138479 INFO: Required Rights for SourceSafe Commands Q138479 KB138479 February 18, 2002
- 135995 Visual SourceSafe Integration with Visual Basic 4.0 and 5.0 Q135995 KB135995 February 18, 2002