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Visual C++ .NET 2003 articles, fixes and updates - Year 2003
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003 that have been released in Year 2003. The list is daily updated.
- 156900 INFO: STL Sample for the Predicate Version of inplace_merge Function Q156900 KB156900 December 10, 2003
- 317807 BUG: Compile Error Message When You Add a Web Reference to a Managed Extensions for C++ Application Q317807 KB317807 December 6, 2003
- 198477 PRB: Use of /ZI May Cause Access Violation Q198477 KB198477 December 2, 2003
- 324879 BUG: Visual Studio .NET Debugger Closes When You Attach the Debugger to a Process Where the Main Thread Has Already Exited Q324879 KB324879 December 1, 2003
- 158204 INFO: STL Sample for the string::operator>> Function Q158204 KB158204 December 1, 2003
- 316245 HOW TO: Perform Bulk Updates and Inserts Using OpenXML with .NET Providers in Visual C++ .NET Q316245 KB316245 October 31, 2003
- 310071 HOW TO: Call a Parameterized Stored Procedure by Using ADO .NET and Visual C++ .NET Q310071 KB310071 October 31, 2003
- 169109 PRB: Parse Maps Do Not Handle Multi-select List Boxes Q169109 KB169109 October 13, 2003
- 156992 INFO: STL Sample for the Predicate Version of max_element Function Q156992 KB156992 September 24, 2003
- 824459 PRB: "<XLL Name> Is Not a Valid Add-In" Error Message When You Load XLL That Is Rebuilt by Using Visual Studio .NET 2003 Q824459 KB824459 September 23, 2003
- 172393 PRB: Can't Export Symbols Differing Only by Leading Underscores Q172393 KB172393 September 23, 2003
- 170171 PRB: DUMPBIN Displays Cumulative Data for Multiple Arguments Q170171 KB170171 September 23, 2003
- 168379 BUG: Debugger Does Not Step Over to __finally Code Block Q168379 KB168379 September 23, 2003
- 168046 HOWTO: STL Sample for [list::rbegin, rend, reverse, rev_iterator] Q168046 KB168046 September 23, 2003
- 167750 BUG: The pow() Function Doesn't Set Underflow Condition Q167750 KB167750 September 23, 2003
- 157671 INFO: STL Sample for the advance() Function Q157671 KB157671 September 23, 2003
- 157392 INFO: STL Sample for the inner_product Function Q157392 KB157392 September 23, 2003
- 156993 INFO: STL Sample for the Predicate Version of nth_element Function Q156993 KB156993 September 23, 2003
- 156809 INFO: STL Sample for adjacent_difference, vector::push_back Function Q156809 KB156809 September 23, 2003
- 156742 INFO: STL Sample for the replace_copy Function Q156742 KB156742 September 23, 2003
- 156346 INFO: STL Sample for the iter_swap Function Q156346 KB156346 September 23, 2003
- 230587 PRB: Can't Set Focus to an Edit Control When its Parent Is an Inactive Captioned Child Window Q230587 KB230587 September 22, 2003
- 210460 PRB: Data Truncated Error With CRecordset Q210460 KB210460 September 22, 2003
- 198834 PRB: ATL Server with Singleton Object Never Unloads from Memory Q198834 KB198834 September 22, 2003
- 195073 BUG: Error C2065: 'DDX_FieldDateTimeCtrl': Undeclared Identifier Q195073 KB195073 September 22, 2003
- 194862 PRB: "QueryInterface:function does not take 1 parameters" Error Q194862 KB194862 September 22, 2003
- 190999 BUG: Visual C++ Project Settings Saved Only on Normal Exit Q190999 KB190999 September 22, 2003
- 183167 PRB: TranslateAccelerator() Not Called for ActiveX Controls Q183167 KB183167 September 22, 2003
- 157393 INFO: STL Sample for the partial_sum Function Q157393 KB157393 September 22, 2003
- 229904 PRB: CAxWindow Members Can Cause a Memory Leak Q229904 KB229904 September 18, 2003
- 198926 PRB: Visual C++ Not Tested for Windows NT Checked Build Q198926 KB198926 September 18, 2003
- 190149 PRB: Access Violation in GetAmbientDisplayName Q190149 KB190149 September 18, 2003
- 168932 BUG: Multiple Based Conversion Results May Be Incorrect Q168932 KB168932 September 18, 2003
- 158619 INFO: STL Sample for the Vector Class Using the operat Q158619 KB158619 September 18, 2003
- 157480 INFO: STL Sample for the rotate_copy Function Q157480 KB157480 September 18, 2003
