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.NET Framework 1.1 articles, fixes and updates - letter H
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 starts with letter H that have been released. The list is daily updated.
- 307283 How To Create a SQL Server Database Programmatically by Using ADO.NET and Visual C# .NET Q307283 KB307283 August 20, 2020
- 818016 HOW TO: Deploy Applications That Are Built on the .NET Framework Q818016 KB818016 June 10, 2019
- 818014 HOW TO: Secure Applications That Are Built on the .NET Framework Q818014 KB818014 June 10, 2019
- 815662 How to catch exceptions in Visual C++ Q815662 KB815662 June 10, 2019
- 321749 HOW TO: Register an Assembly in a WebForm to Use a Custom Control Q321749 KB321749 June 10, 2019
- 317701 HOW TO: Copy a Picture from a Database Directly to a PictureBox Control with Visual C# Q317701 KB317701 June 10, 2019
- 317663 HOW TO: Access XML Data Using DOM in .NET Framework with Visual Basic .NET Q317663 KB317663 June 10, 2019
- 315533 How to validate an XML document by using DTD, XDR, or XSD in Visual Basic Q315533 KB315533 June 10, 2019
- 308656 How To Open a SQL Server Database by Using the SQL Server .NET Data Provider with Visual Basic .NET Q308656 KB308656 June 10, 2019
- 306572 How to query and display excel data by using ASP.NET, ADO.NET, and Visual C# .NET Q306572 KB306572 June 10, 2019
- 321902 HOW TO: Call Stored Procedures with Optional Values in ADO.NET Q321902 KB321902 April 20, 2018
- 830646 How to troubleshoot Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 installation issues on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Q830646 KB830646 April 19, 2018
- 817248 How to call a Visual Basic .NET or Visual Basic 2005 assembly from Visual Basic 6.0 Q817248 KB817248 April 19, 2018
- 816181 How to embed and to access resources by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q816181 KB816181 April 19, 2018
- 815787 How to trace and debug in Visual C++ .NET and in Visual C++ 2005 Q815787 KB815787 April 19, 2018
- 815657 How to make a GET request by using Visual C++ Q815657 KB815657 April 19, 2018
- 329986 How to use the System.DirectoryServices namespace in ASP.NET Q329986 KB329986 April 19, 2018
- 324168 How to deploy an assembly to the target computer global assembly cache Q324168 KB324168 April 19, 2018
- 322796 How to pass a BLOB as a parameter to an Oracle package by using the .NET Managed Provider for Oracle Q322796 KB322796 April 19, 2018
- 322793 How To Fill a Typed DataSet from a Stored Procedure That Returns Multiple Resultsets by Using Visual Basic .NET Q322793 KB322793 April 19, 2018
- 322160 How To Return an Oracle Ref Cursor to a .NET DataReader Object by Using the .NET Managed Provider for Oracle Q322160 KB322160 April 19, 2018
- 318263 How to identify memory leaks in the common language runtime Q318263 KB318263 April 19, 2018
- 317940 HOW TO: Write an XSD Schema from a Database by Using a DataSet Q317940 KB317940 April 19, 2018
- 317043 How to read and write a file to and from a BLOB column by using chunking in ADO.NET and Visual C# .NET Q317043 KB317043 April 19, 2018
- 316701 HOW TO: Use the ExecuteXmlReader Method of the SqlCommand Class in Visual C# .NET Q316701 KB316701 April 19, 2018
- 315291 How to detect the installed version of the .NET Framework in a Visual Studio Setup and Deployment package Q315291 KB315291 April 19, 2018
- 310350 How to update parent-child data with an Identity column from a Windows Forms application by using a Web service in Visual Basic .NET Q310350 KB310350 April 19, 2018
- 310347 HOW TO: Fill a DataSet from a Data Source and Update Another Data Source by Using Visual Basic .NET Q310347 KB310347 April 19, 2018
- 310142 HOW TO: Execute SQL Parameterized Stored Procedures by Using the ODBC .NET Provider and Visual C++ .NET Q310142 KB310142 April 19, 2018
- 310130 How To Execute SQL Parameterized Stored Procedures by Using the ODBC .NET Provider and Visual C# .NET Q310130 KB310130 April 19, 2018
- 309702 HOW TO: Read XML Data into a DataSet by Using Visual Basic .NET Q309702 KB309702 April 19, 2018
