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SQL Server 2000 articles, fixes and updates - October 2003
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 that have been released in October 2003. The list is daily updated.
- 308835 FIX: Cannot Install Service Pack 1 to a Tools-Only Installation If MSDE Is Installed Q308835 KB308835 October 31, 2003
- 308801 FIX: DTSRUN Fails with Errors If the Arguments Have Multiple Space Characters Between Them Q308801 KB308801 October 31, 2003
- 308718 FIX: SP1 Regression: Running FREETEXT Queries May Cause a MS Search Resource Leak Q308718 KB308718 October 31, 2003
- 308518 INF: Refresh of Current Activity in SEM May Cause "Error 1222: Lock Request time out period exceeded" Error Message Q308518 KB308518 October 31, 2003
- 307533 FIX: Distribution Agent May Encounter Error 8115 in the Sp_MSadd_distribution_history Stored Procedure Q307533 KB307533 October 31, 2003
- 306853 FIX: SQL Server Enterprise Manager Restore Database Wizard Restores Database to Different Location or Name Q306853 KB306853 October 31, 2003
- 301060 FIX: Import of Text File Results in Error "Column Delimiter not found" Q301060 KB301060 October 31, 2003
- 299452 BUG: Copy Database Wizard Exits Without Error if any of the Source Databases are in Single User Mode Q299452 KB299452 October 31, 2003
- 298832 FIX: Uppercase Characters are not Sorted Before Their Corresponding Lowercase Characters When You Use the Nocasepref Sort Order Q298832 KB298832 October 31, 2003
- 297271 FIX: Point in Time Recovery May Recover Database if the Transaction Log That is Applied Does Not Contain Any Transactions Q297271 KB297271 October 31, 2003
- 296456 FIX: Full Text Query May Return 0 Rows When Valid Results are Present Q296456 KB296456 October 31, 2003
- 296045 FIX: Merge Snapshot Agent Fails with Error 50007: "Too many table names in the query. The maximum allowable is 256." Q296045 KB296045 October 31, 2003
- 295034 FIX: Microsoft Search Service May Cause 100% CPU Usage if BUILTIN\Administrators Login Is Removed Q295034 KB295034 October 31, 2003
- 295026 PRB: Errors When You Redistribute SQL Server 2000 DMO Clients in SQL Server 7.0 Environment Q295026 KB295026 October 31, 2003
- 293758 FIX: Nullability Changes Not Handled by SQL Server with Linked Server Queries to DB2 Q293758 KB293758 October 31, 2003
- 293320 PRB: DTS Transfer From SQL Server to Oracle Through OLE DB Provider Shows Ongoing Private Bytes Consumption Q293320 KB293320 October 31, 2003
- 293177 BUG: Hypothetical Clustered Index From Index Tuning Wizard May Cause Recompile Loop Q293177 KB293177 October 31, 2003
- 292588 PRB: Data Transformation Services May Fail to Import DBCS File Using Fixed Field Q292588 KB292588 October 31, 2003
- 292442 INF: How to Use the Windows Synchronize Manager with Pull Subscribers Q292442 KB292442 October 31, 2003
- 290915 FIX: CREATE for Existing Object with IDENTITY Column Causes Duplicate IDENTITY Values Q290915 KB290915 October 31, 2003
- 290646 FIX: SQLColAttribute Returns Incorrect Table Attributes When Table Name Contains a Period Q290646 KB290646 October 31, 2003
- 288745 PRB: DBCC CHECKDB Reports Error Message 2501 During Database Activity Q288745 KB288745 October 31, 2003
- 286788 FIX: Server Side Cursor May Return Incorrect Results Q286788 KB286788 October 31, 2003
- 286737 FIX: FetchBufferSize Greater than Certain Number Fails to Transfer all Rows and Does Not Return an Error Q286737 KB286737 October 31, 2003
- 281287 FIX: Msg 8964 on Index with IGNORE_DUP_KEY and Row Has a Text Column Q281287 KB281287 October 31, 2003
- 280744 FIX: Update Query Returns Error 1903 if Temporary Composite Index Over 900 Bytes Q280744 KB280744 October 31, 2003
- 279660 INF: How to Query with Data Using SQL Mail and Exchange Server Q279660 KB279660 October 31, 2003
- 278978 FIX: SELECT May Not Return All Rows if It Contains a Large Number of Values in an IN Clause on a NUMERIC Column Q278978 KB278978 October 31, 2003
- 277535 INF: How to Install Localized SQL Server Error Messages Q277535 KB277535 October 31, 2003
- 275901 FIX: SQL RPC That Raises Error Will Mask @@ERROR with Msg 7221 Q275901 KB275901 October 31, 2003
- 275680 PRB: Bulk Operations into Tables Result in Rows Not Replicated in Merge Replication Q275680 KB275680 October 31, 2003
- 275618 FIX: Cannot Set SQLServerAgent Password to More Than 16 Characters in Enterprise Manager Q275618 KB275618 October 31, 2003
- 275312 INF: SQL Server Procedure to Change Object Owner Q275312 KB275312 October 31, 2003
- 275255 BUG: Incorrect Column Mapping: Destination Shows TIMESTAMP From Nullable BINARY Source Q275255 KB275255 October 31, 2003
- 271945 FIX: SQL Agent Appends Garbled Characters to Output File Q271945 KB271945 October 31, 2003
- 267953 FIX: Interleaving Prepare And Adhoc Execute of Query May Cause Recompile Loop Q267953 KB267953 October 31, 2003
- 266694 INF: ALTER TABLE with ADD COLUMN and DEFAULT May Take a Long Time on a Large Data Set Q266694 KB266694 October 31, 2003
- 260182 FIX: Unable to Restore to a Point in Time in First Transaction Log Backup Q260182 KB260182 October 31, 2003
- 259304 FIX: DTS Fails to Import Last Row If There is No Last Row Terminator Q259304 KB259304 October 31, 2003
- 255937 INF: How to Create and Attach a Removable SQL 7.0 Database Q255937 KB255937 October 31, 2003
- 252439 PRB: Use of Math Operations with DTS and Numeric Data Types Q252439 KB252439 October 31, 2003
- 249901 PRB: DTS Diagram Changes When DTS Package is Opened and Saved Outside the Package Designer Q249901 KB249901 October 31, 2003
- 246722 BUG: OLAP Repository Migration Wizard Fails When Repository is Empty Q246722 KB246722 October 31, 2003
- 245245 INF: Sorting Dimension Members in OLAP Services Q245245 KB245245 October 31, 2003
- 241761 BUG: DTS Transfer Does Not Report Error When Input File Is Missing Text Qualifier in Last Row Q241761 KB241761 October 31, 2003
- 241371 PRB: Cube Design and Processing Problems Working with GUID Data Type Q241371 KB241371 October 31, 2003
- 238678 PRB: RebuildM Cannot Find Original Master Database Files for MSDE Installation Q238678 KB238678 October 31, 2003
- 238673 BUG: Package Execution Can Fail if Target Table Has an Identity Q238673 KB238673 October 31, 2003
- 327056 PRB: SQL Server Enterprise Manager Inserts Extra Spaces in a View's Column Names Q327056 KB327056 October 30, 2003
- 319701 FIX: SQL Enterprise Manager RESTORE Msdb Leaves Database in Loading State and Does Not Apply Differential or Log Backups Q319701 KB319701 October 30, 2003
- 319698 FIX: Transform Data Task Might Stop Responding (hang) While Importing Data From Text File Q319698 KB319698 October 30, 2003
- 319697 FIX: SQL Enterprise Manager Restore to Point in Time Does Not Stop at Requested Time and the Database is Left in a Loading State Q319697 KB319697 October 30, 2003
- 318819 PRB: A DTS Package Raises Exceptions or Stops Responding When You Run It as a Scheduled Job Q318819 KB318819 October 30, 2003
- 315994 BUG: DTS Wizard Generates Unspecified Error Message If Database with a Period in Name is Used Q315994 KB315994 October 30, 2003
- 313178 PRB: Error Establishing Socket with JDBC Driver Q313178 KB313178 October 30, 2003
- 312089 BUG: DTS Separates the Columns of Text at Invalid Trail Byte of DBCS Q312089 KB312089 October 30, 2003
- 308843 PRB: Non-Unique Clustered Index on a Published Table Causes Incorrect Data to Replicate to Subscribers Q308843 KB308843 October 30, 2003
- 308758 FIX: SQL Agent Mail May Cause E-mail to Be Written to Root Directory of Source Mailbox Q308758 KB308758 October 30, 2003
- 308745 FIX: SET NOEXEC OFF May Not Execute If Included in Same Batch as SET NOEXEC ON Q308745 KB308745 October 30, 2003
- 306230 INF: How to Check the ANSI Settings Under Parsing Time Q306230 KB306230 October 30, 2003
- 301076 PRB: Unable to Connect to SQL Server Through ODBC When Password Contains a Semi-colon Q301076 KB301076 October 30, 2003
- 295378 FIX: SQLAgent Job with Recurring Schedule is Disabled Upon Completion of the Schedule for the Day Q295378 KB295378 October 30, 2003
- 294388 FIX: Reading Perflib Registry Values Terminates SQL Server Startup with Fatal Exception Q294388 KB294388 October 30, 2003
- 287401 FIX: Unable to Use GOTO in an Execute SQL Task of a DTS Package Q287401 KB287401 October 30, 2003
- 281843 FIX: SQLDMO GetProcessInputBuffer Returns Incorrect Result Q281843 KB281843 October 30, 2003
- 274188 PRB: "Troubleshooting Orphaned Users" Topic in Books Online is Incomplete Q274188 KB274188 October 30, 2003
- 251119 BUG: Last Row of Fixed Length File Fails to Import When File Does Not End with Row Delimiter Q251119 KB251119 October 30, 2003
- 247825 PRB: DTS Copy Table Uses Table Schema of Existing Table Q247825 KB247825 October 30, 2003
- 242543 INF: DTS Row Level Restartability After an Unexpected Failure Q242543 KB242543 October 30, 2003
- 44519 INF: Error Handling in Transact-SQL Blocks and Stored Procedures Q44519 KB44519 October 30, 2003
- 302828 FIX: DTS Fails to Transfer Rows When a Non-Sysadmin User Opens Packages from T-SQL with Xp_cmdshell Q302828 KB302828 October 29, 2003
- 301642 FIX: SQL Server Error Message 6002 Is Returned with an Incorrect Severity Q301642 KB301642 October 29, 2003
