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Visual Basic 6.0 articles, fixes and updates - Year 2001
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 that have been released in Year 2001. The list is daily updated.
- 285345 PRB: "Run-Time Error 3000" Error Message When You Use DSN-Less Connection to Connect to Visual FoxPro Table Through DAO Q285345 KB285345 December 30, 2001
- 313204 BUG: ADO Recordset Filter Is Removed After You Set Sort Property Q313204 KB313204 December 14, 2001
- 306886 BUG: Split Causes DataGrid to Repaint Itself Continuously Q306886 KB306886 December 6, 2001
- 294842 PRB: Error When You Update or Delete New Rows in Access 97 Table Q294842 KB294842 October 17, 2001
- 283803 PRB: Testing the Return Value of the selectSingleNode Method in Visual Basic Q283803 KB283803 October 12, 2001
- 280457 PRB: Specifying Fully Qualified Element Names in XPath Queries Q280457 KB280457 October 12, 2001
- 307615 FIX: Cannot Save Published Visual Component Manager Components Locally Q307615 KB307615 September 18, 2001
- 306440 PRB: Add Data Environment Command Missing from Project Menu Q306440 KB306440 September 10, 2001
- 291853 INFO: Avoid Page Skipping When You Print Multiple Data Reports in Sequence Q291853 KB291853 September 7, 2001
- 280811 PRB: Mixing "And" and "Or" Criteria in the Same Filter Returns a 3001 Error Message Q280811 KB280811 August 23, 2001
- 272618 PRB: Client-Side ADO Union Query Using Oracle OLE DB Provider Returns Incorrect Number of Columns Q272618 KB272618 August 23, 2001
- 270118 PRB: CancelUpdate Does Not Cancel ActiveX Data Objects Update Q270118 KB270118 August 23, 2001
- 266302 PRB: ADOX Error -2147217859 "Type Is Invalid" When You Append a Table to a Catalog Q266302 KB266302 August 23, 2001
- 258888 PRB: Error When Query Builder Runs Parameterized Queries Q258888 KB258888 August 23, 2001
- 253674 PRB: Recordset Invalid When Oracle Decode Statement Returns a Null Value Under Oracle 8 Q253674 KB253674 August 23, 2001
- 252888 PRB: Non-Parameterized SELECT Query Appears in ADO Procedures Collection Q252888 KB252888 August 23, 2001
- 252756 PRB: Changing DataGrid Layout Causes DataGrid to Display Empty Q252756 KB252756 August 23, 2001
- 244801 PRB: Run-time Bound Server-side ADO Recordset Skips Second Record Q244801 KB244801 August 23, 2001
- 229799 PRB: Error 3712 with the ExecuteComplete Event Q229799 KB229799 August 23, 2001
- 225496 PRB: DataEnvironment Cannot Execute Stored Procedures with More Than 60 Parameters Q225496 KB225496 August 23, 2001
- 222145 PRB: ADO Data Control Events May Generate a Compilation Error Q222145 KB222145 August 23, 2001
- 220888 PRB: Error Message Returned with Server-Side Cursorlocation for MS Access Database with DataEnvironment Q220888 KB220888 August 23, 2001
- 201716 PRB: Error 3251 Generated by Calling ADOX Methods Q201716 KB201716 August 23, 2001
- 200888 PRB: Cannot Invoke T-SQL Debugger to Automatically Appear Using ADO Q200888 KB200888 August 23, 2001
- 189853 PRB: Data Environment: Error Setting Lock Type Q189853 KB189853 August 23, 2001
- 274754 INFO: Licensing Issues Related to User Controls Created with Visual Basic Q274754 KB274754 August 22, 2001
- 305317 PRB: SQL Builder Improperly Refreshes upon Editing Query When Data Is Located on Mapped Drive Q305317 KB305317 August 16, 2001
- 229415 INFO: Visual Basic Supports P-Code and Native Code Compilation Q229415 KB229415 July 18, 2001
- 174135 PRB: Setup Cannot Continue...System Files Are Out of Date Q174135 KB174135 July 18, 2001
- 258233 PRB: Potential Problem with Reloading a UserControl File with an Add-In Q258233 KB258233 July 10, 2001
- 300586 BUG: Error "Row Cannot Be Located for Updating" If You Change Numeric Field in ADODC Recordset Q300586 KB300586 June 25, 2001
- 233997 PRB: Error 406 Accessing an MTS Component in a Library Package Q233997 KB233997 June 18, 2001
- 233424 INFO: Windows CE ToolKit and Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 3 Q233424 KB233424 June 18, 2001