- 309681 How To Retrieve Schema Information by Using GetOleDbSchemaTable and Visual C# .NET Q309681 KB309681 April 19, 2018
- 309490 How To Handle Multiple Results by Using the DataReader in Visual Basic .NET Q309490 KB309490 April 19, 2018
- 308075 How to use Data Link files with the OleDbConnection object in Visual Basic .NET Q308075 KB308075 April 19, 2018
- 308042 How To Read and Write BLOB Data by Using ADO.NET with Visual Basic .NET Q308042 KB308042 April 19, 2018
- 306149 How to display an assembly in the "Add Reference" dialog box Q306149 KB306149 April 19, 2018
- 301058 How To Debug an ASP.NET Application with the Microsoft CLR Debugger Q301058 KB301058 April 19, 2018
- 901183 How to call a Web service by using a client certificate for authentication in an ASP.NET Web application Q901183 KB901183 April 17, 2018
- 308049 How To Call a Parameterized Stored Procedure by Using ADO.NET and Visual Basic .NET Q308049 KB308049 April 17, 2018
- 306160 How to repair an existing installation of the.NET Framework Q306160 KB306160 April 17, 2018
- 828736 How to call a managed DLL from native Visual C++ code in Visual Studio.NET or in Visual Studio 2005 Q828736 KB828736 April 16, 2018
- 555287 How to enable SMTP Authentication using System.Web.Mail Q555287 KB555287 April 16, 2018
- 322932 HOW TO: Enable and Disable DataTable Editing by Using the DataGrid in Visual C# .NET Q322932 KB322932 April 16, 2018
- 321900 How To Display an Image from a Database in a Windows Forms PictureBox by Using Visual Basic .NET Q321900 KB321900 April 16, 2018
- 320916 HOW TO: Call SQL Server Stored Procedures in ASP.NET by Using Visual C# .NET Q320916 KB320916 April 16, 2018
- 320714 HOW TO: Create and Use a Typed DataSet by Using Visual C# .NET Q320714 KB320714 April 16, 2018
- 318804 How to set a Windows hook in Visual C# .NET Q318804 KB318804 April 16, 2018
- 317597 How to populate a TreeView control with XML data in Visual C# 2005 or in Visual C# .NET Q317597 KB317597 April 16, 2018
- 316887 HOW TO: Read and Write a File to and from a BLOB Column by Using ADO.NET and Visual Basic .NET Q316887 KB316887 April 16, 2018
- 316549 How to debug stored procedures in Visual Studio .NET Q316549 KB316549 April 16, 2018
- 311274 How To Handle Multiple Results by Using the DataReader in Visual C# .NET Q311274 KB311274 April 16, 2018
- 310988 How To Use the ODBC .NET Managed Provider in Visual C# .NET and Connection Strings Q310988 KB310988 April 16, 2018
- 308448 How To Access an Oracle Database by Using the OLE DB .NET Data Provider and Visual C# .NET Q308448 KB308448 April 16, 2018
- 308055 How To Update a SQL Server Database by Using the SqlDataAdapter Object in Visual Basic .NET Q308055 KB308055 April 16, 2018
- 318785 How to determine which versions and service pack levels of the Microsoft .NET Framework are installed Q318785 KB318785 November 29, 2017
- 885055 How to obtain Microsoft.NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 Q885055 KB885055 November 29, 2016
- 821793 How to ceate the KBBar .NET Internet Explorer tool band in Visual C++ .NET 2003 or in Visual C++ 2005 Q821793 KB821793 January 17, 2015
- 818271 HOW TO: Create a Library Using the Out Parameter Function in Visual C++ .NET Q818271 KB818271 January 17, 2015
- 816194 How to make a Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 class usable in a foreach statement Q816194 KB816194 January 17, 2015
- 816193 How to access properties of the active cell in the DataGrid control by using Visual C++ 2005 or Visual C++ .NET Q816193 KB816193 January 17, 2015
- 816190 How to trap keystrokes in .NET controls by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q816190 KB816190 January 17, 2015
- 816162 How to write your own registry accessing functions by using the base class libraries in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q816162 KB816162 January 17, 2015
- 815799 How to bind an array of objects to a Windows Form by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815799 KB815799 January 17, 2015
