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Visual C++ .NET 2003 articles, fixes and updates - letter B
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003 starts with letter B that have been released. The list is daily updated.
- 822334 BUG: Cannot locate the procedure entry point FreeAddrInfoW when you run an application on Windows Server 2003 or on Windows XP Q822334 KB822334 April 20, 2018
- 922277 BUG: Visual Studio .NET 2003 may not list all the type libraries that are embedded as resources in an ATL executable file when you use the Implement Interface wizard to implement an interface in the ATL project Q922277 KB922277 January 17, 2015
- 907296 BUG: A numeric result is not rounded as expected when you explicitly convert a mathematical expression to a double numeric type in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q907296 KB907296 January 17, 2015
- 836733 BUG: You receive error messages when you add a new String Table resource to a Visual C++ .NET project and then you try to save or to build the project Q836733 KB836733 January 17, 2015
- 832729 BUG: "LNK2005" linker error message when you build the TextInterpreter sample project Q832729 KB832729 January 17, 2015
- 828649 BUG: Cast from CListCtrl to CListView is not valid with Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) version 7.0 and version 7.1 in Visual C++ .NET or MFC version 8.0 in Visual C++ 2005 Q828649 KB828649 January 17, 2015
- 822333 BUG: C1083 error occurs when you compile an MFC Extension DLL project Q822333 KB822333 January 17, 2015
- 328431 BUG: You may receive an error message C2664 from the compiler if you call the CStringT constructor and you pass a CFixedStringMgr pointer as an argument in Visual C++ .NET 2003 Q328431 KB328431 January 17, 2015
- 140357 BUG: No Warning Using Extern "C" in a Namespace Q140357 KB140357 January 11, 2015
- 307420 BUG: Setup fails when you install Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio .NET over a terminal service session from a mapped drive Q307420 KB307420 January 10, 2015
- 120668 BUG: Trigraph Statements May Produce End-of-File Error Q120668 KB120668 January 6, 2015
- 822369 BUG: Access violation occurs when copied objects contain pointers to their own members while using the CArray class in Visual Studio .NET or in Visual Studio 2005 Q822369 KB822369 February 27, 2014
- 307512 BUG: The GetSchemaTable method of the SqlDataReader object returns the wrong column name Q307512 KB307512 December 3, 2007
- 888324 BUG: You do not receive a compiler error message or a warning message when the __declspec(dllexport) keyword appears to the right of the calling-convention keyword in Visual C++ .NET 2003 or in Visual C++ 2005 Q888324 KB888324 November 16, 2007
- 822039 BUG: You receive a run-time exception error message when you run the debug build of your application with the /RTCs compiler option enabled Q822039 KB822039 June 1, 2007
- 814795 BUG: MFC does not display the file name for internal memory leaks when you debug an application Q814795 KB814795 May 31, 2007
- 839284 BUG: The compiler may not inject the correct pseudo-member array when you overload indexed properties in Visual C++ .NET Q839284 KB839284 May 18, 2007
- 837318 BUG: Various errors may occur when you try to call managed code from unmanaged code in Visual C++ .NET 2003 Q837318 KB837318 May 17, 2007
- 814421 BUG: You receive "LNK1118" and "LNK1141" errors when the project name contains a space character Q814421 KB814421 May 11, 2007
- 829749 BUG: You receive a "C1001" compiler error message when you compile code that has one __hook function after another __hook function in Visual C++ .NET 2003 Q829749 KB829749 April 19, 2007
- 828986 BUG: "A reference to '<typeLibrary>' could not be added" error message when you try to add a project reference to a COM DLL Q828986 KB828986 April 19, 2007
- 828558 BUG: ATL consumer templates do not compile when you use the CArrayRowset class in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q828558 KB828558 April 19, 2007
- 843408 BUG: You may receive a "fatal error C1001: internal compiler error" error message when you try to build an application in Visual C++ .NET 2003 Q843408 KB843408 April 3, 2007
- 839283 BUG: You may receive a "fatal error C1001: internal compiler error" error message when you build a project with the Minimal Rebuild option in Visual C++ .NET 2002 and in Visual C++ .NET 2003 Q839283 KB839283 March 19, 2007
- 830348 Buffer overrun in JPEG processing (GDI+) could allow code execution in Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++, Visual J# .NET, and the .NET Framework Q830348 KB830348 February 27, 2007
- 309692 BUG: Executing a Visual C++ .NET Assembly from the Current AppDomain Throws a BadImageFormatException Q309692 KB309692 February 23, 2007
