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.NET Framework 1.0 articles, fixes and updates - Year 2004
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 that have been released in Year 2004. The list is daily updated.
- 834457 BUG: You cannot use the Graphics.DrawXxxx methods to draw on a surface that is created by using the Graphics.FromImage method in the .NET Framework 1.0 or the .NET Framework 1.1 Q834457 KB834457 December 14, 2004
- 829824 State information is lost when you draw Ink to an image by using the Renderer object Q829824 KB829824 November 29, 2004
- 834161 Multiple fixes in the System.Data.dll file Q834161 KB834161 November 26, 2004
- 832096 FIX: Transactions may not be sent when you call the Dispose method of the loaded object Q832096 KB832096 November 8, 2004
- 307515 FIX: Custom performance counters do not publish performance data to WMI Q307515 KB307515 October 29, 2004
- 887126 Setting the SqlCommand.CommandTimeout property to zero may cause a General Network Error Q887126 KB887126 October 15, 2004
- 327442 You cannot use the DirectorySearcher.FindOne().GetDirectoryEntry() method to bind a new DirectoryEntry object in the .NET Framework 1.0 Q327442 KB327442 October 12, 2004
- 327104 FIX: Signature verification fails when you implement signed XML by using a custom ID attribute Q327104 KB327104 August 11, 2004
- 324855 Support WebCast: Introduction to the Common Language Runtime Profiling API Q324855 KB324855 August 9, 2004
- 324701 Support WebCast: Microsoft .NET and COM Interoperability Q324701 KB324701 August 9, 2004
- 829740 Improving DataSet Serialization and Remoting Performance Q829740 KB829740 August 4, 2004
- 330589 HOW TO: Implement Common MSXML Tasks in System.xml By Using Visual C# .NET Q330589 KB330589 August 4, 2004
- 328820 How To Use WebClient Class To Make HTTP Requests Q328820 KB328820 August 4, 2004
- 325941 Support WebCast: Microsoft .NET Framework and XML Serialization (Advanced) Q325941 KB325941 August 4, 2004
- 555162 HOWTO: Advanced Custom drawing with the Office Web Components (OWC) Q555162 KB555162 July 15, 2004
- 321884 List of Bugs Fixed in Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 Service Pack 2 Q321884 KB321884 July 15, 2004
- 317396 List of Bugs Fixed in Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 Service Pack 1 Q317396 KB317396 July 15, 2004
- 317336 How To Use Enterprise Services Object Pooling in Visual Basic .NET Q317336 KB317336 July 15, 2004
- 308063 How To Populate a TreeView Control with XML Data in Visual Basic .NET Q308063 KB308063 July 15, 2004
- 301256 How To Check the Windows Identity in a Client Application in Windows .NET Framework Q301256 KB301256 July 15, 2004
- 308062 How To Specify Fully Qualified Element Names in XPath Queries by Using Visual Basic .NET Q308062 KB308062 July 14, 2004
- 316928 How To Use Configuration Files to Specify the URL That Is Used to Locate a Web Service Q316928 KB316928 July 13, 2004
- 323886 How To Deploy the .NET Framework in a Group Policy Object in Active Directory Q323886 KB323886 July 1, 2004
- 326971 PRB: You Cannot Use XML Serialization on a Class with Declarative Security Q326971 KB326971 June 29, 2004
- 317399 INFO: .NET Framework Change in Default Machine Level Security Policy Q317399 KB317399 June 28, 2004
- 842791 A System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException exception occurs when you try to use the RijndaelManaged class to decrypt data Q842791 KB842791 June 9, 2004
- 311521 HOW TO: Index ASP.NET Content by Using Microsoft Index Server Q311521 KB311521 June 9, 2004
- 555129 Updating Performance Counters from ASP.NET Q555129 KB555129 June 5, 2004
- 841713 BUG: You receive the "service did not respond" error message when you start a Windows service Q841713 KB841713 May 26, 2004