- 815785 How to store custom information to and retrieve custom information from an application configuration file by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815785 KB815785 January 17, 2015
- 815784 How to bind an array of structures to a Windows Form by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815784 KB815784 January 17, 2015
- 815722 How to automate Internet Explorer to post form data by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815722 KB815722 January 17, 2015
- 815716 How to invoke the View Source dialog box, the Find dialog box, and the Internet Options dialog box for the WebBrowser control in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q815716 KB815716 January 17, 2015
- 815678 How to merge data from two XML documents by using System.Xml with Visual C++ .NET or with Visual C++ 2005 Q815678 KB815678 January 17, 2015
- 815677 How to specify fully qualified element names in XPath queries by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815677 KB815677 January 17, 2015
- 318542 HOW TO: Use the AddSort Method of the XPathExpression Object in Visual C# .NET Q318542 KB318542 January 17, 2015
- 317550 HOW TO: Use Visual C# .NET to Format a Windows Forms DataGrid That Is Bound to an Array Q317550 KB317550 June 22, 2014
- 821784 Help topic for AuthenticationManager.Unregister method is not complete Q821784 KB821784 February 27, 2014
- 818444 HOW TO: Use GDI+ Regions on Forms to Create Customized Shapes Q818444 KB818444 February 27, 2014
- 818015 HOW TO: Tune and Scale Performance of Applications That Are Built on the .NET Framework Q818015 KB818015 February 27, 2014
- 818013 HOW TO: Support Applications That Are Built on the .NET Framework Q818013 KB818013 February 27, 2014
- 816648 HOW TO: Configure Microsoft .NET Speech SDK Beta 2 for Improved Compatibility with Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Q816648 KB816648 February 27, 2014
- 815809 How to write to and read from Microsoft Message Queuing in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q815809 KB815809 February 27, 2014
- 324393 How to install the .NET Framework on a cluster Q324393 KB324393 November 2, 2013
- 318131 HOW TO: Page Through a Query Result for Better Performance Q318131 KB318131 October 26, 2013
- 308052 How To Display Parent and Child Records in a Windows Forms DataGrid by Using Visual Basic .NET Q308052 KB308052 October 24, 2012
- 815658 How to read the XML data from a file by using Visual C++ Q815658 KB815658 October 17, 2012
- 321903 HOW TO: Return Errors and Warnings from a SQL Server Stored Procedure in ADO.NET Q321903 KB321903 October 15, 2012
- 311530 How To Merge Data from Two XML Documents Using System.Xml by Using Visual C# .NET Q311530 KB311530 August 30, 2012
- 815177 How to determine whether a client meets the minimum requirements for installing the .NET Framework Q815177 KB815177 August 9, 2012
- 2730098 How to determine which Windows Installer-based updates for the Microsoft .NET Framework are installed Q2730098 KB2730098 July 27, 2012
- 317885 How to use the Visual Basic Upgrade Wizard Q317885 KB317885 July 2, 2012
- 302340 How To Create an Assembly with a Strong Name in .NET Framework SDK Q302340 KB302340 June 15, 2012
- 310070 HOW TO: Call a Parameterized Stored Procedure by Using ADO.NET and Visual C# .NET Q310070 KB310070 June 12, 2012
- 301233 How To Modify and Save XML with the XmlDocument Class in the .NET Framework SDK Q301233 KB301233 June 12, 2012
- 316934 How To Use ADO.NET to Retrieve and Modify Records in an Excel Workbook With Visual Basic .NET Q316934 KB316934 September 23, 2011
- 824643 How to troubleshoot Microsoft.NET Framework 1.1 installation issues in Windows XP or in Windows 2000 Q824643 KB824643 September 22, 2011
- 815176 HOW TO: Determine Whether a Server Meets the Minimum Requirements for Installing the .NET Framework Q815176 KB815176 September 22, 2011
- 319524 How to set a hook in Visual Basic .NET Q319524 KB319524 July 19, 2010
- 948034 How to configure CAS policy to run application from anywhere within Intranet Zone Q948034 KB948034 June 26, 2008
- 933509 How the changes to DST in 2007 affect the .NET Framework and ASP.NET Q933509 KB933509 December 3, 2007