- 300192 BUG: DTS Import/Export Wizard or TransferObjectsTask Fails to Maintain Filegroup Settings for Transferred Objects Q300192 KB300192 October 29, 2003
- 295053 FIX: OPENXML May Leak Worktables in Memory Q295053 KB295053 October 29, 2003
- 293636 FIX: Invoking SQL-DMO Methods By Using "By Reference" Parameters May Cause a Memory Leak Q293636 KB293636 October 29, 2003
- 288426 FIX: Alerts Triggered Incorrectly When Security Auditing is Enabled Q288426 KB288426 October 29, 2003
- 282243 FIX: Incorrect Results with Join of Column Converted to Binary Q282243 KB282243 October 29, 2003
- 275685 INF: Importing Performance Monitor Logs into SQL Server Q275685 KB275685 October 29, 2003
- 262340 BUG: LIKE with ESCAPE May Result in Different Query Access Plan Q262340 KB262340 October 29, 2003
- 255067 PRB: Owner of a Table Cannot Access It Directly If Made Sysadmin After Creation Q255067 KB255067 October 29, 2003
- 244124 BUG: Creating a View in Enterprise Manager Using a Domain Account May Fail Q244124 KB244124 October 29, 2003
- 218995 BUG: Error "Invalid Object Name" on Linked Server Table Through OLEDB Q218995 KB218995 October 29, 2003
- 216808 PRB: Use BUILTIN\Group to Grant Access to Predefined Windows NT Groups Q216808 KB216808 October 29, 2003
- 200794 PRB: Sp_addlinkedserver Does Not Validate the OLE DB Provider Q200794 KB200794 October 29, 2003
- 309392 PRB: BobMgr::GetBuf() Errors May Be Registered in the SQL Server Error Log Q309392 KB309392 October 28, 2003
- 308834 FIX: Incorrect Display of Error Log in Enterprise Manager Q308834 KB308834 October 28, 2003
- 295032 FIX: Job Step Fails if First INSERT of Batch Job Encounters a Msg 3604 Error Q295032 KB295032 October 28, 2003
- 285870 FIX: Update With Self Join May Update Incorrect Number Of Rows Q285870 KB285870 October 28, 2003
- 280747 FIX: UPDATE Statement on a Clustered Index Key Fails with Error 547 Q280747 KB280747 October 28, 2003
- 279015 FIX: SQL Server Does Not Run RESTOREVERIFYONLY When Scheduling a Back Up in SQL Enterprise Manager Q279015 KB279015 October 28, 2003
- 239092 BUG: BOL Incorrectly States That SQL Server Doesn't Support TOP Queries Q239092 KB239092 October 28, 2003
- 238146 PRB: Constraint Violation Is Not Detected If Update with the Same Data Q238146 KB238146 October 28, 2003
- 232864 BUG: Cannot Delete OLAP Service Directory After Removing OLAP Services Q232864 KB232864 October 28, 2003
- 221465 INF: Using the WITH MOVE Option with the RESTORE Statement Q221465 KB221465 October 28, 2003
- 824423 PRB: Restore Operation May Fail When You Try to Restore a SQL Server 2000 Database in SQL Server 7.0 Q824423 KB824423 October 23, 2003
- 279099 PRB: Application Center 2000 Installation Fails with Wait Operation Timed Out When You Set MSDE Security Q279099 KB279099 October 23, 2003
- 811899 PRB: Error 4928 Occurs When You Try to Rename a Non-Replicated Column Q811899 KB811899 October 17, 2003
- 328318 FIX: Open Generations May Not Close Under Some Stress Conditions with SQL Server CE Subscribers Q328318 KB328318 October 17, 2003
- 325334 INF: SQL Server and Striped Backups Q325334 KB325334 October 17, 2003
- 324711 PRB: You Cannot See the Edit Insertion Point in SQL Server Enterprise Manager When You Edit a Table Row Q324711 KB324711 October 17, 2003
- 324192 PRB: SQL Server Maintenance Wizard Does Not Allow Scheduled Filegroup or Differential Backups Q324192 KB324192 October 17, 2003
- 323895 INF: One Solution for a One-to-Many Distinct Rowcount Problem Q323895 KB323895 October 17, 2003
- 323607 PRB: Unable to View the Properties for a Database Maintenance Plan Q323607 KB323607 October 17, 2003
- 323161 INF: Avoid Using Device Names as Database Names Q323161 KB323161 October 17, 2003
- 322331 INF: ADO.NET Primer (White Paper) Q322331 KB322331 October 17, 2003
- 321670 PRB: Backup Size Displayed Incorrectly in SQL Server Enterprise Manager When the Backup Size is Greater Than 2,147,483,647 Bytes (2 GB) Q321670 KB321670 October 17, 2003
- 321283 PRB: The MSDE Installation May Fail and Error 126 Is Logged When You Are Using Windows Installer Software Q321283 KB321283 October 17, 2003
- 315689 INF: SQL Query Analyzer Color Code Information Q315689 KB315689 October 17, 2003
- 314648 INF: Differences in STATISTICS IO, SQL Profiler and Sysprocesses IO Counters Q314648 KB314648 October 17, 2003
- 313969 PRB: The Error "Cannot Open .pst File" Occurs When You Use a POP3 Server Profile with SQL Mail Q313969 KB313969 October 17, 2003
- 310617 FIX: Sp_reset_connection Does Not Reset the Rowcount Settings for the DELETE and UPDATE Statements Q310617 KB310617 October 17, 2003
- 310472 FIX: Incorrect Results with Uncorrelated Subquery If You Use an Aggregate Function and NULL Values in the WHERE Clause Q310472 KB310472 October 17, 2003
- 308866 FIX: SQL Server 2000 Setup Terminates Unexpectedly if You Install Chinese (Hong Kong) Locale Q308866 KB308866 October 17, 2003
- 308817 FIX: Stored Procedure That Creates Temp Table [#a.b.c.d.e] Causes Access Violation Q308817 KB308817 October 17, 2003
- 308797 FIX: Mssdmn.exe Process Uses All Available Memory When You Populate Full-Text Index Q308797 KB308797 October 17, 2003
- 308795 FIX: CheckDB May Not Fix Error 8909 or Error 8905 Q308795 KB308795 October 17, 2003
- 308788 FIX: Rebuildm Truncates Virtual Server Name of 15 Characters Q308788 KB308788 October 17, 2003
- 308787 FIX: Full-Text Failures Occur Because of SQL Server Account Change Q308787 KB308787 October 17, 2003
- 308784 FIX: DATABASEPROPERTYEX Function Reports Incorrect Status After You Restore Database and Set the Database to OFFLINE Q308784 KB308784 October 17, 2003
- 308778 FIX: CHECKDB Causes an Access Violation to Occur When TEXTPTR Is Concurrently Set to Null Q308778 KB308778 October 17, 2003
- 308777 FIX: SQL Mail Profile Name in SQL Enterprise Manager Does Not Handle Information Over 132 Characters Q308777 KB308777 October 17, 2003
- 308775 FIX: Indexed Computed Column Based on Text/Image Column Causes AV When You Run DBCC CHECKDB Q308775 KB308775 October 17, 2003
- 308774 FIX: Sp_change_primary_role May Store Transaction Log Backup in the Wrong Location Q308774 KB308774 October 17, 2003
- 308766 FIX: Enabling TCP/IP Through the Server Network Utility May Not Enable the Server to Listen on TCP/IP Q308766 KB308766 October 17, 2003
- 308763 FIX: TOP_N_BY_RANK Argument May Not Return Top N by Rank Q308763 KB308763 October 17, 2003
- 308755 FIX: SQL Server May Stop Responding (hang) During Snapshot Backup of More Than One Database Q308755 KB308755 October 17, 2003
- 308751 FIX: SQL Profiler May Return Unavailable Error Messages for a Remote Output File Q308751 KB308751 October 17, 2003
- 308749 FIX: Access Violation Occurs When You Execute DBCC SHOWCONTIG Followed by Any System Function Q308749 KB308749 October 17, 2003
- 308746 FIX: Cannot Attach Database When You Change the Database Name and Use ENTER Key in the Attach Database Dialog Box Q308746 KB308746 October 17, 2003
- 308723 FIX: Access Violation Occurs When You Use SQL Profiler or SQL Trace Q308723 KB308723 October 17, 2003
- 308716 FIX: Index Is Corrupt When Full-Text Catalog Population Is Interrupted on a Cluster Q308716 KB308716 October 17, 2003
- 306366 PRB: Errors 3437, 3414, and "Could Not Connect to DTC" Occur When You Start SQL Server Q306366 KB306366 October 17, 2003
- 305147 FIX: An Access Violation Occurs in CEsExec::ReleaseInterfaces If You Insert NTEXT Column with "Insert - Exec" Q305147 KB305147 October 17, 2003
- 304711 FIX: SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 1 Setup Fails with No Errors Q304711 KB304711 October 17, 2003
- 304096 PRB: Trigger Does Not Fire on View When Updated Through ADO Q304096 KB304096 October 17, 2003
- 303712 BUG: Use of the sp_rename Stored Procedure to Change the Case of a Column Name Fails Q303712 KB303712 October 17, 2003
- 303515 BUG: BCP May Fail to Import All Rows When You Use a Multi-character Row Delimiter Q303515 KB303515 October 17, 2003
- 303459 INF: How to Improve the Performance of Full-Text Search Queries for Large Database Tables Q303459 KB303459 October 17, 2003
- 303445 PRB: ObjectID Filter in SQL Profiler Triggers Only with Specific Events Q303445 KB303445 October 17, 2003
- 303224 FIX: Use of the Copy Database Wizard to Copy a Database Disables Full-Text Indexing on the Source Database Q303224 KB303224 October 17, 2003
- 300701 BUG: BCP into Temporary Table Fails with Error 229 "INSERT Permission Denied" Q300701 KB300701 October 17, 2003
- 300391 FIX: Profiler Replay Output File Does not Show Events When Looking at Properties Q300391 KB300391 October 17, 2003
- 300388 FIX: SQL Profiler Stops Responding When Saving Output to Hard Disk That Is Out of Space Q300388 KB300388 October 17, 2003
- 300380 FIX: Intense Database Backup Stress Causes BackupSync to Generate an Assertion when Releasing Memory Q300380 KB300380 October 17, 2003
- 300194 FIX: Error 644 Using Two Indexes on a Column with Uppercase Preference Sort Order Q300194 KB300194 October 17, 2003
- 300180 FIX: sp_MSexpandnotbelongs May Be Called at Publisher Due to Invalid Evaluation of Join Filter Q300180 KB300180 October 17, 2003
- 299299 FIX: Export of Specific DBCS to Excel Fails When Text Type is Used Q299299 KB299299 October 17, 2003
- 296434 BUG: SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager Taskpad May Not Show Tables in Table Info Tab Q296434 KB296434 October 17, 2003