- 217218 FIX: DBFILETIME Undeclared Identifier Error Compiling OLE DB Template Classes Q217218 KB217218 June 18, 2001
- 196342 PRB: ActiveDesktop Compilation Errors Under Visual C++ 6.0 MFC Q196342 KB196342 June 18, 2001
- 195838 PRB: Cut, Copy, and Paste Unavailable in Text Annotation Menu Q195838 KB195838 June 18, 2001
- 191766 INFO: Example: Simple DCOM VB Client Talking to an MTS Component Q191766 KB191766 June 18, 2001
- 172099 PRB: T-SQL - Running Remote and Local SQL Debugging Q172099 KB172099 June 18, 2001
- 300387 BUG: DataReport Does Not Show First Record with Server-Side Forward-Only Cursor Q300387 KB300387 June 13, 2001
- 278501 PRB: Visual Basic MTS/COM+ Components Should Not Implement Class_Initialize Q278501 KB278501 June 12, 2001
- 215460 PRB: Failure to Install Visual Basic 6.0 Component that Uses a User Defined Type in Interface into a Microsoft Transaction Server Package Q215460 KB215460 June 12, 2001
- 129839 PRB: Windows 95/98 Ignores ALT+TAB from SendKeys in VB Q129839 KB129839 June 12, 2001
- 248098 PRB: Run-Time Error Message -2147164145(8004e00f) Method Call on MTS Object from Visual Basic Application Fails Q248098 KB248098 June 6, 2001
- 192136 PRB: PDW Does Not Include MSAddndr.DLL for Add-in Projects Q192136 KB192136 June 5, 2001
- 273782 PRB: Error When You Copy and Paste GUID in Data View Window Q273782 KB273782 June 4, 2001
- 299527 PRB: "Error in Loading DLL" Error If You Add Package and Deployment Wizard as a Component in a Visual Basic Project Q299527 KB299527 June 1, 2001
- 172063 PRB: Visual Basic UserDocuments are Displayed as Garbage Text Q172063 KB172063 June 1, 2001
- 288930 PRB: PDW Raises Error "Filename Must Contain Text" Q288930 KB288930 May 26, 2001
- 182289 PRB: DBGRID Can Cause VB to Crash When Scrolling Horizontally Q182289 KB182289 May 18, 2001
- 289498 PRB: Form Cannot Get Focus After You Use SetParent to Move Controls to Another Form Q289498 KB289498 May 15, 2001
- 297531 PRB: Report Designer Menu Item Is Missing Q297531 KB297531 May 12, 2001
- 233515 PRB: Error "String Literal Too Long" using Update or Insert on Oracle Table Q233515 KB233515 May 7, 2001
- 293786 BUG: GPF in Data Access Objects After You Install SQL Server Client Q293786 KB293786 May 3, 2001
- 201509 BUG: Textbox Can Be Sized To Less Than Minimum Height Q201509 KB201509 May 3, 2001
- 203017 PRB: "Only one database connection is supported at one time" Q203017 KB203017 May 1, 2001
- 201649 FAQ: Visual SourceSafe Integration with Visual Basic 6.0 Q201649 KB201649 May 1, 2001
- 201565 PRB: Visual Basic Read-only .exp/.lib Files Cause Compile Error Q201565 KB201565 May 1, 2001
- 271764 PRB: Application-defined or Object-defined Error (800a9c68) in a WebClass Application Q271764 KB271764 April 25, 2001
- 192155 PRB: Internal Error Occurred While Loading the HTML Template Q192155 KB192155 April 25, 2001
- 192154 INFO: ASP Pages Cannot Be Imported into an IIS Application Q192154 KB192154 April 25, 2001
- 192035 PRB: Do Not Use a WebClass ProcessTag Inside an HTML Tag Q192035 KB192035 April 25, 2001
- 191038 INFO: WebClass Initialize, BeginRequest, Terminate Events Q191038 KB191038 April 25, 2001
- 191692 PRB: Shdocvw.dll Is Not Included in PDW Setup Package Q191692 KB191692 April 20, 2001
- 288706 PRB: CLSID {00000010-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4} Not Found When You Run an Application Q288706 KB288706 April 15, 2001
- 191187 PRB: Do Not Modify ASP File That Is Created by the WebClass Designer Q191187 KB191187 March 4, 2001
- 190166 PRB: PDW Does Not Include .ASP and .HTM Files for Standard Setup Q190166 KB190166 March 4, 2001
- 269620 PRB: SP_SetAppRole in RDO Causes "Application Roles Can Only Be Activated at the Ad Hoc Level" Error Message Q269620 KB269620 January 26, 2001
- 187922 PRB: Passing a UDT To Or From an ActiveX EXE May Fail on NT Q187922 KB187922 January 13, 2001
- 278408 PRB: Cannot Bind OLEDB DataGrid Control to Recordset That Does Not Support Bookmarks Q278408 KB278408 January 11, 2001