- 914135 How to use Visual C++ .NET to detect the .NET Framework versions and service packs that are installed on the computer Q914135 KB914135 December 3, 2007
- 887459 How to programmatically test for canonicalization issues with ASP.NET Q887459 KB887459 December 3, 2007
- 887290 How to use the ASP.NET ValidatePath Module Scanner (VPModuleScanner.js) Q887290 KB887290 December 3, 2007
- 887289 HTTP module to check for canonicalization issues with ASP.NET Q887289 KB887289 December 3, 2007
- 822485 How to debug managed-client applications that are started by using a URL in Visual Studio .NET or in Visual Studio 2005 Q822485 KB822485 December 3, 2007
- 819351 How to create accessible controls by using Visual Basic .NET or Visual Basic 2005 Q819351 KB819351 December 3, 2007
- 815172 HOW TO: Migrate an ASP Web Application to ASP.NET While Retaining Existing File Name Extensions Q815172 KB815172 December 3, 2007
- 815713 How to use the WebBrowser control and the NewWindow2 event in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q815713 KB815713 November 29, 2007
- 318505 HOW TO: Validate an XML Document by Using Multiple Schemas in Visual C# .NET Q318505 KB318505 November 26, 2007
- 317595 HOW TO: Validate an XML Document by Using Multiple Schemas in Visual Basic .NET Q317595 KB317595 November 26, 2007
- 915756 How to install and update the .NET Framework 1.1 on different operating systems Q915756 KB915756 November 22, 2007
- 897296 How to adjust security settings for Framework applications that are running from a network share Q897296 KB897296 November 16, 2007
- 811645 How to establish a COM event sink in the .NET Framework with return values by using Visual C# .NET or Visual C# 2005 Q811645 KB811645 November 13, 2007
- 895963 How to suppress the Appshelp message when you install the .NET Framework 1.1 redistributable file on 64-bit versions of Windows Q895963 KB895963 October 11, 2007
- 818780 How to create a remote server by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q818780 KB818780 August 28, 2007
- 322744 How to perform output caching with Web services in Visual Basic .NET Q322744 KB322744 August 28, 2007
- 939689 How to publish a Web service in Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI), and how to use the service in Visual Studio 2005 and in Office InfoPath Q939689 KB939689 August 15, 2007
- 816196 How to dynamically add ActiveX controls that require run-time licenses in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q816196 KB816196 June 1, 2007
- 816191 How to drag forms by using the client area with Visual C++ 2005 or with Visual C++ .NET Q816191 KB816191 June 1, 2007
- 816174 How to manage a multilanguage component solution by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q816174 KB816174 June 1, 2007
- 892462 How to use Visual C# to obtain the color of the pixel that is referenced by the mouse pointer Q892462 KB892462 May 31, 2007
- 815807 How to install an assembly in the global assembly cache in Visual C++ .NET and in Visual C++ 2005 Q815807 KB815807 May 21, 2007
- 895971 How to send a client certificate by using the HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse classes in Microsoft Visual C# .NET Q895971 KB895971 May 18, 2007
- 892466 How to run a user control assembly that is hosted on Internet Information Services (IIS) in Internet Explorer Q892466 KB892466 May 18, 2007
- 892465 How to run a managed assembly from a local intranet share and how to make security changes if the assembly requires more permissions in the .NET Framework Q892465 KB892465 May 18, 2007
- 837909 How to configure .NET Framework security settings and how to deploy a .NET Framework application Q837909 KB837909 May 18, 2007
- 319180 How to transform a DataSet to spreadsheet XML for Excel by using Visual Basic .NET and ASP.NET Q319180 KB319180 May 18, 2007
- 316730 HOW TO: Serialize and Deserialize XML in Visual Basic .NET Q316730 KB316730 May 18, 2007
- 837625 How to update a database from a DataSet object by using Visual C++ .NET 2003 or Visual C++ 2005 Q837625 KB837625 May 17, 2007