- 296386 FIX: AUTO-SHRINK Option or DBCC SHRINKDATABASE May Slow Down SQL Server 2000 Performance Q296386 KB296386 October 17, 2003
- 295742 BUG: UPDATE Statement Using a SELECT with Aggregates and JOIN May Generate Internal Error Q295742 KB295742 October 17, 2003
- 295371 PRB: Filegroup Log Restore May Fail with Error Message 4305 Q295371 KB295371 October 17, 2003
- 294938 FIX: Exception Error Caused by WHERE Clause with OR Logical Operator with Third Party OLEDB Provider Q294938 KB294938 October 17, 2003
- 291307 BUG: DTS Message Queue Task May Truncate Messages to 255 Characters Q291307 KB291307 October 17, 2003
- 290175 FIX: SQL Server ODBC Driver Does Not Transfer Return Values from Stored Procedures Q290175 KB290175 October 17, 2003
- 288527 BUG: SQL Server Enterprise Manager Design View May Change the T-SQL Syntax of a View Q288527 KB288527 October 17, 2003
- 287405 FIX: Access Violation Occurs When You Use the Server Network Utility Without Administrator Privileges on Computer Q287405 KB287405 October 17, 2003
- 287167 FIX: Some Full-Text Search Failures Do Not Set @@ERROR Q287167 KB287167 October 17, 2003
- 286749 FIX: Table Creation, Row Insertion, and Index Creation Inside Transaction, Followed By Addition of Constraint May Result in Consistency Errors Q286749 KB286749 October 17, 2003
- 286290 BUG: Entity Defaults Are Ignored When Clarification Question Is Asked Q286290 KB286290 October 17, 2003
- 286119 FIX: Incorrect Behavior in SQL Profiler Event Generation Q286119 KB286119 October 17, 2003
- 285635 BUG: SQL Scheduled Job Skips Every Other Day with Weekly Schedule Q285635 KB285635 October 17, 2003
- 285114 BUG: When You Use a Full Text Query Clause Greater Than 8K an Error Message Occurs That Does Not Indicate Overflow of Size Limit Q285114 KB285114 October 17, 2003
- 283825 FIX: DBCC DBREINDEX Does Not Keep Original Fillfactor Q283825 KB283825 October 17, 2003
- 282286 FIX: DBCC INDEXDEFRAG May Leave a Transaction Open Which Can Cause the Log to Grow Large Q282286 KB282286 October 17, 2003
- 281664 PRB: You Must Select the Include All Dependent Objects Checkbox that Depend on Other Objects in DTS Q281664 KB281664 October 17, 2003
- 281409 FIX: BULK INSERT Fails with BATCHSIZE=1, FIRE_TRIGGERS, and TABLOCK Q281409 KB281409 October 17, 2003
- 281347 BUG: Can't Append Columns to Tables with Large Number of Columns in SEM Table Designer Q281347 KB281347 October 17, 2003
- 281346 BUG: Fetch From a Dynamic Cursor Causes an Access Violation Q281346 KB281346 October 17, 2003
- 281238 FIX: xp_findnextmsg Does Not Return a Value for @msg_id Parameter on Output Q281238 KB281238 October 17, 2003
- 280759 PRB: SQL 7.0 VDI Backup May Fail When SQL Server 2000 Is Installed on the Same Computer Q280759 KB280759 October 17, 2003
- 280720 FIX: xp_sendmail Generates UNICODE CSV File Format Q280720 KB280720 October 17, 2003
- 279338 FIX: DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS Does Not Handle Names with Special Characters Q279338 KB279338 October 17, 2003
- 279159 BUG: Cancel Button in DTS Package Designer Save Dialog Box Exits Form Without Saving Q279159 KB279159 October 17, 2003
- 279108 PRB: OSQL Utility Cannot Run Under Hindi Locale/Indic Language Setting on Window 2000 Q279108 KB279108 October 17, 2003
- 279080 FIX: Sqldiag Utility Exits if SQL Server Service Is Not Started Q279080 KB279080 October 17, 2003
- 278897 BUG: Existing Maintenance Plan Fails to Download to New Target Server Q278897 KB278897 October 17, 2003
- 277848 BUG: Error Message "Table Corrupt Object ID 0, index ID 0, page ID.." Occurs When You Run DBCC DBREINDEX in SQL Server Q277848 KB277848 October 17, 2003
- 277629 INF: SQL Server 2000 Upgrade Fails Because Database is Not in a Writable State Q277629 KB277629 October 17, 2003
- 275696 BUG: DCR: Enterprise Manager May Allow You to Select Backups that No Longer Exist Q275696 KB275696 October 17, 2003
- 275025 BUG: Cannot Design Table in SQL Server Enterprise Manager if Database Compatibility is Set to 60 Q275025 KB275025 October 17, 2003
- 274643 BUG: Estimated Execution Plan Steps Can Show Costs Greater Than 100% Q274643 KB274643 October 17, 2003
- 274390 PRB: Rebuildm.exe not Available After You Upgrade MSDE Edition to SQL Server 2000 Q274390 KB274390 October 17, 2003
- 274165 BUG: Select Query Against a View That Contains Left Outer Joins May Return Incorrect Results Q274165 KB274165 October 17, 2003
- 273972 BUG: fn_trace_gettable Function Cannot Read Rollover Files Generated by SQL Profiler Q273972 KB273972 October 17, 2003
- 273593 BUG: SEM Help Displays Incorrect Size Information for Unicode Columns Q273593 KB273593 October 17, 2003
- 272737 FIX: SQL Profiler Generates Error when Reading Trace Files that Exceed 1023 SPIDs Q272737 KB272737 October 17, 2003
- 270716 INF: You Cannot Use xp_loginconfig to Set Configuration Values Q270716 KB270716 October 17, 2003
- 270671 PRB: Full Text Search Menus Are Not Enabled for Local Windows NT Accounts Q270671 KB270671 October 17, 2003
- 269558 PRB: SQL Server Upgrade Wizard Generates a Warning for Stored Procedures Created with '.object_name' or '..object_name' Q269558 KB269558 October 17, 2003
- 269426 PRB: Use of FULL OUTER JOIN with TEXT Column Through a Linked Server Returns Error Message 8626 Q269426 KB269426 October 17, 2003
- 266224 BUG: Only One Double-Quoted String Allowed in xp_cmdshell String Q266224 KB266224 October 17, 2003
- 264593 PRB: RESTORE WITH STANDBY Does Not Catch Invalid or ReadOnly File Name Until After the Load Q264593 KB264593 October 17, 2003
- 264163 BUG: Upgrade of Logins with Default Language Francais Cause Error 15033 Q264163 KB264163 October 17, 2003
- 263887 BUG: Upgrade of an Empty Table Resets Identity Value to Seed Q263887 KB263887 October 17, 2003
- 262951 PRB: System Stored Procedures Return Underlying SQL Code or Unexpected Results Q262951 KB262951 October 17, 2003
- 262258 BUG: Alert May Fail to Send E-mail Notification with xp_logevent or RAISERROR Q262258 KB262258 October 17, 2003
- 260652 PRB: Nested Loop Join That Uses A "BOOKMARK LOOKUP ...WITH PREFETCH" May Hold Locks Longer Q260652 KB260652 October 17, 2003
- 259710 PRB: SQL Server Agent Fails to Start on Windows 9x When You Change the sa Password Q259710 KB259710 October 17, 2003
- 259466 BUG: SELECT Statement with a Correlated Subquery on a View with a Substring Causes an Access Violation on a Multi-Proc Computer Q259466 KB259466 October 17, 2003
- 258806 BUG: Maintenance Job History Does Not Show Correct Durations When a Job Takes Longer Than an Hour Q258806 KB258806 October 17, 2003
- 257856 INF: SQL Server Agent Automatically Sets "Trunc. Log on Chkpt" for MSDB Q257856 KB257856 October 17, 2003
- 254492 PRB: Views Fail to Upgrade Q254492 KB254492 October 17, 2003
- 253274 BUG: xp_sqltrace Cannot Be Used as a Startup Procedure Q253274 KB253274 October 17, 2003
- 252733 BUG: Optimizer Chooses Table Scan Instead of Index Seek Q252733 KB252733 October 17, 2003
- 252519 BUG: Transfer Manager Fails When Application Role Defined Q252519 KB252519 October 17, 2003
- 249887 BUG: BCP/BULK INSERT Into a View May Cause Defaults Defined in Base-table to be Ignored Q249887 KB249887 October 17, 2003
- 249032 BUG: Error Message 8644 Returned When Inserting into a Table with a Trigger Q249032 KB249032 October 17, 2003
- 247193 INF: Database Property Sheet Displayed Incorrectly Q247193 KB247193 October 17, 2003
- 246181 INF: SQL 6.5 Database Upgrade with a Space in the Path to Master.dat Fails Q246181 KB246181 October 17, 2003
- 245556 BUG: Running SQLDIAG.EXE Produces an Internal Error in the Application Event Log - EventID 998 Q245556 KB245556 October 17, 2003
- 244513 PRB: Scheduled SQL Server Backups Display "BackupTapeFile::WriteFileMark: WriteTapemark failure" Error Q244513 KB244513 October 17, 2003
- 243754 BUG: Other Users Can See Your Registered SQL Servers in SQL Enterprise Manager Q243754 KB243754 October 17, 2003
- 243023 PRB: Error 8104 Occurs with Non-Admin Owner Using Set IDENTITY_INSERT Q243023 KB243023 October 17, 2003
- 240839 PRB: Pressing ESC When Modifying SP in SEM Erases Changes Without Prompting Q240839 KB240839 October 17, 2003
- 236989 BUG: Uninstalling SQL 6.5 After Upgrade to 7.0 May Remove 7.0 Data Files Q236989 KB236989 October 17, 2003
- 234890 BUG: 7.0 ISQL.EXE Returns Different Results than 6.5 ISQL.EXE Q234890 KB234890 October 17, 2003
- 234181 INF: Logins Aliased to Databases Users Cannot Be Viewed from SQL Enterprise Manager Q234181 KB234181 October 17, 2003
- 232196 INF: Log Space Used Appears to Grow After Restoring from Backup Q232196 KB232196 October 17, 2003
- 232195 INF: Proper Use of the COLUMNS_UPDATED() Function Q232195 KB232195 October 17, 2003
- 231889 BUG: DOCERR: BOL States T-SQL Outer Joins in FROM Clause Support to be Dropped Q231889 KB231889 October 17, 2003
- 231830 INF: Insertion of Strings Containing Trailing Spaces Q231830 KB231830 October 17, 2003
- 226488 BUG: Database Owner is Not Associated w/ User Id DBO Q226488 KB226488 October 17, 2003
- 223423 BUG: Optimizer Uses Scan with Multiple OR Clauses on Composite Index Q223423 KB223423 October 17, 2003
- 217034 PRB: Two Digit Year Display of Date Fields in SQL Enterprise Manager (SEM) Q217034 KB217034 October 17, 2003
