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.NET Framework 1.1 articles, fixes and updates - letter P
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 starts with letter P that have been released. The list is daily updated.
- 823177 PRB: "System.Net.WebException. The Underlying Connection Was Closed. Could Not Establish Trust Relationship with Remote Server." Error Message When You Upgrade the .NET Framework Q823177 KB823177 April 19, 2018
- 318140 PRB: Error on .NET client that consumes a Web service through an HTTP proxy server Q318140 KB318140 April 19, 2018
- 316202 PRB: Cannot Assign Images to a ColumnHeader Control in a Windows Forms ListView Control Using Visual Basic .NET Q316202 KB316202 January 17, 2015
- 313134 PRB: Windows Forms TreeView Control Does Not Handle State Image Lists in Visual C# .NET Q313134 KB313134 January 17, 2015
- 952262 Process.ProcessName fails with "access denied" Q952262 KB952262 January 15, 2015
- 828984 PRB: "System.Messaging.MessageQueueException" Error Message When You Run the MessageQueue.Send Method MSDN Sample Code or When You Run the MessageQueue.Receive Method MSDN Sample Code Q828984 KB828984 February 27, 2014
- 827417 PRB: The Garbage Collector Does Not Release a COM Object That Handles Events as You Expect Q827417 KB827417 February 27, 2014
- 820644 "PrintDocument Class" does not implement the PrintToFile feature Q820644 KB820644 February 27, 2014
- 818803 Post-RTM .NET Framework 1.1 ASP.NET Hotfix Package symptoms Q818803 KB818803 February 27, 2014
- 817042 PRB: The PrintDocument Object Prints a Graphical Object with Incorrect Margins Q817042 KB817042 February 27, 2014
- 814664 PRB: ActiveX Error When You Sink Managed Events in Internet Explorer Script Q814664 KB814664 February 27, 2014
- 827028 PRB: Error Message When You Try to Run a Web Setup Project That Was Created by Using Visual Studio .NET Q827028 KB827028 October 26, 2013
- 951949 Problem: Native DLL loaded from .NET application can fail if it requests too much memory at startup Q951949 KB951949 April 18, 2008
- 949457 Problem: UI may become unresponsive under heavy load with high threadpool Q949457 KB949457 February 20, 2008
- 821774 Product licensing implementation in Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio .NET Setup projects Q821774 KB821774 December 3, 2007
- 309047 PRB: Unhandled Exception When You Set ADO Property to a String in Visual C# .NET Q309047 KB309047 November 28, 2007
- 308499 PRB: Unhandled Exception When You Set ADO Property to a String in Visual Basic .NET Q308499 KB308499 November 28, 2007
- 815635 PRB: “System.NullReferenceException” Unhandled Exception Error Occurs When You Run a .NET Portable Executable in Internet Explorer Q815635 KB815635 May 17, 2007
- 815253 PRB: Cannot Access Static Members of Visual J# .NET Interface in Visual C# .NET or Visual Basic .NET Q815253 KB815253 May 16, 2007
- 818811 PRB: "Invalid property value" Error Message While Setting Values for User Control Properties in Design View When Using Visual Studio .NET Q818811 KB818811 May 12, 2007
- 816640 PRB: Role Parameter Is Case Sensitive for IsInRole Method Q816640 KB816640 May 12, 2007
- 816225 PRB: "System.InvalidOperationException" Error While Serializing a Class Without Default Constructor Q816225 KB816225 May 12, 2007
- 815120 PRB: Managed Object Is Not Garbage Collected When the Managed Object Handles an Event for an Unmanaged (COM) Object Q815120 KB815120 May 12, 2007
- 828991 PRB: "System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException" Error Message When You Call the MethodInfo.Invoke Method Q828991 KB828991 April 19, 2007
- 316510 PRB: Security Exception When You Use Event Handlers in Internet Explorer Q316510 KB316510 April 19, 2007
- 322086 PRB: Application Configuration File on Web Server Is Not Accessible When You Run Executable File in Internet Explorer Q322086 KB322086 April 16, 2007
- 325618 PRB: Name Collision in the ActiveX Wrapper Class Q325618 KB325618 February 23, 2007
- 318664 PRB: Using Reflection Without the Meta Data Permits Only Methods on the Default IDispatch Interface to Be Invoked Q318664 KB318664 February 23, 2007
- 317626 PRB: Overloaded Methods in a .NET Component May Not Be Version-Compatible for Unmanaged Clients Q317626 KB317626 February 23, 2007
- 317533 PRB: Parameter that Takes a Reference to a String Does Not Change After Failed Call to Unmanaged Method Q317533 KB317533 February 23, 2007
- 317322 PRB: Tlbexp.exe May Produce Invalid Method Declarations Q317322 KB317322 February 23, 2007
- 317116 PRB: Helpstring Information May Be Lost During COM Interop Q317116 KB317116 February 23, 2007
- 316936 PRB: Error When You Access an Array Field of a .NET Structure from COM Q316936 KB316936 February 23, 2007