- 152254 BUG: You receive an error LNK2001 when you try to use the >> operator to serialize one of the extension DLL classes in Visual C++ Q152254 KB152254 November 21, 2006
- 122218 BUG: RFX_DATE() May Use Incorrect Precision Value Q122218 KB122218 November 21, 2006
- 119393 BUG: Invalid Extraction from istrstream Does Not Set failbit Q119393 KB119393 April 24, 2006
- 318557 BUG: Native Expression Evaluator in Visual Studio .NET Cannot Evaluate Many Overloaded Operators Q318557 KB318557 April 5, 2006
- 318543 BUG: Native Expression Evaluator for Visual Studio .NET Cannot Resolve an Overloaded Function with Pointer Types as Parameters Q318543 KB318543 April 5, 2006
- 829445 BUG: The System.Collections.Queue.Clone method loses data while cloning objects Q829445 KB829445 February 4, 2006
- 826009 BUG: "System.MissingMethodException" error message when you try to build an application that hosts a licensed class Q826009 KB826009 February 1, 2006
- 318003 BUG: Visual Studio .NET Setup fails on AddShareAndPermissions custom action Q318003 KB318003 January 26, 2006
- 313519 BUG: You receive an "Unexpected error in Microsoft Visual Macros. It is safe to save your work and restart both Visual Studio Macros and Visual Studio" error message and Visual Studio macros fail when you close a modeless Windows form in Visual Studio Q313519 KB313519 January 26, 2006
- 318717 BUG: RPC debugging does not work until you perform a step-by-step debug Q318717 KB318717 January 25, 2006
- 814455 BUG: You receive a "C2676" error message when both unary and binary operators are overloaded for the same operator Q814455 KB814455 January 19, 2006
- 833899 BUG: ActiveX controls do not appear in the Visual Studio .NET IDE after you clean and then reopen a solution Q833899 KB833899 January 18, 2006
- 823929 BUG: C1001 error occurs while accessing a property by using a smart pointer in a struct member Q823929 KB823929 January 18, 2006
- 814721 BUG: You receive a "TargetParameterCountException" exception when you call the COM method with a Retval attribute Q814721 KB814721 January 18, 2006
- 888328 Building binaries with Common Object File Format (COFF) symbols is not supported in Visual C++ .NET 2003 and in Visual C++ 2005 Q888328 KB888328 January 12, 2006
- 888327 BUG: You receive a "LINK : fatal error LNK1000" error message and experience slow performance-linking problems when you upgrade projects to Visual C++ .NET 2002 or 2003 Q888327 KB888327 January 12, 2006
- 317221 BUG: Incomplete call stack when you debug mixed managed and unmanaged Visual C++ code Q317221 KB317221 January 12, 2006
- 820647 BUG: XML Designer cannot generate code for a dataset that has a localized table name in Visual C++ .NET 2003 Q820647 KB820647 January 11, 2006
- 199057 BUG: Expansion of the __LINE__ macro is incorrect when you use Debug Information for Edit and Continue (/ZI) in Visual C++ Q199057 KB199057 January 11, 2006
- 837698 BUG: "System.NullReferenceException" exception while using the vector<bool> class Q837698 KB837698 January 5, 2006
- 832187 BUG: An unexpected resource language change occurs with non-English language operating systems when you use an MFC class library as a static link library in Visual C++ .NET Q832187 KB832187 January 5, 2006
- 824480 BUG: "HRESULT - 0x80010106" error occurs when you run a managed Visual C++ application in Visual Studio .NET Q824480 KB824480 January 5, 2006
- 823932 BUG: You cannot import resource files that have Unicode characters in the file names in Visual C++ .NET Q823932 KB823932 January 5, 2006
- 328784 BUG: The debugger steps erratically when you have carriage returns without line feeds Q328784 KB328784 January 5, 2006
- 167960 BUG: When you edit labels in a CTreeCtrl, you are unable to use ESC or ENTER to cancel or accept changes in Visual C++ Q167960 KB167960 January 5, 2006
- 828556 BUG: Visual Studio .NET 2003 Debugger steps into Visual C++ .NET 2002 source files after you migrate a Visual C++ .NET 2002 project to Visual C++ .NET 2003 Q828556 KB828556 December 30, 2005
- 839298 BUG: "System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException" error message after you change the name of a localized form class in Visual C++ .NET 2003 Q839298 KB839298 December 29, 2005
- 832186 BUG: Changes are lost when you try to save a read-only resource file (*.rc) in Visual C++ 2005, in Visual C++ .NET 2003, or in Visual C++ .NET 2002 Q832186 KB832186 December 29, 2005
- 822332 BUG: "Invalid procedure call or argument" error message when you add a member variable by using the Class View Wizard in Visual C++ .NET Q822332 KB822332 December 29, 2005
- 824580 BUG: The Visual Studio .NET IDE stops responding when you edit source code Q824580 KB824580 October 25, 2005