- 214602 INF: sp_dbcmptlevel 'master' is not Allowed Q214602 KB214602 October 17, 2003
- 207396 INF: Cannot See Actual Data Values for Columns in Enterprise Manager Q207396 KB207396 October 17, 2003
- 201890 BUG: SEM: Title of a New Object Does Not Reflect the New Object Name After Save Q201890 KB201890 October 17, 2003
- 201846 BUG: Reference to Deferred Object in Stored Procedure Will Not Show in Sp_depends Q201846 KB201846 October 17, 2003
- 201042 BUG: Stored Procedure Remains After Execution by Sp_makewebtask Q201042 KB201042 October 17, 2003
- 200117 INF: Not Possible to Remove Optional Components of SQL Server Q200117 KB200117 October 17, 2003
- 198851 INF: User Cannot Bind Rule to UDDT Created By Different User Q198851 KB198851 October 17, 2003
- 830803 Error in topic "Usar las cadenas de propiedad" from Spanish version of SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 Books Online Q830803 KB830803 October 16, 2003
- 814579 PRB: You Receive Error Message: "The log file for database 'Database Name' is full" While Restoring a SQL Server 7.0 Database Backup on SQL Server 2000 Q814579 KB814579 October 16, 2003
- 813199 PRB: SQL Server Books Online Incorrectly States the Type of Result Set for @@CPU_BUSY, @@IO_BUSY and @@IDLE Functions Is Milliseconds Instead of Ticks Q813199 KB813199 October 16, 2003
- 811483 PRB: You Receive a Warning Message When You Create a Recursive Stored Procedure Q811483 KB811483 October 16, 2003
- 327969 FIX: Only System Administrators Can Perform Ad Hoc Queries in SQL Server Service Pack 3 Q327969 KB327969 October 16, 2003
- 325187 PRB: Consecutively Declaring Nested Cursors Immediately Returns a FETCH_STATUS Value of -1 Q325187 KB325187 October 16, 2003
- 323596 PRB: You Can Only Use the Sp_grantlogin Stored Procedure with Windows NT Group Names That Are Less Than or Equal to 63 Characters Q323596 KB323596 October 16, 2003
- 323586 PRB: A SELECT INTO Query May Return the Internal Query Processor Error 8630 Q323586 KB323586 October 16, 2003
- 323323 BUG: Certain Field Terminators May Cause the BCP Utility or a BULK INSERT Statement to Import DBCS Data Incorrectly Q323323 KB323323 October 16, 2003
- 322877 INF: SAP Retail - Benchmark (White Paper) Q322877 KB322877 October 16, 2003
- 322746 PRB: Data Transformation Services Jobs May Fail Because the Path for Dtsrun.exe Cannot Be Found Q322746 KB322746 October 16, 2003
- 322328 INF: SQLXML Managed Classes (White Paper) Q322328 KB322328 October 16, 2003
- 320773 PRB: Changes to a Table That Is Part of an "Immediate Updating" Subscription Generates an Error Message Q320773 KB320773 October 16, 2003
- 320208 PRB: Distributed Queries That Are Wrapped in a Stored Procedure with Input Parameters May Experience Performance Degradation Q320208 KB320208 October 16, 2003
- 317832 PRB: Subscriptions in System Databases Not Supported Q317832 KB317832 October 16, 2003
- 317261 FIX: Setup to Named Instance of SQL Server 2000 Fails with General Network Error Q317261 KB317261 October 16, 2003
- 315868 PRB: Query Can Not Be Executed in SQL Enterprise Manager Query Designer on Windows XP Q315868 KB315868 October 16, 2003
- 312983 INF: Lotus Notes GUID Format Different Than SQL Server GUID Q312983 KB312983 October 16, 2003
- 312948 FIX: SQL Server Access Violation During SSL Connection Q312948 KB312948 October 16, 2003
- 310640 FIX: Access Violation on OPENXML XPath Query with Large Text Node Q310640 KB310640 October 16, 2003
- 310473 FIX: Open of DTS Package Fails with Type Mismatch Error Message Q310473 KB310473 October 16, 2003
- 308888 FIX: sp_MSdependencies May Run for a Long Time to Script Tables and Views Q308888 KB308888 October 16, 2003
- 308872 FIX: Unable to Overwrite Read-Only Dynamic Snapshot Pre_snapshot_script Q308872 KB308872 October 16, 2003
- 308870 INF: COLLATE for Computed Columns is Deterministic for UNICODE Starting with SQL Server Service Pack 2 Q308870 KB308870 October 16, 2003
- 308860 FIX: SQLDMO ExportData Method Fails If There Is a Space in the Database Name Q308860 KB308860 October 16, 2003
- 308837 FIX: AV When Selecting from View Based on Multiple Other Views in Compatibility Mode 70 Q308837 KB308837 October 16, 2003
- 308826 FIX: User Defined Function Returns Incorrect Result for SELECT Statement with DEFAULT Keyword That References a View Q308826 KB308826 October 16, 2003
- 308819 FIX: Merge Replication Snapshot Agent Fails with Error "Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'as'." Q308819 KB308819 October 16, 2003
- 308811 FIX: SELECT DISTINCT Operation Generates 1505 Error Message Q308811 KB308811 October 16, 2003
- 308810 FIX: Select Query That Compares a Tinyint to a Converted Int in the Where Clause Fails to Find Valid Row Q308810 KB308810 October 16, 2003
- 308806 FIX: Database Files Are Created in the Wrong Folder During the Creation of a New Database on a Named Instance Q308806 KB308806 October 16, 2003
- 308804 FIX: Distribution Agent Fails with "Invalid Distribution Command" Error Message Q308804 KB308804 October 16, 2003
- 308803 FIX: SQL Server Ignores ORDER BY When You Use ROLLUP and Only One Row Meets the Search Criteria Q308803 KB308803 October 16, 2003
- 308800 FIX: Optimizer Chooses Poor Plan for a Query That Contains a Substring Function and a Comparison Operator Q308800 KB308800 October 16, 2003
- 308789 FIX: SQL DMO's SQLBackup Method Fails with Error Message 3206 Q308789 KB308789 October 16, 2003
- 308772 FIX: Unicode Wildcard Comparisons with Latin1_general_CI_AS May Return Incorrect Results Q308772 KB308772 October 16, 2003
- 308765 FIX: Spurious Merge Conflict After Metadata Proxy Failure Q308765 KB308765 October 16, 2003
- 308761 FIX: Access Violation from Query with Multiple UNIONs Within Parenthesis Q308761 KB308761 October 16, 2003
- 308760 FIX: SQL Server Optimizer Ignores Index Hint for UPDATE If One or More Non-Clustered Indexes Exist Q308760 KB308760 October 16, 2003
- 308757 FIX: Select from Nested Views May Not Return Result After SQL Server Updates Statistics Q308757 KB308757 October 16, 2003
- 308756 FIX: Use of User-Defined Data Types from Two Different Databases in a Single Batch Causes Infinite Recompile Q308756 KB308756 October 16, 2003
- 308743 FIX: SQL Server Merge Replication Agent Fails with Error Message 2812: "Could not find stored procedure" Q308743 KB308743 October 16, 2003
- 308740 FIX: Incorrect Per-Article Contents BCP for Dynamic Snapshot Q308740 KB308740 October 16, 2003
- 308736 FIX: Incorrect Results Returned When Query Compares Large Precision and Scale Decimal Value with Integer Q308736 KB308736 October 16, 2003
- 308732 FIX: Missing Views in Transactional Replication Q308732 KB308732 October 16, 2003
- 308727 FIX: Performance Issues with Concurrent Replication Agents and/or High Replication Monitor Refresh Setting Q308727 KB308727 October 16, 2003
- 308725 FIX: Replication of Table with Computed Column Defined as the Primary Key Results in Error Message 4817 Q308725 KB308725 October 16, 2003
- 308715 FIX: SQL Profiler Trace Has Extraneous Values in Mode Column Q308715 KB308715 October 16, 2003
- 308714 FIX: Attach of a Subscription to a Database with an Embedded Period Fails with Error Message 7202 Q308714 KB308714 October 16, 2003
- 308436 FIX: ANSI Outer Join is Changed into an Inner Join in INSTEAD OF Trigger Q308436 KB308436 October 16, 2003
- 308370 FIX: Query Containing LIKE NULL May Not Return Correct Results Q308370 KB308370 October 16, 2003
- 307946 FIX: SQL Profiler Truncates Seconds and Milliseconds for Datetime RPC Parameter Q307946 KB307946 October 16, 2003
- 307930 BUG: Distribution Agent Parameters Listed After -QuotedIdentifier Are Ignored Q307930 KB307930 October 16, 2003
- 306628 INF: Inconsistent Behavior with Object Ownership with db_owner Created Objects Q306628 KB306628 October 16, 2003
- 306608 BUG: Distribution Agent May Fail with Incorrect Syntax when Table Name Contains Hyphens Q306608 KB306608 October 16, 2003
- 305365 PRB: DTS Package Fails with "Unspecified Error" Error Message When You Use Transfer Logins Task to Move a SQL Server Login Q305365 KB305365 October 16, 2003
- 305066 FIX: Merge Agent Access Violation Occurs with Large Batch Size and Several Columns Q305066 KB305066 October 16, 2003
- 304551 FIX: Merge Publishing with Vertical Filters Results in Nonconvergence Q304551 KB304551 October 16, 2003
- 304532 FIX: Snapshot Agent Reports "Must Declare the Variable" on Initial Snapshot for Merge Replication Q304532 KB304532 October 16, 2003
- 303114 FIX: Memory and Handle Leak When You Use MSXML Inside SQL Server Stored Procedure Q303114 KB303114 October 16, 2003
- 302747 INF: Japanese_Unicode Collation is Not Supported on Windows 2000 Q302747 KB302747 October 16, 2003
- 302675 FIX: Delete on Nonindexed Column Fails with Error 1203 Q302675 KB302675 October 16, 2003
- 301299 PRB: Security Context of Dynamic SQL Statements Inside a Stored Procedure Q301299 KB301299 October 16, 2003
- 300640 BUG: DTS Imports Empty Strings for Character Strings That Were Exported as NULLs Q300640 KB300640 October 16, 2003
- 300383 FIX: Initial Snapshot Fails with 8115 Error "Arithmetic Overflow Error Converting Expression to Data Type Int" Q300383 KB300383 October 16, 2003
- 300187 BUG: DTS UI Incorrectly Maps Tinyint to Decimal When You Transfer Data to DB2 Using HIS OLEDB Provider for DB2 Q300187 KB300187 October 16, 2003