- 317679 How to create and make changes to a custom counter for the Windows Performance Monitor by using Visual Basic .NET Q317679 KB317679 May 10, 2004
- 324548 BUG: NextValue method of .NET PerformanceCounter object returns zero Q324548 KB324548 April 30, 2004
- 326069 INFO: Online Seminars on Programming XML in the .NET Framework Q326069 KB326069 April 27, 2004
- 323491 HOW TO: Create and Use a Meta Data Assembly Q323491 KB323491 April 22, 2004
- 318614 HOW TO: Set Up a COM Component to Be Used from a .NET Client Across Computer Boundaries Q318614 KB318614 April 22, 2004
- 555082 Examining the session duration and session events Q555082 KB555082 April 13, 2004
- 837317 BUG: AppDomainUnloadedException is thrown when you call a virtual destructor on a __nogc class during an AppDomain unload Q837317 KB837317 April 1, 2004
- 319312 HOW TO: Change the Color and the Font of the StatusBarPanel Object by Using Visual Basic .NET Q319312 KB319312 March 24, 2004
- 315934 PRB: Windows Forms TreeView Control Does Not Handle State Image Lists in Visual Basic .NET Q315934 KB315934 March 24, 2004
- 834530 BUG: The DrawItemEventArgs object returns incorrect ForeColor and BackColor properties for owner-draw menu items Q834530 KB834530 March 2, 2004
- 555060 How To Transform an XmlDocument into another XmlDocument using an XslTransform Q555060 KB555060 February 19, 2004
- 555057 How To Call a .NET Web Service from Client Side JavaScript using Internet Explorer and MSXML Q555057 KB555057 February 13, 2004
- 317270 PRB: Read-Only and Write-Only Class Properties Not Accessible from a Web Service Q317270 KB317270 February 11, 2004
- 828988 A console application that is based on a STA may delay the release of COM components and may delay the calls to the Finalize methods of the objects that the garbage collector collects Q828988 KB828988 February 9, 2004
- 815109 Previously encoded characters in an XML Schema file are encoded again when you write the XML Schema to a new file Q815109 KB815109 February 5, 2004
- 815105 A null ArrayList member is initialized to a zero length ArrayList class after it is deserialized Q815105 KB815105 February 5, 2004
- 814663 BUG: Frameset Page that Hosts Windows Forms Control that Uses Localized Assemblies Does Not Load the Control the First Time Q814663 KB814663 January 24, 2004
- 313892 HOW TO: Use the IEHost Log to Debug .NET Object Hosting in Internet Explorer Q313892 KB313892 January 24, 2004
- 812198 HOW TO: Pass Node Sets to Inline XSLT Script Functions by Using Visual Basic .NET Q812198 KB812198 January 23, 2004
- 325689 INFO: Performance of XSLT Transformations in the .NET Framework Q325689 KB325689 January 23, 2004
- 323370 HOW TO: Use Extension Objects When You Execute XSL Transformations in Visual C# .NET Applications Q323370 KB323370 January 23, 2004
- 321702 HOW TO: Use Extension Objects When You Execute XSL Transformations in Visual Basic .NET Applications Q321702 KB321702 January 23, 2004
- 318499 HOW TO: Use the System.Xml.XmlDocument Class to Execute XPath Queries in Visual C# .NET Q318499 KB318499 January 23, 2004
- 312118 The system memory usage and the handle counts increase more than you may expect when your application contains components that are derived from the System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent class Q312118 KB312118 January 23, 2004
- 325694 PRB: Parsing XML Containing Invalid Character May Raise ArgumentException Q325694 KB325694 January 22, 2004
- 321704 HOW TO: Execute Parameterized XSL Transformations in .NET Applications Q321704 KB321704 January 22, 2004
- 309013 HOW TO: Create and Test an XML Web Service in Visual Basic .NET Q309013 KB309013 January 21, 2004
- 815631 INFO: GetRequestedRuntimeVersionForCLSID API Q815631 KB815631 January 19, 2004