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Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.6 articles, fixes and updates - May 2003
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.6 that have been released in May 2003. The list is daily updated.
- 278454 PRB: Error 80070005 "Unexpected Error" When You Use Remote Data Service Q278454 KB278454 May 29, 2003
- 327557 PRB: ADO Does Not Support Decimal Numbers with Precision That Is Greater Than 28 Q327557 KB327557 May 28, 2003
- 325243 DOC: ODBC Driver Manager Does Not Convert SQL Types Based on the Nature of the Driver Q325243 KB325243 May 28, 2003
- 323032 BUG: Component Checker Cannot Find Files in \Program Files\Common Files\System Folders Q323032 KB323032 May 28, 2003
- 232831 INFO: Use the Merant 3.5 ODBC Driver to Work in Production Environments with IIS and MTS Q232831 KB232831 May 28, 2003
- 326166 PRB: "Query Cannot Be Updated" Error Message with OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers Q326166 KB326166 May 12, 2003
- 313925 BUG: Oledb32.dll Truncates Data at the Embedded Null-termination Character if a Column Is Bound to DBTYPE_WSTR Q313925 KB313925 May 12, 2003
- 306744 PRB: MSDASQL Incorrectly Matches Parameter Names with an Empty String Q306744 KB306744 May 12, 2003
- 306508 PRB: ODBC User DSNs Not Visible on Terminal Server Q306508 KB306508 May 12, 2003
- 306006 INFO: SQLState Returned by Microsoft Oracle ODBC Driver on Input Parameter Truncation Q306006 KB306006 May 12, 2003
- 304332 PRB: Installing MDAC on Terminal Server Q304332 KB304332 May 12, 2003
- 294850 PRB: ADO Delete Method May Delete More Rows Than Expected Q294850 KB294850 May 12, 2003
- 294424 PRB: Error Opening an ADO Recordset from a File Q294424 KB294424 May 12, 2003
- 294169 DOC: Explanation of Length Arguments for Unicode ODBC Functions Q294169 KB294169 May 12, 2003
- 294153 BUG: SQLBulkOperations and SQLSetPos Don't Insert Identity Values Q294153 KB294153 May 12, 2003
- 294139 PRB: Errors Occur with Forward-Only Server-Side Cursor When You Use ADO Recordset Find Q294139 KB294139 May 12, 2003
- 294132 BUG: IDBSchemaRowset::GetRowset Returns Wrong Table Catalog Name Using SQLOLEDB with Server Cursor Q294132 KB294132 May 12, 2003
- 281735 BUG: "Memory could not be read" Error Occurs with ODBC Under High Stress Q281735 KB281735 May 12, 2003
- 274829 BUG: SQLGetDescField to Get Table Name Does Not Work with Firehose Cursor and/or Parameter Q274829 KB274829 May 12, 2003
- 271649 INFO: No Supported Method to Trace OLE DB API Calls Q271649 KB271649 May 12, 2003
- 271645 PRB: CompareBookmarks Method and Bookmarks in ADO Q271645 KB271645 May 12, 2003
- 269842 PRB: ADO Disconnected Recordset Appears to Leak Memory when Editing in Place Q269842 KB269842 May 12, 2003
- 269594 PRB: Error Message "[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle] Syntax error or access violation;37000" Q269594 KB269594 May 12, 2003
- 269344 BUG: Microsoft Oracle ODBC Driver and OLE DB Provider Report "Driver Not Capable" Q269344 KB269344 May 12, 2003
- 268797 PRB: Client Cursor Engine May Not Asynchronously Fetch Against a Custom OLE DB Provider Q268797 KB268797 May 12, 2003
- 251080 INFO: Legitimate Redistribution Mechanism for MDAC Q251080 KB251080 May 12, 2003
- 250999 PRB: RDS Does Not Work Correctly with OLE DB Simple Provider Q250999 KB250999 May 12, 2003
- 245500 PRB: Catastrophic Error Seen with Addition of Datasource Connection to Sybase 11x Q245500 KB245500 May 12, 2003
- 221071 INFO: OLEDB Provider Support For ITransactionLocal and ITransactionJoin Q221071 KB221071 May 12, 2003
- 310078 HOW TO: Call ADO AddNew Method with an Array of Fields and Values by Using Visual C++ Q310078 KB310078 May 10, 2003
- 294177 BUG: SQLConfigDataSource Returns TRUE Even Without Registry Permissions Q294177 KB294177 May 10, 2003
- 271198 PRB: Unicode Data is not Converted to ANSI with SQLBindParameter and ANSI ODBC Driver Q271198 KB271198 May 10, 2003