- 300042 FIX: DTS Transfer Reports Error "Non-whitespace characters in row" Even Though All Rows are Imported From Text File Q300042 KB300042 October 16, 2003
- 299675 FIX: International Characters (DBCS) Corrupted in the Exported XML File from Meta Data Services Q299675 KB299675 October 16, 2003
- 299539 FIX: Merge Agent Failure That Occurs with SQL Server Initial Snapshot Delivery Is Not Recognized in Subsequent Run of the Merge Agent Q299539 KB299539 October 16, 2003
- 299354 PRB: DTS Execute Package Task May Fail to Execute Child Package Q299354 KB299354 October 16, 2003
- 298674 PRB: Subquery Resolves Names of Column to Outer Tables Q298674 KB298674 October 16, 2003
- 297861 PRB: Poor Performance on a Heap Q297861 KB297861 October 16, 2003
- 297369 FIX: Incorrect Error Occurs When You Add Merge Article to a Publication with NO SYNC Subscriber Q297369 KB297369 October 16, 2003
- 297063 FIX: ORDER BY on "Numeric" Data Type May Return Incorrect Data Q297063 KB297063 October 16, 2003
- 296792 PRB: Expired Subscription Cleanup Agent Fails if the First Published Database is Deleted Q296792 KB296792 October 16, 2003
- 296559 PRB: ALTER COLUMN Sets TrimTrailingBlanks Property to NO Q296559 KB296559 October 16, 2003
- 296438 FIX: Error Message 1205 Is Not Returned with the Localized Message Text Q296438 KB296438 October 16, 2003
- 295949 BUG: Source File with Several ESQLC Statements May Cause Access Violation in the Precompiler Q295949 KB295949 October 16, 2003
- 295305 PRB: Creating Temp Table Inside IF and ELSE Conditions Gives Error 2714 Q295305 KB295305 October 16, 2003
- 295030 FIX: Index Tuning Wizard Execution May Generate Floating Point Exception Q295030 KB295030 October 16, 2003
- 294942 PRB: SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL May Cause Stored Procedures to Recompile Q294942 KB294942 October 16, 2003
- 292637 FIX: Unicode Character String Longer Than Seven Bytes in a LIKE Clause Is Truncated in Execution Plan Q292637 KB292637 October 16, 2003
- 291376 FIX: Cannot Use Dynamic SQL Statements Within OPENQUERY Q291376 KB291376 October 16, 2003
- 291263 PRB: Custom Stored Procedure Resolvers Don't Fire When Conflict Involves UPDATE and DELETE Q291263 KB291263 October 16, 2003
- 290055 FIX: Error Message: "The process can not add message to message queue. The step failed" Q290055 KB290055 October 16, 2003
- 289287 BUG: BOL Incorrectly States the Precedence of Bitwise Operators Q289287 KB289287 October 16, 2003
- 288438 BUG: DTS Send Mail Task Does Not Display Correct Mail Profile Name in DTS Designer Q288438 KB288438 October 16, 2003
- 287515 PRB: Execution Plan and Results of Aggregate Concatenation Queries Depend Upon Expression Location Q287515 KB287515 October 16, 2003
- 287234 FIX: No Vertical Scroll Bar in DTS Dynamic Properties Task Properties Dialog Box Q287234 KB287234 October 16, 2003
- 286773 FIX: DTS FTP Task Does Not Behave as Expected if Destination Is Out of Space or the Destination File Exists Q286773 KB286773 October 16, 2003
- 286756 FIX: DTS Source Logging Fails if Source Contains Unmapped Columns Q286756 KB286756 October 16, 2003
- 286268 FIX: User and Owner Passwords are Dimmed When You Save a Package as a File By Using DTSWIZ Q286268 KB286268 October 16, 2003
- 286249 FIX: Complex Update Statement Returns 8624 Internal SQL Server Error Q286249 KB286249 October 16, 2003
- 286234 FIX: Suboptimal Execution Plan on an Indirect UPDATE to an Indexed View Q286234 KB286234 October 16, 2003
- 285979 FIX: Changing Autostart Options for Named Instances Change Autostart Settings for the Default Instance Q285979 KB285979 October 16, 2003
- 285952 FIX: NO_TRUNCATE May Be Added to Backup Log Statement when You Perform a Log Backup from SEM Q285952 KB285952 October 16, 2003
- 285544 FIX: Dividing 0 by a Negative Decimal or Numeric Number Results in -0 Q285544 KB285544 October 16, 2003
- 284997 PRB: Information About Use of LIKE Operator to Convert String to Datetime Query Q284997 KB284997 October 16, 2003
- 284443 BUG: Destroying OLE Automation Object May Leave Orphaned SQL Processes Q284443 KB284443 October 16, 2003
- 282982 FIX: Suboptimal Performance Using a Cursor to Update a Heap Involved in an Indexed View Q282982 KB282982 October 16, 2003
- 282749 FIX: Deadlock Information Reported with SQL Server 2000 Profiler Is Incorrect Q282749 KB282749 October 16, 2003
- 281680 BUG: FORMATMESSAGE Works with the Same User-Defined Messages as RAISERROR Q281680 KB281680 October 16, 2003
- 281676 PRB: Converting Datetime to Another Datatype May Result in Inaccurate Value Q281676 KB281676 October 16, 2003
- 281341 PRB: Loss of Precision May Occur When You Use SUM or AVG Functions In a Formula with Division Q281341 KB281341 October 16, 2003
- 281326 BUG: Cannot Rename an Index on a View Q281326 KB281326 October 16, 2003
- 281239 FIX: xp_findnextmsg Returns Multiple Rows When No Parameters Are Specified Q281239 KB281239 October 16, 2003
- 280834 PRB: Query Analyzer Returns Error Message When You Select NEWID() After You Reduce the Maximum Characters Per Column Q280834 KB280834 October 16, 2003
- 280684 PRB: Merge Replication Fails with "Process could not enumerate changes" Error Message When Assigning a Blank Value to an Image Column Q280684 KB280684 October 16, 2003
- 280468 BUG: SELECT with GROUP BY ALL Clause in a Nested Correlated Subquery Causes 8624 Error Message or Access Violation Q280468 KB280468 October 16, 2003
- 280406 PRB: Dynamic Cursor Infinite Loop When a Non-Unique Clustered Index Key Is Updated to an Equal or Larger Value Q280406 KB280406 October 16, 2003
- 280295 PRB: sp_attach_db and CREATE DATABASE FOR ATTACH Do Not Remove Replication Tables Q280295 KB280295 October 16, 2003
- 279857 BUG: Error 3910, "Transaction Context in Use by Another Session" Q279857 KB279857 October 16, 2003
- 279804 FIX: INSERT Statement Incorrectly Conflicts with Constraint Q279804 KB279804 October 16, 2003
- 279659 FIX: SQL Server 2000 Takes Much Longer to Compile the Query Against Local Partitioned View Than SQL Server 7.0 Q279659 KB279659 October 16, 2003
- 278984 PRB: Error 7321 Occurs When You Run a Query That Uses Four-Part Names Against DB2 on an AS/400 Computer Q278984 KB278984 October 16, 2003
- 278612 PRB: Installing SQL Server 7.0 Fails If SQL Server 2000 Is Already Installed Q278612 KB278612 October 16, 2003
- 278486 BUG: Stored Procedures May Retain Variable Value Between Executions Q278486 KB278486 October 16, 2003
- 277703 BUG: Cannot Specify Length of User-Defined Data Type When Based on Float Q277703 KB277703 October 16, 2003
- 276195 BUG: Some String Functions Do Not Work as Expected on Binary Data Q276195 KB276195 October 16, 2003
- 276043 FIX: Error Message 5180 May Occur When You Retrieve Text or Image Data Q276043 KB276043 October 16, 2003
- 275583 PRB: SELECT...FOR XML AUTO Results Are Separated into Lines of 2033 Chars with ODBC Q275583 KB275583 October 16, 2003
- 275307 BUG: Installation of SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine Fails on Computers That Already Have SQL Server 7.0 Tools Installed Q275307 KB275307 October 16, 2003
- 274747 PRB: Registered Remote SQL Servers May Be Lost from SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager Q274747 KB274747 October 16, 2003
- 274729 BUG: Internal Error with SELECT Statement Containing Correlated Subquery and GROUP BY Q274729 KB274729 October 16, 2003
- 272496 BUG: DCR: SQL Server Books Online Incorrectly States That IS_NULLABLE Returns YES or NO Q272496 KB272496 October 16, 2003
- 271827 BUG: DOC Error: Cannot Use Variables as SEED Parameter to the IDENTITY() Function Q271827 KB271827 October 16, 2003
- 271669 INF: Distributed Queries are not Run as Parallel Query Steps Q271669 KB271669 October 16, 2003
- 271234 BUG: sp_getqueuedrows Stored Procedure Does Not Return Any Rows Although Queued Rows Exist Q271234 KB271234 October 16, 2003
- 270054 PRB: Indexed Views Can Be Created on All Versions of SQL Server 2000 Q270054 KB270054 October 16, 2003
- 269204 BUG: The Addition of a Merge Article with a Subset Filter Might Cause the Snapshot Agent to Fail Q269204 KB269204 October 16, 2003
- 268593 PRB: Querying a DATETIME Value Without Quotes Gives Unexpected Results Q268593 KB268593 October 16, 2003
- 264194 BUG: DB Maintenance Plan Cannot Be Modified to Include/Exclude Integrity Checks Before Backups Q264194 KB264194 October 16, 2003
- 260252 BUG: Merge Replication to Jet 4.0 Subscribers Performs Initial Synchronization when You Select the Manual Synchronization Option Q260252 KB260252 October 16, 2003
- 260246 BUG: Merge Replication to Jet 4.0 Subscriber Does Not Allow You to Set the ROWGUIDCOL Column as a Primary Key Column Q260246 KB260246 October 16, 2003
- 257345 BUG: SQL Server Books Online States That the Single User Mode Prevents All Locks Q257345 KB257345 October 16, 2003
- 257334 BUG: SQL Server Books Online States that TRUNCATE TABLE Is Nonlogged Q257334 KB257334 October 16, 2003
- 246330 BUG: Large Number of Agents on a Replication Distribution Server May Cause Heavy Deadlocking in TEMPDB Q246330 KB246330 October 16, 2003
- 245629 DOC: Cannot Call a Stored Procedure to Populate a Local Cube in INSERT INTO Clause Q245629 KB245629 October 16, 2003
- 241511 PRB: REPL: Msgs. 20515, 21054, or 20512 with Immediate-Updating Subscribers Q241511 KB241511 October 16, 2003