- 816165 How to sink managed Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 events in Internet Explorer script Q816165 KB816165 May 17, 2007
- 815170 HOW TO: Evaluate the Permissions That Are Granted to an Assembly Q815170 KB815170 May 17, 2007
- 818781 How to create client access to a remote server by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q818781 KB818781 May 16, 2007
- 818062 How to marshal an object to a remote server by reference by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q818062 KB818062 May 16, 2007
- 816178 How to set the BorderStyle property for user controls by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q816178 KB816178 May 16, 2007
- 816176 How to set tab stops in a list box by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q816176 KB816176 May 16, 2007
- 816171 How to create a key element for an XML schema in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q816171 KB816171 May 16, 2007
- 321695 HOW TO: Wrap a UCOMIStream in a Stream Class in Visual Basic .NET Q321695 KB321695 May 16, 2007
- 321340 HOW TO: Wrap a UCOMIStream in a Stream Class Q321340 KB321340 May 16, 2007
- 318607 How to populate the datagrid on background thread with data binding by using Visual C# Q318607 KB318607 May 16, 2007
- 317688 HOW TO: Create a Key Element for an XML Schema Q317688 KB317688 May 16, 2007
- 316680 HOW TO: Use the .NET Framework Properties and Events in Visual J# .NET Q316680 KB316680 May 16, 2007
- 815719 How to obtain the width value and the height value from the Window.open method of a WebBrowser control by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815719 KB815719 May 13, 2007
- 815704 How to create and use static members by using Visual C++ Q815704 KB815704 May 13, 2007
- 815667 How to provide file drag-and-drop functionality in a Visual C++ .NET application or in a Visual C++ 2005 application Q815667 KB815667 May 13, 2007
- 815173 HOW TO: Build and Deploy a .NET Security Policy Deployment Package Q815173 KB815173 May 13, 2007
- 318454 HOW TO: Read Hierarchical Data into a DataSet in Visual C# .NET Q318454 KB318454 May 13, 2007
- 312400 HOW TO: Troubleshoot Third-Party .NET-Connected Language Applications Q312400 KB312400 May 13, 2007
- 310348 How To Avoid the Boxing Penalty When You Use the DataReader in Visual Basic .NET Q310348 KB310348 May 13, 2007
- 308070 How to implement a searchable DataGrid by using ADO.NET and Windows Forms Q308070 KB308070 May 13, 2007
- 816195 How to create a smooth ProgressBar in Visual C++ 2005 or in Visual C++ .NET Q816195 KB816195 May 12, 2007
- 816192 How to use the IComparable interface and the IComparer interface in Visual C++ .NET 2003 or in Visual C++ 2005 Q816192 KB816192 May 12, 2007
- 816185 How to handle events in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q816185 KB816185 May 12, 2007
- 816184 How to change the background color for an MDI parent form in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q816184 KB816184 May 12, 2007
- 816183 How to sort a ListView control by a column in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q816183 KB816183 May 12, 2007
- 815720 How to find the src attribute of a <FRAME> element in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q815720 KB815720 May 12, 2007
- 815656 How to compute and compare hash values by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815656 KB815656 May 12, 2007
- 822330 How to use the /d1PrivateNativeTypes compiler switch to make native classes private in Visual C++ .NET 2003 or in Visual C++ 2005 Q822330 KB822330 May 11, 2007
- 821623 Help topic for PropertyItem class is not complete Q821623 KB821623 May 11, 2007
- 319963 How to add a ToolTip to a TreeNode in Visual Basic 2005 or in Visual Basic .NET Q319963 KB319963 May 11, 2007
- 304295 How to create a Primary Interop Assembly (PIA) Q304295 KB304295 May 8, 2007
- 321917 HOW TO: Create a Strong Named Assembly in Visual J# .NET Q321917 KB321917 April 26, 2007
- 908574 How to add SOAP client functionality to native Win32 applications by using managed SOAP classes in Visual Studio .NET Q908574 KB908574 April 19, 2007