- 260145 PRB: Cannot Enumerate OLE DB Providers Q260145 KB260145 May 10, 2003
- 222120 INFO: Last Trailing Zero in Numeric Field Truncated with Sybase Database Q222120 KB222120 May 10, 2003
- 321714 HOW TO: Use the SQLOLEDB "Preserve on Commit" and "Preserve on Abort" Dynamic Properties Q321714 KB321714 May 8, 2003
- 313861 PRB: Recordset Does Not Open with A Stored Procedure that Returns a High Severity Error Q313861 KB313861 May 8, 2003
- 313831 PRB: Charset Property of ADO Stream Object May Require Microsoft Internet Explorer Upgrade Q313831 KB313831 May 8, 2003
- 311505 BUG: "PL/SQL Argument Name Is Invalid" Error Message When You Use MSDAORA with 30 Character Parameter Q311505 KB311505 May 8, 2003
- 308980 PRB: Native Error Is Not Sent Back to ADO When You Run a SQL XML Query Q308980 KB308980 May 8, 2003
- 305676 PRB: Memory Leak When MDAC Is Running on Windows NT 4.0 Q305676 KB305676 May 8, 2003
- 304267 FIX: Error in VBA6.DLL Using a Late Bound Recordset When at BOF or EOF Q304267 KB304267 May 8, 2003
- 304253 BUG: Error When You Set the "Server Data on Insert" Property and Open a Recordset Q304253 KB304253 May 8, 2003
- 298118 PRB: Error When You Combine ADO Refresh Method with CreateParameter Q298118 KB298118 May 8, 2003
- 297502 PRB: Error -2147217887 "No Error Description" When You Send SQL Text Field to Output Stream Q297502 KB297502 May 8, 2003
- 294141 PRB: Error Opening Shaped Recordset Based on Recordset with Temporary Table Q294141 KB294141 May 8, 2003
- 293828 BUG: Excel File Size Grows When You Edit or Update ADO Recordset on Excel Spreadsheet Q293828 KB293828 May 8, 2003
- 293802 PRB: ADO Refresh Method May Fail with Oracle Stored Procedure Q293802 KB293802 May 8, 2003
- 288403 PRB: Visual Basic String (BSTR) in Variant Field in ADO Recordset Cannot Be Persisted to ADTG Q288403 KB288403 May 8, 2003
- 287083 BUG: First Row Is Not Saved if ADO Recordset Is Bound to Any Control and Persisted to XML Q287083 KB287083 May 8, 2003
- 286241 PRB: Error Message When You Save a NULL Value with ADODC and Bound Controls Q286241 KB286241 May 8, 2003
- 271553 PRB: Marshalling ADO Recordsets During an AddNew Method Q271553 KB271553 May 8, 2003
- 269577 BUG: Cannot Cancel Execution of Command/Recordset Through the Shape Provider Q269577 KB269577 May 8, 2003
- 269522 BUG: Data in Bound Text Box Does Not Return to Original Value After CancelUpdate If Changed in Code Q269522 KB269522 May 8, 2003
- 249012 PRB: Shaped Recordset Returns Incorrect Number of Records Q249012 KB249012 May 8, 2003
- 247810 PRB: Localization of ODBC Driver Causes Duplicate ODBC Driver Entries Q247810 KB247810 May 8, 2003
- 246905 BUG: Problem Updating ADO Hierarchical Recordset When Join Tables Share Same Column Name Q246905 KB246905 May 8, 2003
- 245498 BUG: MSDAIPP Provider Does Not Deny The Assignment of an Integer Value to an Array Typed Column Q245498 KB245498 May 8, 2003
- 245374 PRB: adDBTime and adDBDate Columns Print Incorrect Values with ADO Q245374 KB245374 May 8, 2003
- 245367 PRB: Updating ADO Recordset Persisted from Read-Only Cursor May Fail Q245367 KB245367 May 8, 2003
- 242385 INFO: Microsoft Oracle OLE DB Provider Does Not Support Personal Oracle Q242385 KB242385 May 8, 2003
- 238279 PRB: Executing Refresh Method of ADO Data Control Causes Syntax and Method Refresh Errors Q238279 KB238279 May 8, 2003
- 235566 BUG: Unexpected Cursor Behavior with Set NoCount Statement and SQLOLEDB Q235566 KB235566 May 8, 2003
- 221240 PRB: Firewalls or Proxy Servers Can Cause RDS to Fail Q221240 KB221240 May 8, 2003
- 216389 INFO: Maintaining Binary Compatibility in Components with ADOR Q216389 KB216389 May 8, 2003
- 202955 PRB: Filter Property Fails When Using Multiple Single Quotation Marks Q202955 KB202955 May 8, 2003
- 200591 PRB: 8570 Report Sections Do Not Match DataSource Q200591 KB200591 May 8, 2003
- 195983 PRB: DataGrid Control Does Not Return Contents of Edited Cell Q195983 KB195983 May 8, 2003