- 234736 BUG: SQLDMO - Query Analyzer May Fail to Connect if SQL Server Is Started as Part of Connection Attempt Q234736 KB234736 October 16, 2003
- 231848 BUG: Object Scripting Tool Places a TEXTIMAGE_ON Clause When no Text, Ntext, or Image Column is Present Q231848 KB231848 October 16, 2003
- 216575 INF: xp_enum_oledb_providers Enumerates the OLE DB Providers Q216575 KB216575 October 16, 2003
- 201909 BUG: Locking Behavior in Transactions Is Incorrect Q201909 KB201909 October 16, 2003
- 277002 PRB: Distributed Query Against Oracle 8.x Fails Q277002 KB277002 October 15, 2003
- 323553 FIX: Query with OUTER JOINs May Neglect Built-in Function in WHERE Clause Q323553 KB323553 October 9, 2003
- 322988 PRB: sp_grantlogin "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" Fails on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Q322988 KB322988 October 9, 2003
- 321852 DOC: Loopback_detection Option is Not Clearly Explained in SQL Server Books Online Q321852 KB321852 October 9, 2003
- 320603 FIX: Distribution Agent May Experience an Access Violation in a Republisher Topology Q320603 KB320603 October 9, 2003
- 316213 FIX: SQLDMO Transfer Operation Truncates Transaction Log of Destination Database Q316213 KB316213 October 9, 2003
- 309377 FIX: Miscalculation of CPU Time Occurs If SQL Server Uses a New Thread to Execute a Batch on a Connection That Already Exists Q309377 KB309377 October 9, 2003
- 308604 PRB: SQLMail Is Not Supported When You Run the Server in Fiber Mode Q308604 KB308604 October 9, 2003
- 308112 FIX: SQL Server May an Encounter Access Violation During a BULK IMPORT Q308112 KB308112 October 9, 2003
- 306893 FIX: Unexpected Results Occur When You Use a Sort and a Stream Aggregate Q306893 KB306893 October 9, 2003
- 306816 FIX: ActiveX Controls for Replication May Cause Access Violation with More Than 256 Articles in a Publication Q306816 KB306816 October 9, 2003
- 306769 FIX: Transaction Log of Snapshot Published Database Cannot Be Truncated Q306769 KB306769 October 9, 2003
- 306401 FIX: Error Message 7355 "..Inconsistent metadata for a column" Occurs When You Use a Linked Server Q306401 KB306401 October 9, 2003
- 305573 FIX: Return Code of xp_findnextmsg Changed to 1 Against an Empty Inbox Q305573 KB305573 October 9, 2003
- 305042 FIX: UPDATE After ALTER TABLE Can Result in Unexpected Data to Added Columns Q305042 KB305042 October 9, 2003
- 304703 FIX: Pull Subscribers Experience Non-Convergence After Running sp_mergecleanupmetadata Against a Published Database Q304703 KB304703 October 9, 2003
- 304658 FIX: Distribution Task Encounters Syntax Error During Application of Initial Snapshot Q304658 KB304658 October 9, 2003
- 304519 FIX: Nonclustered Indexes Rebuilt For CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX ... WITH DROP_EXISTING Query Q304519 KB304519 October 9, 2003
- 304222 FIX: Merge Replication Non-Convergence Occurs with Local Subscribers when Published Table has 32 or More Columns Q304222 KB304222 October 9, 2003
- 303640 FIX: Latch Timeout Warnings Appear in Error Log and Slow SQL Server Response Occurs with AWE Enabled Q303640 KB303640 October 9, 2003
- 303042 FIX: Spanish VSwitch Causes Setup to Fail Q303042 KB303042 October 9, 2003
- 302825 FIX: Complex Join Query with Views and Redundant Tables May Cause Error 8623 Q302825 KB302825 October 9, 2003
- 302477 FIX: Cursor Created on Linked Server That Requests Meta-Data May Cause Handled Access Violation Q302477 KB302477 October 9, 2003
- 300414 FIX: SQL Mail Operations May Lead to Failures and Memory Leaks Q300414 KB300414 October 9, 2003
- 300412 FIX: Shared Table Lock Incorrectly Held for Lifetime of Transaction Instead of Statement Q300412 KB300412 October 9, 2003
- 300195 FIX: The SQL-DMO Transfer Method Silently Fails to Copy All Data Q300195 KB300195 October 9, 2003
- 296849 FIX: BULK INSERT Replaces Current Datetime Column Value with Previous Column Value if Data File Contains All Spaces Q296849 KB296849 October 9, 2003
- 296465 FIX: Mssearch.exe Memory Leak Occurs When Results Are Not Completely Processed Q296465 KB296465 October 9, 2003
- 294976 FIX: SQL Profiler Causes Handled Access Violation in SQL Server While Tracing Large Data Q294976 KB294976 October 9, 2003
- 293232 FIX: Undetected Deadlock Occurs When Lock Owner Is Waiting on CXPACKET Q293232 KB293232 October 9, 2003
- 286565 FIX: SQL Server Process Terminates Attempting to Reset from an sp_OA Based Batch Q286565 KB286565 October 9, 2003
- 286253 FIX: Multiple SQL Agent Jobs Launched At The Same Time May Fail With Primary Key Error Message Q286253 KB286253 October 9, 2003
- 285290 FIX: Complex ANSI Join Query with Distributed Queries May Cause Handled Access Violation Q285290 KB285290 October 9, 2003
- 284228 FIX: New Trace Flag to Enhance Stored Procedure Replication Q284228 KB284228 October 9, 2003
- 282416 FIX: Opening the Database Folder in SQL Server Enterprise Manager 2000 Takes a Long Time Q282416 KB282416 October 9, 2003
- 282279 FIX: Execution of sp_OACreate on COM Object Without Type Information Causes Server Shut Down Q282279 KB282279 October 9, 2003
- 282229 FIX: SP_OA Procedures Leak Memory and Cause Various Errors Q282229 KB282229 October 9, 2003
- 279293 FIX: CASE Using LIKE with Empty String Can Result in Access Violation or Abnormal Server Shutdown Q279293 KB279293 October 9, 2003
- 279183 FIX: Scripting Object with Several Extended Properties May Cause Exception Q279183 KB279183 October 9, 2003
- 278698 FIX: Exception Access Violation Encountered During Compile of Hash Match Team Plan Q278698 KB278698 October 9, 2003
- 275900 FIX: Linked Server Query with Hyphen in LIKE Clause May Run Slowly Q275900 KB275900 October 9, 2003
- 274329 FIX: Optimizer Slow to Generate Query Plan for Complex Queries that have Many Joins and Semi-Joins Q274329 KB274329 October 9, 2003
- 258234 BUG: Query Analyzer May Not Display All Results with Some Error Sequences Q258234 KB258234 October 9, 2003
- 815436 INF: Use Trace Flag 3505 to Control SQL Server Checkpoint Behavior Q815436 KB815436 October 3, 2003
- 814577 PRB: "Incorrect Syntax Near" Error When You Run the DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS Statement Q814577 KB814577 October 3, 2003
- 814572 FIX: SQL Server Does Not Start and an Access Violation Occurs After You Install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 Q814572 KB814572 October 3, 2003
- 812914 BUG: DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS Fails with Error Message 170 Q812914 KB812914 October 3, 2003
- 812282 BUG: "Login time-out" Property Value Does Not Take Effect For SQL Query Analyzer Q812282 KB812282 October 3, 2003
- 811036 PRB: SQL Server Returns English Format for Numeric Data Regardless of the Collation Settings Q811036 KB811036 October 3, 2003
- 811035 PRB: The xp_sendmail Stored Procedure Fails with Error 0x80070005 When the Mailbox of the SQL Mail Profile is Different From the MSSQLServer Service Startup Domain Account Default Mailbox Q811035 KB811035 October 3, 2003
- 811028 PRB: You Receive Error Message: "Failed to enumerate changes in the filtered articles" When the SQL Server Merge Agent Fails Q811028 KB811028 October 3, 2003
- 810969 FIX: Log Shipping with SQL Server Authentication Generates Backup and "Out of Sync" Threshold Alerts Q810969 KB810969 October 3, 2003
- 331451 PRB: Copy Database Wizard Does Not Copy Server Roles When it Transfers Logins Q331451 KB331451 October 3, 2003
- 331450 PRB: The Copy Database Wizard Does Not Copy the Default Database Information for Logins Q331450 KB331450 October 3, 2003
- 330582 PRB: "No Data Was Provided for Column" Error Message When You Propagate Identity Column with SQLXMLBulkLoad Q330582 KB330582 October 3, 2003
- 328173 PRB: A Database User Cannot Debug Stored Procedures That Another User Owns Q328173 KB328173 October 3, 2003
- 327552 BUG: SQL Mail Only Works From One Instance at a Time Q327552 KB327552 October 3, 2003
- 324559 PRB: You Are Prompted for the CD Key During the SQL Server 2000 Evaluation Edition Remote Installation Q324559 KB324559 October 3, 2003
- 324417 PRB: An XLOCK Hint in a Serializable Transaction May Be Ignored Q324417 KB324417 October 3, 2003
- 324361 PRB: Automatic Identity Range Handling Is Not Correct If the Merge Agent Runs an Insert Trigger Q324361 KB324361 October 3, 2003
- 323502 BUG: BCP May Export Corrupted DBCS Characters That Are Stored In a Char or Varchar Data Type Q323502 KB323502 October 3, 2003
- 323249 PRB: "Error 229: Execute Permission Denied on Object 'xp_availablemedia' Owner 'dbo'" Q323249 KB323249 October 3, 2003
- 323049 INF: What's New in SQL Server 2000 (White Paper) Q323049 KB323049 October 3, 2003
- 323044 INF: Technology Comparison Discussion: SQL Server 2000 and Oracle8i (White Paper) Q323044 KB323044 October 3, 2003
- 322878 INF: SAP Sales and Distribution - Benchmark (White Paper) Q322878 KB322878 October 3, 2003
- 322720 INF: Price Comparisons (White Paper) Q322720 KB322720 October 3, 2003
- 322716 INF: PeopleSoft eBill Payment - Benchmark (White Paper) Q322716 KB322716 October 3, 2003
- 322700 INF: Microsoft's Business Internet Analytics (White Paper) Q322700 KB322700 October 3, 2003
- 322618 INF: Great Plains and SQL Server Benchmark Tests (White Paper) Q322618 KB322618 October 3, 2003
