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SNA Server 4.0 articles, fixes and updates - February 2004
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 that have been released in February 2004. The list is daily updated.
- 214521 Multithreaded SLI Application May Deadlock within WINSLI32.DLL Q214521 KB214521 February 25, 2004
- 240731 CREATEPROCESS FAILED Error During Silent Install Q240731 KB240731 February 23, 2004
- 230686 SNA Print Server Does Not Support a Print Filter DLL for APPC Print Sessions Q230686 KB230686 February 23, 2004
- 214572 How To Retrieve Link Information For SNA Server Programmatically Q214572 KB214572 February 23, 2004
- 196390 SNA Server Refuses New User Connection after Server Restarted Q196390 KB196390 February 23, 2004
- 196245 Snabase Displays Garbage String for Backupsponsor Server Name Q196245 KB196245 February 23, 2004
- 196230 SLI Does Not Reset Lua_flag2.async Q196230 KB196230 February 23, 2004
- 196191 SNABASE Unable to Update the BackupSponsor Registry Key Q196191 KB196191 February 23, 2004
- 195522 Host Password May Be Revealed By Manipulating SSCP-LU Session Q195522 KB195522 February 23, 2004
- 195116 SNA Server Logs Event 3 (1106) Node Configuration Error Q195116 KB195116 February 23, 2004
- 194626 Shared Folders Unable to Copy Files With Compression Enabled Q194626 KB194626 February 23, 2004
- 194621 Print Screen in 3270 Applet Does Not Support Greek Code Page Q194621 KB194621 February 23, 2004
- 194619 Host Security Group Inadvertently Removed From Start Menu Q194619 KB194619 February 23, 2004
- 194598 Print Server Overrides Font ID Parameter When Using HPT Q194598 KB194598 February 23, 2004
- 194593 Print Sessions May Fail to Start When Using Host Print Service Q194593 KB194593 February 23, 2004
- 194553 First SLI_OPEN is Not Traced When LUA API Tracing Enabled Q194553 KB194553 February 23, 2004
- 194365 SNA Server Access Violation in DestroyUser() Q194365 KB194365 February 23, 2004
- 194324 Data not Compressed from SNA Server to Host Q194324 KB194324 February 23, 2004
- 193816 SNA Server 4.0 Always Checks for Remote APPC LU Security Q193816 KB193816 February 23, 2004
- 193815 Improved APPC/CPIC Performance on SNA Client Computer Q193815 KB193815 February 23, 2004
- 193814 Performance Improvements for APPC/CPIC Applications Q193814 KB193814 February 23, 2004
- 193487 SNACFG Displays APPC Session Security Key in Clear Text Q193487 KB193487 February 23, 2004
- 191925 Automatic Logon Fails Using 5250 Applet Q191925 KB191925 February 23, 2004
- 191394 SNA Server Access Violation in Function S1psineg Q191394 KB191394 February 23, 2004
- 190444 Memory Leak when Reading Configuration File Q190444 KB190444 February 23, 2004
- 189501 X.25 PU Passthrough Drops Transmission Header Q189501 KB189501 February 23, 2004
- 185706 FTP-AFTP Gateway Does Not Work with IIS 4.0 Q185706 KB185706 February 23, 2004
- 183578 SNA DDM Service Fails to Release Handles Q183578 KB183578 February 20, 2004
- 183573 Report.ASP Fails with SNA 4.0 OLE DB Off-line Demo Script Q183573 KB183573 February 20, 2004
- 183552 SNA DDM Service Terminates; Type Mismatch Errors Q183552 KB183552 February 20, 2004
- 182884 SNA NT 4.0 Client Gets 1003 Error Connecting to SNA Server 3.0 Q182884 KB182884 February 20, 2004
- 180470 Scale Font to Fit Printable Page Option Not Working for SNA Server Print Server Q180470 KB180470 February 20, 2004
- 180416 APPC or CPI-C TPs May Fail When Using Dependent LU 6.2 Sessions Q180416 KB180416 February 20, 2004
- 286245 PRB: Error Updating Records Using DB2OLEDB and Server-Side ADO Cursor Q286245 KB286245 February 16, 2004
- 265792 DB2OLEDB Leaks Memory When Stored Procedure Returns Large VarChar Q265792 KB265792 February 12, 2004
- 262573 Japanese CICS File Transfer Fails with 3270 Applet Q262573 KB262573 February 12, 2004
- 259701 Extra Lines Appear in LU3 Print Job When You Use PDT Q259701 KB259701 February 12, 2004
- 252507 SNA Server Service Pack 3 Appears to Update but Does Not Q252507 KB252507 February 12, 2004
- 245966 Winmgt32.dll May Complete Same Verb Three Times Q245966 KB245966 February 12, 2004
- 244262 OLE DB Provider/ODBC Driver for DB2 May Break Access/Jet Applications Q244262 KB244262 February 12, 2004
- 241533 Dr. Watson in Mmc.exe When SNA Server 4.0 and SMS 2.0 Are on the Same Computer Q241533 KB241533 February 12, 2004
- 221772 "SNABase not started" if SNA Client for Windows NT is installed from SMS Package Q221772 KB221772 February 12, 2004
- 151629 INFO: TN3270 LU Assignment and the Use of Submasks Q151629 KB151629 February 12, 2004
- 253314 "SNABASE Not Started" Error Message Occurs When Using Terminal Server Clients Q253314 KB253314 February 11, 2004
- 250562 Error: Access Violation in RemoveEntryList() Function of TN3270 Server Q250562 KB250562 February 11, 2004
- 246017 SNA Print Session Remains Pending When Stopped and Restarted Q246017 KB246017 February 11, 2004
- 240761 LUA Security Does Not Apply to TN3270 LUA LUs Q240761 KB240761 February 11, 2004
- 240676 Cannot Use ODO As a Return Value for Method's Recordset in CICS LINK and MSLINK Programming Models Q240676 KB240676 February 11, 2004
- 239481 ODBC Connection to DB2 Fails from Some Windows 95 Computers Q239481 KB239481 February 11, 2004
- 224311 SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 2 Upgrades MDAC To Version 2.1 Q224311 KB224311 February 11, 2004
- 191696 Upgrading Host Security Files May Cause Corrupted Database Q191696 KB191696 February 11, 2004
- 159274 TN3270E Does Not Support RTM Q159274 KB159274 February 11, 2004
- 148359 SNA Server APPC Error: F004 AP_COMM_SUBSYSTEM_NOT_LOADED Q148359 KB148359 February 11, 2004
- 139115 SNA Server Support for FNA and HNA Q139115 KB139115 February 11, 2004
- 139035 TN3270 Service Is Enhanced to TN3270E in SNA Server Q139035 KB139035 February 11, 2004
- 135552 SNA Server Administrator Does Not Expose Administrator APIs Q135552 KB135552 February 11, 2004
- 134229 Attachmate Zip Host Manager Requires Patch Q134229 KB134229 February 11, 2004
- 133312 SNA Server Win 3.x APPC/CPIC Apps Hang Using Blocking Hook Q133312 KB133312 February 11, 2004
- 131640 100% CPU Usage Running SNA Windows 3.x Client on Windows NT Q131640 KB131640 February 11, 2004
- 126396 SNA Server 3270 LU is Available, But No Sign On Screen Appears Q126396 KB126396 February 11, 2004
- 327491 INFO: SNA Server 4.0 Not Supported on Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 Q327491 KB327491 February 9, 2004