- 313666 PRB: "Assembly Generation Failed" Error Message When You Try to Build a Managed DLL Without a Strong Name Q313666 KB313666 February 23, 2007
- 313380 PRB: Intermittent Marshalling Issues on Windows 95 and Windows 98-Based Systems Q313380 KB313380 February 23, 2007
- 308095 PRB: Creating STA Components in the Constructor in ASP.NET ASPCOMPAT Mode Negatively Affects Performance Q308095 KB308095 February 23, 2007
- 320474 PRB: "Enter an Alternative Path to a Folder Containing the Installation Package NETFX.MSI" Error Message Q320474 KB320474 February 22, 2007
- 317229 PRB: DrawImage Supports Only the Pixel Graphics Unit Q317229 KB317229 February 22, 2007
- 314933 PRB: Cannot Assign Images to a ColumnHeader Control in a Windows Forms ListView Control in Visual C# .NET Q314933 KB314933 February 22, 2007
- 324519 PRB: "Can not Access File 'AssemblyName' Because It Is Being Used by Another Process" Error Message in ASP.NET Q324519 KB324519 February 19, 2007
- 317174 PRB: Drawing Dimensions Are Inconsistent with Image.Size Property When You Use DrawImageUnscaled() Method Q317174 KB317174 January 31, 2007
- 815108 PRB: "Schema Validation Warning" When You Generate a Managed Class for XML Schema with an any Element Declaration and a Local Element Declaration Q815108 KB815108 January 11, 2007
- 815107 PRB: When You Generate Managed Classes, the mixed Attribute Is Ignored When the Element Contains the anyAttribute Property Q815107 KB815107 January 11, 2007
- 829115 PRB: "InvalidCastException" Error Message When You Bind an Office 2003 Web Component on a .NET Windows Form Q829115 KB829115 October 23, 2006
- 312222 Profiler does not receive JIT-Compilation notifications for method with reason COR_PRF_TRANSITION_RETURN in Visual C++ .NET or Visual C++ 2005 Q312222 KB312222 January 5, 2006
- 824680 PhoneCall Control Does Not Render the Plus Sign Character in Telephone Numbers Q824680 KB824680 October 25, 2005
- 840523 Performance is poor when you run a non-interactive .NET Windows server application on a multiprocessor computer Q840523 KB840523 September 8, 2005
- 841763 PRB: The XSLT current() method may return incorrect data when try to count the number of consecutive elements with the same key value Q841763 KB841763 January 11, 2005
- 317290 PRB: Unable to debug remote ASP.NET applications Q317290 KB317290 September 2, 2004
- 326971 PRB: You Cannot Use XML Serialization on a Class with Declarative Security Q326971 KB326971 June 29, 2004
- 315934 PRB: Windows Forms TreeView Control Does Not Handle State Image Lists in Visual Basic .NET Q315934 KB315934 March 24, 2004
- 317270 PRB: Read-Only and Write-Only Class Properties Not Accessible from a Web Service Q317270 KB317270 February 11, 2004
- 815109 Previously encoded characters in an XML Schema file are encoded again when you write the XML Schema to a new file Q815109 KB815109 February 5, 2004
- 325694 PRB: Parsing XML Containing Invalid Character May Raise ArgumentException Q325694 KB325694 January 22, 2004
- 327267 PRB: The FileInfo.CopyTo Method May Raise a System.IO.IOException Error If the Same File Exists Q327267 KB327267 November 17, 2003
- 327265 PRB: File Is Not Written to Disk If You Do Not Call the StreamWriter.Close() Method Q327265 KB327265 October 30, 2003
- 815210 PRB: "System.Runtime.InteropServices" Error Message When You Install the .NET Framework from Active Directory Q815210 KB815210 October 28, 2003
- 317873 PRB: RegistryKey.SetValue Method Stores Integer Values as Strings Q317873 KB317873 October 22, 2003
- 318217 PRB: X509Certificate Supports Only DER-Encoded Certificates Q318217 KB318217 October 20, 2003
- 327652 PRB: Cannot Import Directory Service Agent Key from XML Q327652 KB327652 October 17, 2003
- 814187 PRB: "System.InvalidOperationException" Error While Serializing NameValueCollection Objects Using XmlSerializer Q814187 KB814187 September 24, 2003
- 816224 PRB: You Receive a System.InvalidOperationException Error Message While You Serialize an Object That Has Two Arrays That Both Have Unqualified Items as Public Members Q816224 KB816224 September 5, 2003
- 821626 PRB: "FileLoadException" Error Message When the .NET Runtime Searches for Assemblies by Using the Probing Tag of the Application Configuration File Q821626 KB821626 June 6, 2003
- 818422 PRB: Assemblies Remain in GAC If You Remove .NET Framework Before Visual J# .NET Q818422 KB818422 May 15, 2003
- 816222 PRB: XmlElementAttribute Is Missing for the Generated Class Members While Using Xsd.exe Q816222 KB816222 May 14, 2003
- 813809 PRB: IntelliSense Features Do Not Appear in Visual Basic 6.0 for .NET COM Interop Components Q813809 KB813809 April 9, 2003