- 322353 INF: Choosing an Edition of SQL Server 2000 (White Paper) Q322353 KB322353 October 3, 2003
- 322334 INF: Using SQL Server 2000 to Build Database Applications in Visual Studio .NET (White Paper) Q322334 KB322334 October 3, 2003
- 322329 INF: Inside the SQLXML Virtual Directory Structure (White Paper) Q322329 KB322329 October 3, 2003
- 322324 INF: Transactional Replication Performance Tuning and Optimization (White Paper) Q322324 KB322324 October 3, 2003
- 322323 INF: Implementing Referential Integrity and Cascading Actions (White Paper) Q322323 KB322323 October 3, 2003
- 322322 INF: Identifying Common Administrative Issues for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (White Paper) Q322322 KB322322 October 3, 2003
- 322321 INF: Middle Tier Application Data Caching with SQL Server 2000 (White Paper) Q322321 KB322321 October 3, 2003
- 322228 INF: Embedding MSDE 2000 Setup into the Setup of Custom Applications (White Paper) Q322228 KB322228 October 3, 2003
- 322227 INF: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Distributed Queries: OLE DB Connectivity (White Paper) Q322227 KB322227 October 3, 2003
- 322100 INF: International Features in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (White Paper) Q322100 KB322100 October 3, 2003
- 322096 INF: Statistics Used by the Query Optimizer in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (White Paper) Q322096 KB322096 October 3, 2003
- 322070 INF: Talk to Your Data - Introduction to Microsoft English Query (MSEQ) for SQL Server 2000 (White Paper) Q322070 KB322070 October 3, 2003
- 320600 BUG: Incremental Article Additions to an Existing Merge Publication Do Not Work When You Use FTP Q320600 KB320600 October 3, 2003
- 320130 DOC: SQL Server 2000 Books Online OLE Automation Example May Leak Memory Q320130 KB320130 October 3, 2003
- 319138 PRB: User-Defined Function Call in Four-Part Linked Server Query Fails with Error Message 170 Q319138 KB319138 October 3, 2003
- 318241 PRB: SQL Server 2000 Views Not Replicated to Microsoft Access Through Merge Replication Q318241 KB318241 October 3, 2003
- 317956 FIX: A Text Parameter May Return an Error If the SQL Server and the Client Code Pages Are Different Q317956 KB317956 October 3, 2003
- 317852 FIX: An INSERT May Fail with a 3624 Error Message After a Failed Attempt to Add New Table Column Q317852 KB317852 October 3, 2003
- 317797 BUG: Xp_sendmail with Attachment Option Does Not Include All Results in Attachment Q317797 KB317797 October 3, 2003
- 317527 BUG: Use of COALESCE Function Against a Subquery with an Aggregate Function May Cause Error 8624 Q317527 KB317527 October 3, 2003
- 317436 BUG: Information in SQL Server Books Online Topic "Creating a Setup File Manually" Incorrect Q317436 KB317436 October 3, 2003
- 317391 PRB: Pull Subscription Status Is "Never Started" If Job Name Is More Than 100 Characters Q317391 KB317391 October 3, 2003
- 317009 BUG: SQL Enterprise Manager Query Designer Table Columns Do Not Display If Database Name Contains a Period Q317009 KB317009 October 3, 2003
- 316783 FIX: Log Reader Agent Fails with 18767 and 18762 Error Messages Q316783 KB316783 October 3, 2003
- 316371 PRB: SQLXMLBulkLoad Error Message 80040E14: "File Could Not Be Opened" or "File Does Not Exist" Q316371 KB316371 October 3, 2003
- 316361 PRB: SQLXMLBulkLoad Error Message 80046000: "The System Cannot Find The Path Specified" Q316361 KB316361 October 3, 2003
- 315967 BUG: UPDATE Trigger May Have Long Parse and Compile Time Q315967 KB315967 October 3, 2003
- 315666 BUG: XP_SENDMAIL Fails to Send Mail to Personal Distribution List Q315666 KB315666 October 3, 2003
- 315514 INF: Understanding Merge Replication Conflict Detection and Resolution Q315514 KB315514 October 3, 2003
- 312909 BUG: French Database Maintenance Logs Contain Incorrect Characters Q312909 KB312909 October 3, 2003
- 312637 PRB: SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2 Setup Fails on a Server That Has Certificates Installed and Force Protocol Encryption Set ON Q312637 KB312637 October 3, 2003
- 312323 PRB: Cannot Pass Function as Parameter to Table Valued User Defined Function Q312323 KB312323 October 3, 2003
- 312106 PRB: Distribution Agent Fails After You Apply Replication Scripts Q312106 KB312106 October 3, 2003
- 310540 BUG: Unable to Change Identity Range of Publisher If You Use Auto Identity Range Q310540 KB310540 October 3, 2003
- 310175 BUG: BOL Incorrectly States That Users Do Not Need to Be Sysadmin to Use Profiler or SQL Profiler SPs Q310175 KB310175 October 3, 2003
- 309435 PRB: SQL 2000 Server Fails to Start Due to Exception Access Violation After You Configure a High Lock Value Q309435 KB309435 October 3, 2003
- 309002 BUG: You Cannot Set the Microsoft Message Queuing Body Property by Using the Sp_OASetProperty Stored Procedure Q309002 KB309002 October 3, 2003
- 308886 PRB: NOLOCK Optimizer Hint May Cause Transient Corruption Errors in the SQL Server Error Log Q308886 KB308886 October 3, 2003
- 308809 BUG: DTC Transaction Allows Commits While SQL Server Shuts Down Q308809 KB308809 October 3, 2003
- 308771 PRB: A Full-Text Search May Not Return Any Hits If It Fails to Index a File Q308771 KB308771 October 3, 2003
- 308643 BUG: Query Optimizer May Select an Inefficient Query Plan for a Query Against a Partitioned View Q308643 KB308643 October 3, 2003
- 308398 FIX: Execution of Stored Procedure That Uses a TEXT Parameter in Cursor Definition Causes AV Q308398 KB308398 October 3, 2003
- 308113 FIX: Built-in String Functions Return Incorrect Results Q308113 KB308113 October 3, 2003
- 308091 BUG: Hide Server Option Cannot Be Used on Multiple Instances of SQL Server 2000 Q308091 KB308091 October 3, 2003
- 307956 BUG: sp_repladdcolumn Returns Error 21286 When Executed on a Merge Publication That Contains an Embedded Period Q307956 KB307956 October 3, 2003
- 307786 INF: Tracing to Network Drive May Reduce SQL Server Throughput Q307786 KB307786 October 3, 2003
- 307482 PRB: Foreign Key Conflicts at Merge Subscriber Result in DELETE During Next Upload Q307482 KB307482 October 3, 2003
- 306865 BUG: SQL Server May Not Listen on TCP/IP Sockets When TCP/IP is the Only Protocol Q306865 KB306865 October 3, 2003
- 306247 BUG: Unable to View SQL Server 2000 From the Licensing Manager "Product View" Tab Q306247 KB306247 October 3, 2003
- 305704 PRB: Windows Collations Ignore Single Quote and Hyphen When Ordering Q305704 KB305704 October 3, 2003
- 305192 PRB: OSQL Error Message Leaves Out ODBC Header Information Q305192 KB305192 October 3, 2003
- 305056 FIX: Must Enter DTS Package Name in Subscription Properties Q305056 KB305056 October 3, 2003
- 305039 INF: -ForceConvergenceLevel Merge Agent Parameter is not Documented Q305039 KB305039 October 3, 2003
- 304706 BUG: Identity Range Not Adjusted on Publisher When Merge Agent Runs Continuously Q304706 KB304706 October 3, 2003
- 304535 PRB: ANSI Warnings May Incorrectly Show Replication Agents As Failed Q304535 KB304535 October 3, 2003
- 304346 PRB: Schema Definition of Base Table at Subscriber Does Not Match Table in Publisher Database Q304346 KB304346 October 3, 2003
- 303981 FIX: Merge Agent Fails with Error: "Line38: Incorrect syntax near "." " During Initial Snapshot Application Q303981 KB303981 October 3, 2003
- 303667 BUG: BOL Incorrectly States That the xp_readmail @suppress_attach Option Defaults to TRUE Q303667 KB303667 October 3, 2003
- 303666 BUG: SP_Processmail @set_user Parameter Defaults to Guest Instead of the Security Context of the Current User Q303666 KB303666 October 3, 2003
- 303665 BUG: BOL Incorrectly States That Data Type for @set_user in sp_processmail Is Sysname Q303665 KB303665 October 3, 2003
- 303467 BUG: Unattended Installation of Service Pack 1 Fails with No Errors Q303467 KB303467 October 3, 2003
- 303369 BUG: Service Manager of SQL Server 2000 Does Not Show MSDE 1.0 Services Q303369 KB303369 October 3, 2003
- 303300 FIX: Queue Reader Fails in SQL Server 2000 French Version Q303300 KB303300 October 3, 2003
- 303292 BUG: Expired transaction log backups may not be deleted by maintenance plan Q303292 KB303292 October 3, 2003
- 303218 FIX: Distribution Agent Fails when Applying Snapshot if the Table has a Self-referencing Foreign Key Q303218 KB303218 October 3, 2003
- 302621 BUG: Cannot Perform BULK INSERT with Bulkadmin Privileges Q302621 KB302621 October 3, 2003
- 302421 FIX: Query Issued Against Two Instances of the Same Table May Cause an Access Violation Q302421 KB302421 October 3, 2003
- 302115 INF: Initial Snapshot May Fail with Invalid Object Name When You Use User Defined Functions and Computed Columns Q302115 KB302115 October 3, 2003
- 301936 FIX: Merge Agent Fails with Access Violation in Replprov.dll if Publication has Horizontal Partitioning Q301936 KB301936 October 3, 2003
- 301113 BUG: BOL Incorrectly States That IGNORE_DUP_KEY Affects UPDATE Statements Q301113 KB301113 October 3, 2003
- 300971 BUG: SQL Does Not Display Error When Freeing a Nonexistent DLL Q300971 KB300971 October 3, 2003
- 300965 BUG: Freeing Dynamic-Linked Libraries (DLLs) Fails to Unload Them When a Path Is Specified Q300965 KB300965 October 3, 2003
- 300607 FIX: Network Interface Bottleneck on Large SMP Systems Q300607 KB300607 October 3, 2003
