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Word 2002 (Word XP) articles, fixes and updates - letter P
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Word 2002 (Word XP) starts with letter P that have been released. The list is daily updated.
- 282830 Programmatic access to Office VBA project is denied Q282830 KB282830 December 17, 2020
- 318756 PRB: Excel and Word Content Do Not Stream as Expected from ASP .NET Q318756 KB318756 April 22, 2018
- 214203 Page breaks incorrectly if you insert a continuous section break between footnotes in Word Q214203 KB214203 April 19, 2018
- 296717 PRB: Internet Explorer Prompts User to Open/Save Office File Streamed from ASP Q296717 KB296717 April 18, 2018
- 291335 Page borders may be displayed or printed incorrectly in Word 2002 and in Word 2003 Q291335 KB291335 April 18, 2018
- 138417 Paper in multiple-section document feeds from wrong tray Q138417 KB138417 January 12, 2015
- 184984 Password not saved calling wdDialogFileSaveAs dialog box Q184984 KB184984 January 11, 2015
- 312360 "Patching is forbidden by a system policy" error message when you install an update to an Office XP program Q312360 KB312360 December 27, 2014
- 312838 Pictures in documents that were created in an earlier version of Office appear flipped in Office XP, Office 2003 and Office 2007 Q312838 KB312838 December 26, 2014
- 818076 Printing a file that contains a Visio 2002 object causes some text in object to overprint Q818076 KB818076 February 27, 2014
- 279462 PRB: Prompted To Select a Data Source While Automating Word 2002 Mail Merge Q279462 KB279462 October 26, 2013
- 185473 PRB: Changes to Custom ActiveX Control Are Not Used Q185473 KB185473 October 26, 2013
- 316724 PRB: Macro Warning Occurs in an Office Application When You Load a .NET Add-In Q316724 KB316724 October 24, 2013
- 100647 Pasting Microsoft Project tables into Microsoft Word Q100647 KB100647 September 19, 2011
- 328983 PRJ2000: Office XP Components Do Not Work After You Install Microsoft Project 2000 Q328983 KB328983 September 18, 2011
- 810580 Password protected Word documents may be edited if opened by OLE Q810580 KB810580 March 23, 2009
- 242375 PRB: Office 97 Automation Client Fails After Re-compilation with Office 2000 or Later Type Library Q242375 KB242375 March 23, 2009
- 324637 "Please point setup to the path 510581.Winword.msp" error message when you repair, remove, or reinstall an Office program or add a new component Q324637 KB324637 December 4, 2007
- 300243 PRB: Visual InterDev 6.0 ASP Debugging Fails After You Install Office XP Microsoft Script Editor Q300243 KB300243 December 4, 2007
- 290540 Products that qualify for the Microsoft Office XP upgrade Q290540 KB290540 December 4, 2007
- 280558 PowerPoint 2000 templates are not preserved during the Office XP installation Q280558 KB280558 December 4, 2007
- 316125 PRB: Visual C# .NET Error Attaching to Running Instance of Office Application Q316125 KB316125 June 29, 2007
- 259140 PostScript custom page size settings are ignored in Microsoft Word Q259140 KB259140 February 28, 2007
- 324328 Password prompt when you close a Word document you opened in a Web browser Q324328 KB324328 February 1, 2007
- 318761 PRB: Open Button in Dialog Disabled When You Browse or Redirect to .rtf or .csv Files Q318761 KB318761 February 1, 2007
- 294653 Program stops responding after you click Spelling and Grammar on Tools menu Q294653 KB294653 January 31, 2007
- 316723 PRB: Visual Studio .NET Shared Add-in Is Not Displayed in Office COM Add-ins Dialog Box Q316723 KB316723 January 30, 2007
- 303037 PRB: Automating Word or Outlook Fails on Second Attempt Q303037 KB303037 January 30, 2007
- 285885 Prompt to save Normal.dot when using Word as an automation server Q285885 KB285885 January 29, 2007
- 241936 PRB: ATL Control Properties Do Not Persist when Embedded in Word Q241936 KB241936 January 25, 2007
- 214462 PRB: Error "Bound to Unknown Type" Inserting ATL Control in VBA UserForm Q214462 KB214462 January 24, 2007
- 211795 Programs missing from the Picture editor list in Word Q211795 KB211795 January 23, 2007
- 308409 PRB: Visual Basic .NET Error Using GetObject or GetActiveObject for Running Instance of Office Application Q308409 KB308409 January 17, 2007
- 286876 Pages are printed in the incorrect order in Word Q286876 KB286876 December 13, 2006
- 291346 Picture is displayed as a red X in a Word 2002 document Q291346 KB291346 October 16, 2006
- 833259 "Parameter is incorrect" error message when you click Clips Online in Microsoft Office 2002 Q833259 KB833259 September 27, 2006
- 293337 Paragraph alignment changes when opening Word 97 file in Word 2002 Q293337 KB293337 July 27, 2006
- 293116 Paragraph alignment changes when saving a Word 2000 document with a different file name in Word 2002 Q293116 KB293116 July 27, 2006
- 825771 Page numbers are incorrectly updated when you update the index of your Word document Q825771 KB825771 July 5, 2006
- 308506 Portuguese/Brazilian Grammar Checker Crashes When You Type "Oriente" Q308506 KB308506 October 5, 2005
- 838010 Problems occur when you use the Rich TextBox Control 6.0 in Office XP and in Office 2003 Q838010 KB838010 May 5, 2004
- 216657 PRB: Error Messages When Opening Word Documents or Excel Workbooks with Internet Explorer Q216657 KB216657 December 12, 2003
- 289830 Prompt to Select Table with Word 2002 Mail Merge Code for Excel or Access Data Source Q289830 KB289830 August 28, 2003