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Windows NT 4.0 articles, fixes and updates - May 2003
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 that have been released in May 2003. The list is daily updated.
- 251029 PRB: Visual InterDev Debugger Hangs When Stopping Q251029 KB251029 May 29, 2003
- 238566 PRB: Visual InterDev Fails to Deploy Projects to Remote Server with Posting Acceptor 2.0 Q238566 KB238566 May 29, 2003
- 321725 Error Message: Unable to Determine the Computer File System Type (3.2) Q321725 KB321725 May 28, 2003
- 232831 INFO: Use the Merant 3.5 ODBC Driver to Work in Production Environments with IIS and MTS Q232831 KB232831 May 28, 2003
- 211504 WD2000: AutoComplete Suggests Incorrect Date Q211504 KB211504 May 28, 2003
- 184576 3270 Order, Program Tab Randomly Prints Two Spaces Instead of Three Q184576 KB184576 May 23, 2003
- 180788 Changing User Rights Is Not Recognized Until Snabase is Restarted Q180788 KB180788 May 23, 2003
- 166484 SNA Server 3.0 Hangs in Stopping Status on Windows NT 4.0 SP3 Q166484 KB166484 May 23, 2003
- 164792 CPU Use at 100 Percent with SNA Server 3.0 Print Server Q164792 KB164792 May 23, 2003
- 164639 SNA Windows 95 Fails Logon If Password Change Required Q164639 KB164639 May 22, 2003
- 146274 INFO: Limitation of SNA Server Client Using Network Client 3.0 Q146274 KB146274 May 22, 2003
- 145885 Running 16-bit 3270/FMI Applications on Windows NT & Windows 95 Q145885 KB145885 May 22, 2003
- 142941 Clients Using Novell ODI IPX/SPX Protocol Are Disconnected Q142941 KB142941 May 22, 2003
- 140609 TPSTART Enhanced to Support 16-bit Windows Applications Q140609 KB140609 May 22, 2003
- 118965 Wall Data Rumba for the AS/400 GP Faults in 5250 Session Q118965 KB118965 May 22, 2003
- 266701 OL2000: Error Message: "The Ordinal 508 Could Not Be Located in the Dynamic Link Library RASAPI32.DLL" Q266701 KB266701 May 20, 2003
- 262534 OL98: Error Message: "The Ordinal 508 Could Not Be Located in the Dynamic Link Library RASAPI32.DLL" Q262534 KB262534 May 20, 2003
- 289246 MS02-001: Forged SID Could Result in Elevated Privileges in Windows NT 4.0 Q289246 KB289246 May 14, 2003
- 289493 PRB: Component Not Registered Error When Attempting to Run a VB Application Q289493 KB289493 May 13, 2003
- 230382 PRB: Accessing Printer Object's ScaleX, ScaleY Methods Prints Unwanted Page Q230382 KB230382 May 13, 2003
- 173981 PRB: Behavior Differences of Print Dialog Box on Different Platforms Q173981 KB173981 May 13, 2003
- 306508 PRB: ODBC User DSNs Not Visible on Terminal Server Q306508 KB306508 May 12, 2003
- 271405 PRB: Batch Files Do Not Run as Post Executables in Setup Routine Q271405 KB271405 May 12, 2003
- 269618 BUG: General Protection Fault May Occur When the ComboBox Control Is Set on a Band of CoolBar Q269618 KB269618 May 12, 2003
- 252607 PRB: The CopyFile Method Does Not Work for Printer DeviceName with Spaces on NT Q252607 KB252607 May 12, 2003
- 251056 PRB: Print Dialog May Not Appear with SET PRINT ON PROMPT Q251056 KB251056 May 12, 2003
- 246313 BUG: Certain Icons May Cause Error with FoxPro Q246313 KB246313 May 12, 2003
- 241097 FIX: TreeView Tooltips Do Not Appear on Windows NT Q241097 KB241097 May 12, 2003
- 237816 BUG: MSFLEXGRID Prints as Black Box After Installing Service Pack 3 Q237816 KB237816 May 12, 2003
- 232513 PRB: LogonUser Fails in ISAPI Extensions Q232513 KB232513 May 12, 2003
- 223126 FIX: Form Icon Displayed as Compressed on True Color Display Q223126 KB223126 May 12, 2003
- 223090 FIX: UserControl on Active Desktop Causes AV Shutdown in VB DLL Q223090 KB223090 May 12, 2003
- 193502 PRB: Cannot Quit VFP End Task Causes Application Error Q193502 KB193502 May 12, 2003
- 190175 BUG: MTS is Unable to Delete VB6 Project Compatible Server Q190175 KB190175 May 12, 2003
- 184299 Dual-Booting Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 on NTFS Partitions Q184299 KB184299 May 12, 2003
- 179480 FIX: Temp Environment Variable Causes Unusual Behavior in Visual FoxPro Q179480 KB179480 May 12, 2003
- 177339 PRB: OLE Error When Appending from Excel 97 Workbook Q177339 KB177339 May 12, 2003
- 170172 PRB: Changing Form ScaleMode Does Not Alter Grid Partition Value Q170172 KB170172 May 12, 2003
- 168054 PRB: "Cannot activate OLE Server" or "Moniker cannot open file" Q168054 KB168054 May 12, 2003
- 167675 BUG: Certain Non-US Characters Do Not Display Properly in VFP Q167675 KB167675 May 12, 2003
- 272756 INFO: Visual FoxPro Is Not Supported on Terminal Server 4.0 Q272756 KB272756 May 10, 2003
- 261941 PRB: Trust Provider Warning Message Appears When You Attempt to Download Components Q261941 KB261941 May 10, 2003
- 256197 PRB: Visual InterDev 6.0 ASP Debugging Fails Under Terminal Server Q256197 KB256197 May 10, 2003
- 251399 BUG: Visual FoxPro FoxRun.pif Fails with Long File Names in NT/W2K Q251399 KB251399 May 10, 2003
- 305676 PRB: Memory Leak When MDAC Is Running on Windows NT 4.0 Q305676 KB305676 May 8, 2003
- 114841 Windows NT Boot Process and Hard Disk Constraints Q114841 KB114841 May 6, 2003