- 829483 How to move, to delete, or to copy files by using a wildcard character in a Windows Service with Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q829483 KB829483 April 19, 2007
- 321585 How to use custom configuration data in a Visual Basic .NET component Q321585 KB321585 April 16, 2007
- 324733 HOW TO: Distribute the .NET Framework with a Visual Studio .NET Deployment Project Q324733 KB324733 March 29, 2007
- 316063 How to locate and replace special characters in an XML file with Visual C# .NET Q316063 KB316063 March 29, 2007
- 309486 How To Execute SQL Parameterized Stored Procedures by Using the ODBC .NET Provider and Visual Basic .NET Q309486 KB309486 March 29, 2007
- 308484 How To Display Parent and Child Records in a Windows Forms DataGrid by Using Visual C# .NET Q308484 KB308484 March 29, 2007
- 308056 How To Update Server Data Through a Web Service by Using ADO.NET and Visual Basic .NET Q308056 KB308056 March 29, 2007
- 301271 How To Save a DataSet Class as XML in .NET Framework SDK Q301271 KB301271 March 29, 2007
- 320625 HOW TO: Populate a DataSet Object from a Database by Using Visual J# .NET Q320625 KB320625 March 19, 2007
- 311021 HOW TO: Manage Quotation Marks in Concatenated SQL Literals by Using ADO.NET and Visual C# .NET Q311021 KB311021 March 9, 2007
- 303016 How to use a DataSet with the Office XP Chart Component and ASP.NET Q303016 KB303016 March 9, 2007
- 318402 How To Set the COM Apartment Type in Managed Threads Q318402 KB318402 February 23, 2007
- 319076 HOW TO: Extend the Windows Form DataGridTextBoxColumn to Display Data From Other Tables by Using Visual C# .NET Q319076 KB319076 February 22, 2007
- 330586 HOW TO Access protected document in Document Function of XSLT using Visual C# .Net Q330586 KB330586 February 19, 2007
- 306022 How to transfer data to an Excel workbook by using Visual Basic .NET Q306022 KB306022 January 17, 2007
- 816187 How to start the default Web browser by using a LinkLabel control in Windows Forms with Visual C++ .NET or with Visual C++ 2005 Q816187 KB816187 January 11, 2007
- 895967 How to configure the process identity for the ASPNET account in ASP.NET 1.1 when you use IIS 5 Isolation mode in IIS 6.0 on Windows Server 2003 Q895967 KB895967 December 28, 2006
- 319311 How to change the color and the font of the StatusBarPanel object by using Visual C# Q319311 KB319311 December 11, 2006
- 325682 HOW TO: Implement a Custom DataView Class in Visual Basic .NET Q325682 KB325682 November 23, 2006
- 319591 HOW TO: Save a .gif File with a New Color Table By Using Visual Basic .NET Q319591 KB319591 November 23, 2006
- 324899 HOW TO: Implement and Use Custom Extension Functions When You Execute XPath Queries in Visual Basic .NET Q324899 KB324899 September 29, 2006
- 899918 How and why session IDs are reused in ASP.NET Q899918 KB899918 September 8, 2006
- 815727 How to automate Internet Explorer in a contained UserControl control by using Visual C++ .NET 2003 or Visual C++ 2005 Q815727 KB815727 April 21, 2006
- 317479 HOW TO: Draw a Rubber Band or Focus Rectangle in Visual Basic .NET Q317479 KB317479 April 21, 2006
- 311023 HOW TO: Manage Quotation Marks in Concatenated SQL Literals by Using ADO.NET and Visual Basic .NET Q311023 KB311023 April 20, 2006
- 330602 How to pass Node sets to Inline XSLT Script Functions by Using Visual C# .NET Q330602 KB330602 March 23, 2006
- 308054 How to use a Web service as a data source for a client application in Visual Basic .NET Q308054 KB308054 March 22, 2006
- 308046 HOW TO: Use Base Classes to Reduce Code Forking with Managed Providers in Visual Basic .NET Q308046 KB308046 January 28, 2006
- 815774 How to subclass windows in Windows Forms by using Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q815774 KB815774 January 17, 2006
- 815673 How to use the Hashtable collection in Visual C++ Q815673 KB815673 January 13, 2006
- 313188 How To Specify Fully Qualified Element Names in XPath Queries by Using Visual C# .NET Q313188 KB313188 January 13, 2006