- 327097 BUG: Visual C++ .NET Compiler Generates Two Different Native Types for the Same Boolean Return Type Q327097 KB327097 September 27, 2005
- 326721 BUG: Multidimensional arrays are not displayed correctly in some debugger windows Q326721 KB326721 July 29, 2005
- 151898 BUG: Include Directories Cannot End with a Backslash Q151898 KB151898 July 5, 2005
- 143109 BUG: Debugger Shows Incorrect "this" Pointer Q143109 KB143109 July 5, 2005
- 138567 BUG: Incorrect Function Name Binding in Function Templates Q138567 KB138567 July 5, 2005
- 133179 BUG: Compiler Fails Syntax Check of Extra Comma in enum List Q133179 KB133179 July 5, 2005
- 117383 BUG: C2483 Instantiating Objects with the Thread Attribute Q117383 KB117383 July 5, 2005
- 116487 BUG: No Compiler Error for Ambiguous C++ Conversion Q116487 KB116487 July 5, 2005
- 837317 BUG: AppDomainUnloadedException is thrown when you call a virtual destructor on a __nogc class during an AppDomain unload Q837317 KB837317 April 1, 2004
- 837379 BUG: You receive a "Server error" error message if you try to invoke a Web service that has a name that contains a space character by using Visual C++ .NET Q837379 KB837379 March 12, 2004
- 184236 BUG: Filebuf overflow() and underflow() Call filebuf::sync() Q184236 KB184236 January 6, 2004
- 139996 BUG: Wizards Create Invalid Column Names for QueryDef Join Q139996 KB139996 January 6, 2004
- 317807 BUG: Compile Error Message When You Add a Web Reference to a Managed Extensions for C++ Application Q317807 KB317807 December 6, 2003
- 324879 BUG: Visual Studio .NET Debugger Closes When You Attach the Debugger to a Process Where the Main Thread Has Already Exited Q324879 KB324879 December 1, 2003
- 168379 BUG: Debugger Does Not Step Over to __finally Code Block Q168379 KB168379 September 23, 2003
- 167750 BUG: The pow() Function Doesn't Set Underflow Condition Q167750 KB167750 September 23, 2003
- 195073 BUG: Error C2065: 'DDX_FieldDateTimeCtrl': Undeclared Identifier Q195073 KB195073 September 22, 2003
- 190999 BUG: Visual C++ Project Settings Saved Only on Normal Exit Q190999 KB190999 September 22, 2003
- 168932 BUG: Multiple Based Conversion Results May Be Incorrect Q168932 KB168932 September 18, 2003
- 153239 BUG: Multiple CRichEditView::PrintInsideRect's Are Distorted Q153239 KB153239 September 18, 2003
- 150076 BUG: C4003: Not Enough Parameters for SubclassWindow Macro Q150076 KB150076 September 18, 2003
- 234664 BUG: Containers Show <Unknown Verb> Menu Items for OCX Linked to MFC Static Library Q234664 KB234664 September 12, 2003
- 224928 BUG: CFormView Loses the Control's Focus When Restored Q224928 KB224928 September 12, 2003
- 816827 BUG: "Error Spawning 'cl.exe'" Error Occurs When You Build a Visual C++ .NET Application Q816827 KB816827 July 22, 2003
- 311407 BUG: MFC Class Wizard Does Not Resolve Naming Conflicts Between Windows APIs and COM Interface Methods Q311407 KB311407 June 25, 2003
- 181033 BUG: Access Keys for UserControl Do Not Work in MFC Dialog Q181033 KB181033 June 6, 2003
- 315482 BUG: GetBlockFormatNames Method Memory Leak in Afxhtml.h Q315482 KB315482 May 28, 2003
- 314280 BUG: Debugger Cannot Distinguish Between Template Functions and Overloaded Functions with Same Names Q314280 KB314280 May 28, 2003
- 311416 BUG: Visual C++ .NET Does Not Create a .Netmodule File by Default When You Use /clr:noAssembly Option Q311416 KB311416 May 28, 2003
- 306539 BUG: MFC - Changing the BorderStyle Stock Property of An ActiveX Control Changes the Z-Order Q306539 KB306539 May 28, 2003
- 820126 BUG: New Interop DLL Is Not Put in the Correct Location for the Project When a COM Component Is Added Q820126 KB820126 May 22, 2003
- 320082 BUG: HTREEITEM May Cause TypeLoadException in a Managed C++ Application Q320082 KB320082 April 30, 2003
- 320485 BUG: UNICODE Build of Default ATL Project with Performance Monitor Support Fails Q320485 KB320485 April 29, 2003
- 320216 BUG: Cannot Build a Microsoft Foundation Classes Application After You Add a New Resource File That Contains a String Table Q320216 KB320216 April 11, 2003
- 315948 BUG: C1001 Error When You Use a Global Variable as a Template Argument Q315948 KB315948 April 11, 2003
- 315476 BUG: "Debug Assertion Failed" Dialog Box When You Build an MFC Application with "Container/Full Server" Compound Document Support Q315476 KB315476 April 11, 2003
- 315475 BUG: "A Runtime Error Has Occurred" Error Message When You Add Generic C++ Class to a Make File Project Q315475 KB315475 April 11, 2003
- 315149 BUG: Active Template Library Implement Connection Point Wizard Generates Incorrect Code Q315149 KB315149 April 11, 2003
- 307172 BUG: ATL Implement Interface Wizard Does Not Insert Imported Interface Information into a COM Type Library Q307172 KB307172 April 11, 2003