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Windows NT 4.0 articles, fixes and updates - Year 2001
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 that have been released in Year 2001. The list is daily updated.
- 247820 WD2000: Words Added to Exclude Dictionary Are Not Questioned Q247820 KB247820 September 28, 2001
- 225199 PUB2000: Missing First Character in Text Box While Using Windows NT Q225199 KB225199 September 28, 2001
- 220470 WD2000: Underline Text Prints As Strikethrough Text on Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 5Si Q220470 KB220470 September 28, 2001
- 179218 PUB98: Unable to Delete Border if PubBrd Folder NTFS Compressed Q179218 KB179218 September 28, 2001
- 178611 PUB98: Can't Create EPS File from Windows NT Q178611 KB178611 September 28, 2001
- 163167 OFF97: Organization Chart 2.0 Does Not Run After Upgrade Q163167 KB163167 September 28, 2001
- 156877 OFF97: Name and Organization Boxes Blank During Setup Q156877 KB156877 September 28, 2001
- 173158 OFF97: "I/O Error" Creating New Data Source Under Windows NT Q173158 KB173158 September 25, 2001
- 238525 PPT2000: Cannot Create EPS File Using Windows NT PostScript Driver Q238525 KB238525 September 7, 2001
- 183921 PPT97: "PowerPoint Found an Error It Cannot Correct" and Unsaved Changes Lost When You Click Font List Q183921 KB183921 September 7, 2001
- 209879 WD2000: Different Font Colors Print As Same Color Q209879 KB209879 August 27, 2001
- 185495 Error Selecting Link for Online Documentation Q185495 KB185495 August 9, 2001
- 181044 IntelliPoint Software Unavailable to Some Users Q181044 KB181044 August 9, 2001
- 162525 BUILDING MS EXCHANGE APPLICATIONS Corrections and Comments Q162525 KB162525 August 9, 2001
- 157021 How Can I Access the Internet Through German T-Online Q157021 KB157021 August 8, 2001
- 142654 Winsock Memory Access Violation in Ws2help.dll Or Msafd.dll Q142654 KB142654 August 8, 2001
- 92633 Windows Err Msg: This File Is on a Network Drive with... Q92633 KB92633 August 8, 2001
- 83477 New Key Combinations for Edit Menu Commands in Windows 3.1 Q83477 KB83477 August 8, 2001
- 248098 PRB: Run-Time Error Message -2147164145(8004e00f) Method Call on MTS Object from Visual Basic Application Fails Q248098 KB248098 June 6, 2001
- 190052 PRB: JavaScript Errors, Broken Images, and Links Over SSL Q190052 KB190052 June 6, 2001
- 172830 SBFM97: Error Message When Running Wizards Under MS Windows NT Q172830 KB172830 June 4, 2001
- 172558 XL97: Crash Inserting Wang Image Control on Alpha-based Computer Q172558 KB172558 June 4, 2001
- 170613 SBFM97: Setup Could Not Find Microsoft Excel Installed Q170613 KB170613 June 4, 2001
- 167384 SBFM97: Quickbooks 3.1 Filter Fails Under Windows NT Q167384 KB167384 June 4, 2001
- 197348 OL98: Exchange Server and Mailbox Fail to Resolve in Profile Q197348 KB197348 May 18, 2001
- 193901 OL98: (CW) ErrMsg The Procedure Entry Point CryptFindOIDInfo Could not be Located in the Dynamic Link Library Q193901 KB193901 May 18, 2001
- 190269 OL98: (CW) Received and Sent Times Incorrect with cc:Mail Q190269 KB190269 May 18, 2001
- 190132 OL98: (CW) Delivery Point Warning with Multiple NT Workstation Users Q190132 KB190132 May 18, 2001
- 187256 OL98: Dr Watson Error on Outlook Startup Q187256 KB187256 May 18, 2001
- 185390 OL98: Error in OMINT.DLL When Starting Outlook Q185390 KB185390 May 18, 2001
- 182454 OL98: (CW) Error Adding Lotus cc:Mail to Profile on Windows NT Q182454 KB182454 May 18, 2001
- 180895 OL98: Dr. Watson Error Corrected by Creating a New Profile Q180895 KB180895 May 18, 2001
- 180426 OL98: Fax Uses Incorrect Country Code With Windows NT Q180426 KB180426 May 18, 2001
- 178682 OFF97: OSB Programs Toolbar Displays Wrong Icon on Windows NT Q178682 KB178682 May 18, 2001
- 166988 OFF97: Installing Office Overwrites Web Find Fast Service Q166988 KB166988 May 18, 2001
- 161977 OFF97: ODBC Control Panel Fails After Installing IIS 2.0 Q161977 KB161977 May 18, 2001
- 156312 OFF97: Page Fault After Using Desktop Themes Control Panel Q156312 KB156312 May 18, 2001
- 198237 PUB2000: Can't Create EPS File from Windows NT Q198237 KB198237 May 11, 2001
- 226770 PPT2000: Broadcast: Only 10 Connections Allowed Under Windows NT Workstation Q226770 KB226770 April 19, 2001
- 187922 PRB: Passing a UDT To Or From an ActiveX EXE May Fail on NT Q187922 KB187922 January 13, 2001
- 170340 FIX: Debugging ActiveX Server in IDE Causes Application Error Q170340 KB170340 January 10, 2001
- 172355 OFF97: STOP HLINK.DLL Error After Installing SR-1 Q172355 KB172355 January 7, 2001