- 816170 How to draw a rubber band or focus rectangle in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q816170 KB816170 January 5, 2006
- 815776 How to create a Key property for a TreeView Node object in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 Q815776 KB815776 January 5, 2006
- 317433 How to suppress the console window for a managed extensions to Visual C++ Windows Forms application Q317433 KB317433 December 31, 2005
- 307379 How To Validate an XML Document by Using DTD, XDR, or XSD in Visual C# .NET Q307379 KB307379 December 5, 2005
- 315888 How to create a generic ASP.NET Web form to test XSLT transformations Q315888 KB315888 November 8, 2005
- 823363 HTTP 1.1 Servers That Send HTTP:304 Header Cause Early Socket Closure Q823363 KB823363 October 25, 2005
- 555396 How to share custom application configuration settings across projects in .NET Q555396 KB555396 August 14, 2005
- 317069 HOW TO: Execute XPath Queries by Using the System.Xml.XPath Classes Q317069 KB317069 August 12, 2005
- 815168 How to back up and restore .NET Framework configuration and security policy files Q815168 KB815168 July 8, 2005
- 815148 HOW TO: Adjust .NET Framework Security on a Zone-by-Zone Basis Q815148 KB815148 July 8, 2005
- 815143 HOW TO: Audit the Security of the .NET Framework Configuration Q815143 KB815143 July 8, 2005
- 891748 How to authenticate the Inbox in Exchange Server 2003 with forms-based authentication enabled by using Visual Basic .NET Q891748 KB891748 June 29, 2005
- 318547 HOW TO: Use the XPathException Class in Visual C# .NET Q318547 KB318547 May 23, 2005
- 318545 HOW TO: Specify Namespaces When You Use an XmlDocument to Execute XPath Queries in Visual C# .NET Q318545 KB318545 May 23, 2005
- 317108 HOW TO: Use the XPathException Class in Visual Basic .NET Q317108 KB317108 May 23, 2005
- 555298 How to correlate request/response messages by using System.Messaging. Q555298 KB555298 April 23, 2005
- 317661 How to load and save XML by using DOM in .NET Framework with Visual Basic .NET Q317661 KB317661 March 28, 2005
- 555284 HOWTO: Add a MDI list to a System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu instance Q555284 KB555284 March 24, 2005
- 555264 HOWTO: Add a Tag property to System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Q555264 KB555264 February 28, 2005
- 317044 HOW TO: Read and Write a File to and from a BLOB Column by Using Chunking in ADO.NET and Visual C++ .NET Q317044 KB317044 February 7, 2005
- 317017 HOW TO: Read and Write a File to and from a BLOB Column by Using ADO.NET and Visual C++ .NET Q317017 KB317017 February 7, 2005
- 330589 HOW TO: Implement Common MSXML Tasks in System.xml By Using Visual C# .NET Q330589 KB330589 August 4, 2004
- 328820 How To Use WebClient Class To Make HTTP Requests Q328820 KB328820 August 4, 2004
- 555162 HOWTO: Advanced Custom drawing with the Office Web Components (OWC) Q555162 KB555162 July 15, 2004
- 318581 How To Extend the Windows Form DataGridTextBoxColumn Control to Custom-Format Data Q318581 KB318581 July 15, 2004
- 309361 How To Use a DataReader Against an Oracle Stored Procedure in Visual C# .NET Q309361 KB309361 July 15, 2004
- 309130 How To Use the ADO SHAPE Command with a DataReader in Visual C# .NET Q309130 KB309130 July 15, 2004
- 308063 How To Populate a TreeView Control with XML Data in Visual Basic .NET Q308063 KB308063 July 15, 2004
- 308043 How To Obtain Underlying Provider Errors by Using ADO.NET in Visual Basic .NET Q308043 KB308043 July 15, 2004
- 301256 How To Check the Windows Identity in a Client Application in Windows .NET Framework Q301256 KB301256 July 15, 2004
- 301228 How To Read XML Data from a Stream in .NET Framework SDK Q301228 KB301228 July 15, 2004
- 317951 How To Hide a Column in a Windows Form DataGrid Q317951 KB317951 July 14, 2004
- 316016 How To Use the ExecuteXmlReader Method of the SqlCommand Class in Visual Basic .NET Q316016 KB316016 July 14, 2004
- 308073 How To Use a DataReader Against an Oracle Stored Procedure in Visual Basic .NET Q308073 KB308073 July 14, 2004
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