- 300500 FIX: Server Name is not Being Populated on the Client Side (UI or File) in SQL Profiler Q300500 KB300500 October 3, 2003
- 300494 FIX: Profiler Can Only Capture 1 GB File Size for SQL Server Activities Q300494 KB300494 October 3, 2003
- 300480 FIX: OPENXML WITH TableName Statement May Return Incorrect Result if Datatype is DECIMAL Q300480 KB300480 October 3, 2003
- 300385 PRB: Error 7321 When Executing a Select Statement to Query a Linked Server Using the Exchange OLE DB Provider Q300385 KB300385 October 3, 2003
- 300365 PRB: DTS FTP Task Does Not Allow User to Return to Parent Directory from an Empty Folder Q300365 KB300365 October 3, 2003
- 299935 FIX: Attempt to Set SQL Server Startup Account to SQL Server Login without Rights Gives the Login Sysadmin Privileges Q299935 KB299935 October 3, 2003
- 299915 FIX: Large SQL Statement Fails When Using 512-Byte Packet Size Q299915 KB299915 October 3, 2003
- 299685 FIX: Aborting a Parallel Index Creation May Result in Error 602 Q299685 KB299685 October 3, 2003
- 299575 FIX: SELECT Joining Table with a Complex Subquery Having an IN clause in the JOIN Fails with AV Q299575 KB299575 October 3, 2003
- 299518 PRB: Update Statistics Statement Without Fullscan Option Returns Wrong Density Value Q299518 KB299518 October 3, 2003
- 299494 FIX: Incorrect Text "There are no EFS keys" in Sqlstp.log for Error 6006 During Upgrade Q299494 KB299494 October 3, 2003
- 298990 BUG: SQL Server XML Bulk Load Object Retains First Schema Information and Uses it For Subsequent Invocation of the Execute Method Q298990 KB298990 October 3, 2003
- 298916 BUG: Cannot Change the Type of Installation During SQL Server 2000 Setup Q298916 KB298916 October 3, 2003
- 298828 FIX: Query Analyzer Stops Responding and Cannot be Started Until Visual Studio Analyzer is Stopped Q298828 KB298828 October 3, 2003
- 298564 BUG: SP_DBOPTION May Not Set the Database ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT Option When You Use Turkish Collation Q298564 KB298564 October 3, 2003
- 298093 FIX: BOL Incorrectly Demonstrates Usage of sp_change_primary_role with @job_id Parameter Q298093 KB298093 October 3, 2003
- 297466 BUG: READPAST Locking Hint Returns an Incorrect Number of Rows Q297466 KB297466 October 3, 2003
- 297156 FIX: Snapshot Agent Error Occurs While Adding Table with a Space in it's Name to an Existing Merge Publication Q297156 KB297156 October 3, 2003
- 297104 FIX: Backup or Restore Using Large Transaction Logs May Return Error 3241 Q297104 KB297104 October 3, 2003
- 296642 BUG: Cannot Refer to Column in a Query Using the Name of a Table Variable Q296642 KB296642 October 3, 2003
- 296539 BUG: T-SQL Debugger Doesn't Allow Stepping Through Stored Procedures with Same Name Owned by Non-DBO Users Q296539 KB296539 October 3, 2003
- 296197 BUG: Documentation of Ownership Chain in BOL May Be Misleading Q296197 KB296197 October 3, 2003
- 295727 BUG: Object Browser May Not Reconnect After SQL Server Restart Q295727 KB295727 October 3, 2003
- 295306 BUG: Log Shipping Elements are Missing After You Upgrade from Standard to Enterprise Edition Q295306 KB295306 October 3, 2003
- 295021 BUG: WMI MSSQL_Table.ExportData Always Uses Standard Security Q295021 KB295021 October 3, 2003
- 294353 BUG: DOC: sysalternates View Does Not Exist in SQL Server 2000 Q294353 KB294353 October 3, 2003
- 294350 BUG: User Databases Do Not Contain INFORMATION_SCHEMA Views in SQL Server 2000 Q294350 KB294350 October 3, 2003
- 293443 INF: The Autostart SQL Mail Option Does Not Appear in the SQL Enterprise Manager Q293443 KB293443 October 3, 2003
- 288969 BUG: Can't Insert into Views That Have INSTEAD OF Trigger in Enterprise Manager Q288969 KB288969 October 3, 2003
- 288395 BUG: SQL Server Books Online Does Not Display DELETE as an Option in the CREATE TRIGGER Topic Q288395 KB288395 October 3, 2003
- 287175 BUG: DOC: Incorrect Reference to Virtual Server Name VirtualServerA Should be VirtualServerX Q287175 KB287175 October 3, 2003
- 286239 BUG: Replay Tool Uses LoginName Column for SETUSER Instead of DatabaseUserName Column Q286239 KB286239 October 3, 2003
- 286199 BUG: Error Message "Transaction Cannot Start in Firehose Mode" Occurs When a Table is Open in SQL Server Enterprise Manager During a Failover Q286199 KB286199 October 3, 2003
- 286134 PRB: Cannot Update Partitioned View After BCP or BULK INSERT into Base Table Q286134 KB286134 October 3, 2003
- 282984 BUG: Multiple OR Clauses Combined with Non-selective Criteria May Result in Slower Plan Q282984 KB282984 October 3, 2003
- 282970 BUG: FAST_FORWARD Cursor that Joins Tables with Triggers are not Always Converted to Static Cursors Q282970 KB282970 October 3, 2003
- 280735 BUG: When You BCP More Than 117 Columns an Access Violation Occurs Q280735 KB280735 October 3, 2003
- 280100 BUG: Transact-SQL Debugger is not Available Through Terminal Server Session Q280100 KB280100 October 3, 2003
- 280099 BUG: Transact-SQL Debugger Cannot Debug a Stored Procedure that Contains a RAISERROR Statement that Raises any Error with Severity 16 or Higher Q280099 KB280099 October 3, 2003
- 279870 BUG: SNMP Configured Incorrectly When Default SQL Server 2000 Instance Is Not Installed Q279870 KB279870 October 3, 2003
- 279705 BUG: Example E in the sp_addlogin Topic of SQL Server 2000 Books Online is Incorrect Q279705 KB279705 October 3, 2003
- 279434 PRB: Limitations of OpenXML in SQL Server 2000 Q279434 KB279434 October 3, 2003
- 279430 PRB: sp_xml_preparedocument Stored Procedure Fails with Error 6603 Q279430 KB279430 October 3, 2003
- 279224 BUG: SQL Server 2000 BCP Utility Fails to Produce Proper Prefix-Length for Varbinary Column in Format File Q279224 KB279224 October 3, 2003
- 279083 BUG: Books Online Example Stored Procedure Sp_SetMark Q279083 KB279083 October 3, 2003
- 279078 PRB: Access Violation Occurs with the Use of OpenXML in a User-Defined Function Q279078 KB279078 October 3, 2003
- 279033 INF: Identifying Cascading Referential Integrity from SQL Server Profiler Q279033 KB279033 October 3, 2003
- 278901 INF: Upgrade, Remove, or Add Components Not Available with Remote Installation Q278901 KB278901 October 3, 2003
- 278664 BUG: BOL Incorrectly Leaves the Buffer Partition Counter Out of the List of SQL Server Performance Monitor Counters Q278664 KB278664 October 3, 2003
- 278274 PRB: Index Tuning Wizard Does Not Suggest Proper Index When There Is Not Enough Space Q278274 KB278274 October 3, 2003
- 278016 BUG: Unable to Create Table in Enterprise Manager After Deleting a Column with Description Q278016 KB278016 October 3, 2003
- 275858 BUG: Maximum Number of Parameters Per Stored Procedure Q275858 KB275858 October 3, 2003
- 275219 INF: Object Browser Makes a Separate Connection to SQL Server 2000 Q275219 KB275219 October 3, 2003
- 275199 BUG: UDF that Returns the Results of a CASE with a Correlated Subquery Returns Error Message 107 Q275199 KB275199 October 3, 2003
- 275024 FIX: SQL Server Enterprise Manage Does Not List all Tables in the TaskPad View and the Next and Last Buttons Do Not Appear Q275024 KB275024 October 3, 2003
- 274517 INF: Table List in the Source Table Dialog Box Is Empty in SQL Profiler Q274517 KB274517 October 3, 2003
- 274075 INF: Hash Hint Is Ignored When a UNION Operator Follows an IN Operator Q274075 KB274075 October 3, 2003
- 272706 PRB: Restarting a Paused Profiler Trace May Return General Network Error Q272706 KB272706 October 3, 2003
- 272696 INF: HostName Column Blank for SPID Less Than 51 in SQL Profiler sp_who Q272696 KB272696 October 3, 2003
- 272433 BUG: SQL Server Books Online Incorrectly States the Names of the SQL Server 2000 Counters for Named Instances Q272433 KB272433 October 3, 2003
- 272418 BUG: Access Violation Occurs with Non-Updateable Derived Table in UPDATE Statement Q272418 KB272418 October 3, 2003
- 271853 PRB: READTEXT on Text Nullable Columns May Fail at a Replication Subscriber Q271853 KB271853 October 3, 2003
- 271344 BUG: An Error Message May Occur with the bcp Utility and BULK INSERT When You Load IMAGE Data Into Tables Q271344 KB271344 October 3, 2003
- 270600 PRB: Index Tuning Wizard May Not Recommend Indexes for SQL Statements in Triggers Q270600 KB270600 October 3, 2003
- 270052 INF: Table with Sql_variant Column Returns Rows That Match INT, MONEY, DECIMAL Data Types When INT Specified in WHERE Clause Q270052 KB270052 October 3, 2003
- 270013 PRB: Cannot Update Distributed Partitioned Views When You Alter Base Table Constraints Q270013 KB270013 October 3, 2003
- 270007 PRB: If You Update Partitioned Column on a Distributed Partitioned View Error 8626 May Occur When the Base Table has TEXT Column Q270007 KB270007 October 3, 2003
- 269971 BUG: TableIsLockedOnBulkLoad Property not Listed in SQL Server Books Online for OBJECTPROPERTY Q269971 KB269971 October 3, 2003
- 269540 DOC: IRepositoryObject2 Interface Does Not Support Methods of IRepositoryObjectVersion Q269540 KB269540 October 3, 2003
- 191234 BUG: ESQL: Error -19104 If Column, Table, or Alias Name Starts with CURRENT Q191234 KB191234 October 3, 2003
- 173843 PRB: Microsoft ESQL for C Generates Compiler Error with an Array Q173843 KB173843 October 3, 2003
- 331999 BUG: SQLOLEDB Incorrectly Converts Char Data When AutoTranslate Is Turned On Q331999 KB331999 October 2, 2003
- 325757 INF: Using SQL Server 2000 with FIPS 140-1 Ciphers Q325757 KB325757 October 2, 2003