- 156902 INFO: Sample of deque: operator[] and deque::at Functions Q156902 KB156902 September 18, 2003
- 153239 BUG: Multiple CRichEditView::PrintInsideRect's Are Distorted Q153239 KB153239 September 18, 2003
- 150076 BUG: C4003: Not Enough Parameters for SubclassWindow Macro Q150076 KB150076 September 18, 2003
- 138695 DOC: ConstructElements & DestructElements Q138695 KB138695 September 18, 2003
- 163359 HOWTO: STL Sample for list::size,list::resize Functions Q163359 KB163359 September 17, 2003
- 157065 INFO: STL sample for deque: size and deque::resize Functions Q157065 KB157065 September 17, 2003
- 157972 INFO: STL Sample for the basic_string::append Functions Q157972 KB157972 September 16, 2003
- 156901 INFO: STL Sample for the inplace_merge Function Q156901 KB156901 September 16, 2003
- 156898 INFO: STL Sample for deque:: assign and deque::swap Functions Q156898 KB156898 September 16, 2003
- 127802 PRB: Debugger Loses Source/Disassembly File Mapping Q127802 KB127802 September 16, 2003
- 156759 INFO: STL Sample for deque::push_back and deque::pop_back Functions Q156759 KB156759 September 15, 2003
- 234664 BUG: Containers Show <Unknown Verb> Menu Items for OCX Linked to MFC Static Library Q234664 KB234664 September 12, 2003
- 224928 BUG: CFormView Loses the Control's Focus When Restored Q224928 KB224928 September 12, 2003
- 198018 PRB: ATL Project Named "ATL" Fails to Build Q198018 KB198018 September 12, 2003
- 308908 HOW TO: Get Extended Error Information for the DataSet in Visuall C++ .NET Q308908 KB308908 September 4, 2003
- 309362 HOW TO: Use a DataReader Against an Oracle Stored Procedure in Visual C++ .NET Q309362 KB309362 September 3, 2003
- 816827 BUG: "Error Spawning 'cl.exe'" Error Occurs When You Build a Visual C++ .NET Application Q816827 KB816827 July 22, 2003
- 309551 INFO: CLR Profiling Services Problems Q309551 KB309551 July 14, 2003
- 316317 PRB: Compiler Errors When You Use #import with XML in Visual C++ .NET Q316317 KB316317 June 28, 2003
- 311407 BUG: MFC Class Wizard Does Not Resolve Naming Conflicts Between Windows APIs and COM Interface Methods Q311407 KB311407 June 25, 2003
- 181033 BUG: Access Keys for UserControl Do Not Work in MFC Dialog Q181033 KB181033 June 6, 2003
- 315482 BUG: GetBlockFormatNames Method Memory Leak in Afxhtml.h Q315482 KB315482 May 28, 2003
- 314280 BUG: Debugger Cannot Distinguish Between Template Functions and Overloaded Functions with Same Names Q314280 KB314280 May 28, 2003
- 311416 BUG: Visual C++ .NET Does Not Create a .Netmodule File by Default When You Use /clr:noAssembly Option Q311416 KB311416 May 28, 2003
- 306539 BUG: MFC - Changing the BorderStyle Stock Property of An ActiveX Control Changes the Z-Order Q306539 KB306539 May 28, 2003
- 820126 BUG: New Interop DLL Is Not Put in the Correct Location for the Project When a COM Component Is Added Q820126 KB820126 May 22, 2003
- 320082 BUG: HTREEITEM May Cause TypeLoadException in a Managed C++ Application Q320082 KB320082 April 30, 2003
- 320485 BUG: UNICODE Build of Default ATL Project with Performance Monitor Support Fails Q320485 KB320485 April 29, 2003
- 320216 BUG: Cannot Build a Microsoft Foundation Classes Application After You Add a New Resource File That Contains a String Table Q320216 KB320216 April 11, 2003
- 319981 DOC: The IDL Attribute "Implements" Is Not Documented Q319981 KB319981 April 11, 2003
- 315948 BUG: C1001 Error When You Use a Global Variable as a Template Argument Q315948 KB315948 April 11, 2003
- 315476 BUG: "Debug Assertion Failed" Dialog Box When You Build an MFC Application with "Container/Full Server" Compound Document Support Q315476 KB315476 April 11, 2003
- 315475 BUG: "A Runtime Error Has Occurred" Error Message When You Add Generic C++ Class to a Make File Project Q315475 KB315475 April 11, 2003
- 315149 BUG: Active Template Library Implement Connection Point Wizard Generates Incorrect Code Q315149 KB315149 April 11, 2003
- 307172 BUG: ATL Implement Interface Wizard Does Not Insert Imported Interface Information into a COM Type Library Q307172 KB307172 April 11, 2003