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SQL Server 2000 articles, fixes and updates - March 2005
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 that have been released in March 2005. The list is daily updated.
- 895467 BUG: Calling the DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys function generates lots of temporary files when you use the SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC Q895467 KB895467 March 23, 2005
- 894561 FIX: You do not receive a "Timeout expired" error message after subsequent tries to execute a stored procedure even though you use the setQueryTimeout method to set a time-out through the SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC Q894561 KB894561 March 23, 2005
- 821337 FIX: Localized versions of SQL Mail and the Web Assistant Wizard may not work as expected in SQL Server 2000 64 bit Q821337 KB821337 March 16, 2005
- 154000 PRB: STR() Inconsistent with Exact Numeric Data Q154000 KB154000 March 16, 2005
- 152174 INF: Output Parameters, Return Codes and the ODBC Driver Q152174 KB152174 March 16, 2005
- 198141 BUG: DTS: Two or More Columns with the Same Name Cannot Transfer Q198141 KB198141 March 14, 2005
- 197392 BUG: Error 16929, "Cursor Is Read Only" for Cursor w/OpenQuery() Q197392 KB197392 March 14, 2005
- 196935 BUG: Cannot Convert Between TEXT and NTEXT by Using UPDATETEXT Q196935 KB196935 March 14, 2005
- 196903 BUG: Full Text Search Fails with Unique Index on Multiple Columns Q196903 KB196903 March 14, 2005
- 184039 INFO: Using Return Codes with xp_cmdshell Stored Procedure Q184039 KB184039 March 14, 2005
- 176480 INF: How to Restrict the Inner Table of an ANSI Outer Join Q176480 KB176480 March 14, 2005
- 176426 INF: How to Determine the Number of Rows of Every Table in a Database Q176426 KB176426 March 14, 2005
- 175955 INF: How to Write a Variance Query in SQL Server Q175955 KB175955 March 14, 2005
- 175850 INF: How to Create Dynamic Table Names in SQL Server Q175850 KB175850 March 14, 2005
- 156501 INF: QUOTED_IDENTIFIER and Strings with Single Quotation Marks Q156501 KB156501 March 14, 2005
- 156099 HOW TO: Debug an Extended Stored Procedure Q156099 KB156099 March 14, 2005
- 154886 INF: Behavior of ANSI_PADDING Q154886 KB154886 March 14, 2005
- 154395 INF: Rebuilding the Pubs Database Q154395 KB154395 March 14, 2005
- 151602 PRB: How to Use sp_displayoaerrorinfo in the sp_OA Samples Q151602 KB151602 March 14, 2005
- 151599 HOW TO: Process Results in an Embedded SQL Application Q151599 KB151599 March 14, 2005
- 141669 BUG: Wrong Error# Trying to Connect Client to Paused SQL Svr Q141669 KB141669 March 14, 2005
- 139528 INFO: Table Alias Syntax Checking in SQL 6.0 and Later is ANSI-Compliant Q139528 KB139528 March 14, 2005
- 135861 PRB: Datetime Rounding Up Behavior Undesirable Q135861 KB135861 March 14, 2005
- 47048 PRB: DATEADD Doesn't Work When Using a Variable as a Date Q47048 KB47048 March 14, 2005
- 44730 INF: Using Windows Global Heap Buffers Q44730 KB44730 March 14, 2005
- 828269 FIX: A Transact-SQL query that uses views may fail unexpectedly in SQL Server 2000 SP3 Q828269 KB828269 March 10, 2005
- 327145 FIX: You cannot create diagrams in SQL Enterprise Manager if you are not a database owner Q327145 KB327145 March 4, 2005
- 197247 INF: "OR" Clause Prohibits the Use of Merge or Hash Algorithms Q197247 KB197247 March 2, 2005
- 194522 How to Use ListIndexedColumns in SQL-DMO by Using Visual Basic Q194522 KB194522 March 2, 2005
- 139407 BUG: Alternate Pipe Not Recognized in Unattended Installation Q139407 KB139407 March 2, 2005
- 48711 INF: Finding Names of Columns that Comprise the Key of a Table Q48711 KB48711 March 2, 2005
- 45261 INF: No Timestamp Is Returned by dbtsnewval() If Update Fails Q45261 KB45261 March 2, 2005
- 165951 INF: Result Processing for SQL Server Q165951 KB165951 March 1, 2005
- 164291 PRB: Proper Handling of the Escape Sequence \<cr><lf> Q164291 KB164291 March 1, 2005
- 162032 INF: Cannot SELECT DISTINCT * on a Table w/ Text/Image Column Q162032 KB162032 March 1, 2005