- 271692 INFO: Avoid Truncation When You Use the DataReport ExportReport Method Q271692 KB271692 January 11, 2001
- 270589 BUG: Run-Time Error Message -2147417848 (80010108) When Passing Array of Dictionary Objects Q270589 KB270589 January 11, 2001
- 269579 PRB: Tabbed Dialog Control Has Different Behavior on Non-VB Form Q269579 KB269579 January 11, 2001
- 268807 PRB: Application Error Running or Closing a Project Q268807 KB268807 January 11, 2001
- 262441 PRB: Run-Time Error Message '400' : Form Already Displayed ; Can't Show Modally Q262441 KB262441 January 11, 2001
- 260369 PRB: Error Message 3633 "Can't Load DLL '?????L?' " When Running Deployed Application Q260369 KB260369 January 11, 2001
- 259564 INFO: Windowless Controls in the Mswless.ocx File Are Not Supported Q259564 KB259564 January 11, 2001
- 259548 BUG: DataCombo Control Does Not Work on VBA User Forms Q259548 KB259548 January 11, 2001
- 259529 INFO: How Visual Basic Classes Map to COM Q259529 KB259529 January 11, 2001
- 258827 INFO: Visual Basic Object Browser Cannot See the Default Interface Q258827 KB258827 January 11, 2001
- 258697 PRB: Single SQL Server Connection Can Support Only One Active Firehose Cursor Q258697 KB258697 January 11, 2001
- 254634 PRB: Updating DAO Recordset from Excel Increases File Size Q254634 KB254634 January 11, 2001
- 248459 PRB: Leading Spaces Trimmed in DataReport Label Multi-Line Caption Q248459 KB248459 January 11, 2001
- 248139 BUG: MSHFlexGrid Control Empty with DataEnvironment Parameter Query Q248139 KB248139 January 11, 2001
- 247912 PRB: Property Page of Data-Aware Controls Becomes Blank with CRViewer Q247912 KB247912 January 11, 2001
- 242478 PRB: DAO Recordset RecordCount Incorrect When Based on Text File Q242478 KB242478 January 11, 2001
- 241126 INFO: Dynamically Add UserControls That Require Run-Time Licenses Q241126 KB241126 January 11, 2001
- 235414 PRB: ParentControls Property May Not Work with Some Containers Q235414 KB235414 January 11, 2001
- 233478 FIX: VB6 Version of RDO Cannot Access Oracle Packages Q233478 KB233478 January 11, 2001
- 230486 PRB: Cannot Have Secondary Y Axis with MSChart XY Scatterchart Q230486 KB230486 January 11, 2001
- 223425 PRB: DataGrid: I-Beam Cursor Does Not Show Up When Adding a New Record in the Grid Q223425 KB223425 January 11, 2001
- 223083 FIX: Changes to MSHFlexgrid Adding/Removing Records Not Visible Q223083 KB223083 January 11, 2001
- 223074 FIX: RDO Resultset.Update Using ODBC Cursors Does Not Time Out If Data Is Locked Q223074 KB223074 January 11, 2001
- 223065 FIX: Button Parameter of DataGrid MouseUp Event Always Equals 0 Q223065 KB223065 January 11, 2001
- 223063 FIX: ADO AddNew After a Trap for EOF Does Not Correctly Bind Control Q223063 KB223063 January 11, 2001
- 216925 PRB: Single-User Concurrency Problems With ADO and Jet Q216925 KB216925 January 11, 2001
- 191095 BUG: Error When Attempting to Update Included Files in PDW Q191095 KB191095 January 11, 2001
- 191092 PRB: PDW Appends Script Information to Existing PDM File Q191092 KB191092 January 11, 2001
- 190503 PRB: Multi-Disk Package Too Large for Targeted Disk Size Q190503 KB190503 January 11, 2001
- 190502 PRB: Missing Files Dialog Box Appears When Running PDW Q190502 KB190502 January 11, 2001
- 190130 INFO: Description of VB 6.0 Run Time and OLE Automation Files Q190130 KB190130 January 11, 2001
- 185171 HOWTO: How to Send/Receive E-Mail Messages with Visual Basic Q185171 KB185171 January 11, 2001
- 176338 PRB: Executing .Fetch of the VB5 MSMAPI32.OCX Can Hang VB Q176338 KB176338 January 11, 2001
- 175691 BUG: VFP CDX with EMPTY Function is Not Recognized in VB Q175691 KB175691 January 11, 2001
- 175537 SAMPLE: LED.EXE: Light Emitting Diode Character Display Sample Q175537 KB175537 January 11, 2001
- 272835 PRB: Run-Time Error When You Use DCOM to Instantiate RDSServer.DataFactory Q272835 KB272835 January 10, 2001
- 170340 FIX: Debugging ActiveX Server in IDE Causes Application Error Q170340 KB170340 January 10, 2001