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Visual C++ 6.0 articles, fixes and updates - June 2005
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 that have been released in June 2005. The list is daily updated.
- 178749 How to create an automation project using MFC and a type library Q178749 KB178749 June 23, 2005
- 167736 MFC ISAPI Generates Access Violation in CHtmlStream.Detach Q167736 KB167736 June 23, 2005
- 192912 MSDev.exe does not automatically close when the COM reference count is zero Q192912 KB192912 June 10, 2005
- 181265 How to create ATL COM objects in Visual C++ Q181265 KB181265 June 10, 2005
- 145889 Description of why floating point numbers may lose precision in Visual C++ Q145889 KB145889 June 10, 2005
- 240746 You receive a "fatal error C1001" error message when you compile a member function of a class with a missing argument list Q240746 KB240746 June 9, 2005
- 191118 How to create context-sensitive HTML Help in an MFC application Q191118 KB191118 June 9, 2005
- 178199 How to create a resource .dll file that contains an AVI file Q178199 KB178199 June 9, 2005
- 196755 How to identify where a failure is occurring in your code by using the address in the error message that you receive Q196755 KB196755 June 8, 2005
- 167804 Source Profiler does not execute in Visual C++ 5.0 and in Visual C++ 6.0 Q167804 KB167804 June 8, 2005
- 247073 CustWBC.exe sample shows how to control the WebBrowser control that is embedded in an ATL HTML control Q247073 KB247073 June 7, 2005
- 315937 How to trap stack overflow in a Visual C++ application Q315937 KB315937 June 6, 2005
- 241810 IDispEventImpl event handlers may give strange values for parameters in Visual C++ Q241810 KB241810 June 6, 2005
- 184235 You receive LNK2005 errors when you compile an ATL executable (.exe) project in Visual C++ Q184235 KB184235 June 6, 2005
- 168926 BUG: You receive an "Error copying sample files" error message when you copy sample files to a drive Q168926 KB168926 June 6, 2005
- 121556 Breakpoints do not work as expected Q121556 KB121556 June 6, 2005
- 294320 Description of the "How to" information for Visual C++ beginners Q294320 KB294320 June 4, 2005
- 223389 Scripting.exe file contains the headers and libraries that are necessary to create ActiveX Script hosts and engines Q223389 KB223389 June 4, 2005
- 221992 How to add support for hosing VBScript to your MFC application Q221992 KB221992 June 4, 2005
- 198019 The size of the ATL control does not display correctly in a control container Q198019 KB198019 June 4, 2005
- 194550 FIX: Freeing memory multiple times may cause an application error in Visual C++ Q194550 KB194550 June 4, 2005
- 187644 The ATL controls does not recognize the default button on a VB form in Visual C++ Q187644 KB187644 June 4, 2005
- 168847 You receive a "DM0025: Error attaching to process" error message when you use the debugger to attach to a console application in Windows 95 Q168847 KB168847 June 4, 2005
- 300606 How to implement a resizable property sheet class that contains a menu bar in Visual C++ 6.0 Q300606 KB300606 June 3, 2005
- 281535 You receive a "22001[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]String data, right truncation" error message when you run or debug a SQL Server 2000 stored procedure in Visual C++ 6.0 Q281535 KB281535 June 3, 2005
- 244955 ATL projects built for MinDependency need Atl.dll if the projects use ATL control containment code in Visual C++ 6.0 Q244955 KB244955 June 3, 2005
- 191495 BUG: You receive a "The name specified is not recognized" error message when you try to run a batch file tool from the Visual C++ Tools menu on a computer that is running Windows NT or Windows 2000 Q191495 KB191495 June 3, 2005
- 190725 OLE DB consumer applications require the SqlOleDb.h C++ header file Q190725 KB190725 June 3, 2005
- 183210 An ATL control may flicker when it is being resized in Visual C++ Q183210 KB183210 June 3, 2005
- 172336 An assertion is hit in the Afxwin2.inl file when you try to launch an MFC MDI application through a document Q172336 KB172336 June 3, 2005
- 169395 Thread safety with Jet has been achieved with the release of DAO 3.5/3.6 in Visual C++ Q169395 KB169395 June 3, 2005
- 166135 Changes in Print Preview behavior since Visual C++ 4.2 Q166135 KB166135 June 3, 2005
- 155420 Errors C2146, C2065, and C2143 occur when you compile code that includes consecutive closing chevrons (>>) at the end of the declaration in Visual C++ Q155420 KB155420 June 3, 2005
- 138942 How to debug a Windows Shell Extension using Visual C++ Q138942 KB138942 June 3, 2005
- 127200 How to use other registry keys with Visual C++ 2.0 and later versions Q127200 KB127200 June 3, 2005
- 316001 How to create a simple custom AppWizard in Visual C++ 6.0 Q316001 KB316001 June 2, 2005
- 291380 FIX: You may receive several error messages regarding the redefinition of XML interfaces when you compile an Interface Definition Language (.idl) file in Visual C++ 6.0 Q291380 KB291380 June 2, 2005
- 247035 How to automate tasks by using COM objects in Visual C++ Q247035 KB247035 June 2, 2005
- 247005 How to move Visual C++ IDE customizations to another computer Q247005 KB247005 June 2, 2005
- 241857 The CComBSTR constructor does not always allocate sufficient space in ATL Q241857 KB241857 June 2, 2005
