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Windows CE .NET 4.2 articles, fixes and updates - letter B
Daily Updated!
chronological list: 2018 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005/12 6 5 1 | 2004 | 2003
This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Windows CE .NET 4.2 starts with letter B that have been released. The list is daily updated.
- 891896 BUG: A USB mouse and USB touch device do not work correctly on a Geode GX1 platform that is based on Windows CE .NET 4.2 Q891896 KB891896 November 1, 2013
- 327273 BUG: USB Driver Stops Responding After Several Repeated Suspend/Resume Cycles Q327273 KB327273 October 26, 2013
- 318556 BUG: ZeroConfig (802.11) Fails When Scanning 20 or More Access Points Simultaneously Q318556 KB318556 October 24, 2013
- 320921 BUG: HID Driver Does Not Support All Keyboards and All Mouse Devices Q320921 KB320921 April 14, 2004