- 241569 Error C2258 and error C2252 occur if you try to perform in-place initialization of static const integral member data in Visual C++ Q241569 KB241569 June 2, 2005
- 198009 An access violation occurs when you try to call one of the string conversion macros in Visual C++ Q198009 KB198009 June 2, 2005
- 195386 You may receive C4786 warnings when you try to build a project in Visual C++ 5.0 or in Visual C++ 6.0 Q195386 KB195386 June 2, 2005
- 194873 How to access a Visual Basic ActiveX DLL from a Visual C++ 6.0 executable Q194873 KB194873 June 2, 2005
- 190965 Two IntelliSense limitations will occur when you work with macro definitions in Visual C++ 6.0 Q190965 KB190965 June 2, 2005
- 183216 You may receive an error message when you call the AtlAdvise() function to set up a connection point Q183216 KB183216 June 2, 2005
- 183214 You receive an "E_INVALIDARG (0x80070057 or 'The parameter is incorrect')" error message from the CoCreateInstance function in Visual C++ on a computer that is running Windows 95 Q183214 KB183214 June 2, 2005
- 181277 The AtlSink.exe sample demonstrates how to implement a dispinterface sink by using the Active Template Library (ATL) in Visual C++ Q181277 KB181277 June 2, 2005
- 179691 The dispatch identifiers change when you add properties to existing Automation objects by using ClassWizard Q179691 KB179691 June 2, 2005
- 179273 You receive a C2059 syntax error when you initialize a static data member of a template class Q179273 KB179273 June 2, 2005
- 177947 You receive a "Syntax error in FROM clause" error message when you use the AppWizard to create a CRecordset class by using the ODBC Text Driver in Visual C++ Q177947 KB177947 June 2, 2005
- 173165 The resource view does not reflect the changes made to the .RC file even if you have changed a resource script and Visual C++ compiler reloads it Q173165 KB173165 June 2, 2005
- 167906 The Access 7.0 database cannot be recovered after you call the CDaoWorkspace::RepairDatabase function or the or CdbDbEngine::RepairDatabase function Q167906 KB167906 June 2, 2005
- 163370 You receive a "#File Error#" error message in the place of a file name when you try to call _CrtMemDumpAllObjectsSince() to dump the objects on the CRT heap in Visual C++ Q163370 KB163370 June 2, 2005
- 156139 How to use the SQL Server DateTime parameter to avoid the "Invalid date" error in Visual C++ Q156139 KB156139 June 2, 2005
- 155196 How to use the #pragma message to generate user-defined warning messages in Visual C++ Q155196 KB155196 June 2, 2005
- 155046 BUG: Visual C++ compiler does not report any error when you leave the parentheses off or when you leave the ampersand (&) off Q155046 KB155046 June 2, 2005
- 154289 How to identify the symptoms of file corruption problems in Visual C++ Q154289 KB154289 June 2, 2005
- 152392 You receive an "Unable to import OLE control" error message when you try to import an ActiveX control Q152392 KB152392 June 2, 2005
- 152294 How to extract binary data from a COleVariant data type and how to store binary data in a COleVariant data type Q152294 KB152294 June 2, 2005
- 150029 You must call the AfxEnableControlContainer function when you use OLE control containers in Visual C++ Q150029 KB150029 June 2, 2005
- 146876 DAO error 3028 may occur when you try to create a workspace DAO object in Visual C++ Q146876 KB146876 June 2, 2005
- 140485 How to export PASCAL-like symbols in a 32-bit dll file in Visual C++ Q140485 KB140485 June 2, 2005
- 122296 List of books about C++ programming Q122296 KB122296 June 2, 2005
- 100634 How to specify both shared data and non-shared data in a DLL in Visual C++ Q100634 KB100634 June 2, 2005
- 242192 BUG: The uncaught_exception C Run-Time function always returns false Q242192 KB242192 June 1, 2005
- 241241 How to use DTS with custom ATL OLE-DB providers in Visual C++ 6.0 Q241241 KB241241 June 1, 2005
- 240626 BUG: Extra lines are generated in assembly code when you Use #line directive in Visual C++ Q240626 KB240626 June 1, 2005
- 198017 BUG: You receive an "Unable to create the function" error message when you try to add a method as the variable type in the ATL Interface Wizard with Visual C++ Q198017 KB198017 June 1, 2005
- 196835 How to override the default behavior of several of the MFC control container interface methods in Visual C++ Q196835 KB196835 June 1, 2005
- 193101 FIX: An unhandled exception occurs when you use MFC sockets in secondary threads in an MFC Visual C++ 6.0 application Q193101 KB193101 June 1, 2005
- 178995 Visual C++ wizards ignore the "Insert spaces" TAB setting Q178995 KB178995 June 1, 2005
- 160906 How to use MFC 4.2 ODBC classes in an ISAPI DLL Q160906 KB160906 June 1, 2005
- 148455 BUG: You receive a "BASE: GlobalFree called with a locked object" error message when you try to free a global memory that is attached to a CSharedFile object Q148455 KB148455 June 1, 2005
- 141717 How to use MFC DAO classes to create database objects in Visual C++ Q141717 KB141717 June 1, 2005
- 140850 How to properly export functions by using the MFC Shared Library Q140850 KB140850 June 1, 2005
- 104617 How to pass a shot between a program that is written in C/C++ and a function that is written with Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) Q104617 KB104617 June 1, 2005
- 103787 The Microsoft C compiler looks for Link.exe after it finds Cl.exe Q103787 KB103787 June 1, 2005