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Word 2002 (Word XP) articles, fixes and updates - April 2006
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This list contains all of the known Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, howtos, fixes, hotfixes, webcasts and updates of Microsoft Word 2002 (Word XP) that have been released in April 2006. The list is daily updated.
- 325015 Support WebCast: How to use mail merge in Microsoft Word 2002 Q325015 KB325015 April 29, 2006
- 839373 How to perform a mail merge by using the Palm Pilot address book as the data source in Word 2002 and in Word 2003 Q839373 KB839373 April 20, 2006
- 833064 "Word was unable to open the data source" error message in Word Mail Merge when you use an Access parameter query in Access 2002 Q833064 KB833064 April 20, 2006
- 319956 The Answer Wizard and the Help Index tabs appear blank when you use Help in an Office program Q319956 KB319956 April 17, 2006
- 305799 HOW TO: Develop Database-Driven Smart Tags for Office by Using Visual Basic for Windows Q305799 KB305799 April 13, 2006
- 307731 How to add a digital signature to a custom macro project in Office 2003 and Office XP Q307731 KB307731 April 12, 2006
- 899908 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: May 25, 2005 Q899908 KB899908 April 7, 2006
- 899519 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: June 29, 2005 Q899519 KB899519 April 7, 2006
- 899411 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: May 16, 2005 Q899411 KB899411 April 7, 2006
- 898605 A page number in a table of contents may include an unexpected chapter number in Word 2002 Q898605 KB898605 April 7, 2006
- 898604 Description of the Microsoft Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: May 2, 2005 Q898604 KB898604 April 7, 2006
- 898059 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: April 25, 2005 Q898059 KB898059 April 7, 2006
- 896892 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: April 21, 2005 Q896892 KB896892 April 7, 2006
- 896601 Description of the Microsoft Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: April 4, 2005 Q896601 KB896601 April 7, 2006
- 895197 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: March 3, 2005 Q895197 KB895197 April 7, 2006
- 894688 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: February 24, 2005 Q894688 KB894688 April 7, 2006
- 893175 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: January 31, 2005 Q893175 KB893175 April 7, 2006
- 892922 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: January 17, 2005 Q892922 KB892922 April 7, 2006
- 892558 Description of the Microsoft Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: January 24, 2005 Q892558 KB892558 April 7, 2006
- 891436 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: December 16, 2004 Q891436 KB891436 April 7, 2006
- 890332 The first line of text and the ActiveX controls in some paragraphs may print two times in Word 2002 Service Pack 3 (SP3) Q890332 KB890332 April 7, 2006
- 890331 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: November 19, 2004 Q890331 KB890331 April 7, 2006
- 886793 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: October 1, 2004 Q886793 KB886793 April 7, 2006
- 885879 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: September 27, 2004 Q885879 KB885879 April 7, 2006
- 885840 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: September 13, 2004 Q885840 KB885840 April 7, 2006
- 883928 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: September 10, 2004 Q883928 KB883928 April 7, 2006
- 873341 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: August 2, 2004 Q873341 KB873341 April 7, 2006
- 873328 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: July 22, 2004 Q873328 KB873328 April 7, 2006
- 843610 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: June 25, 2004 Q843610 KB843610 April 7, 2006
- 843403 Word 2002 document prints with markup when you print from your Windows desktop or from Windows Explorer Q843403 KB843403 April 7, 2006
- 843182 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: June 10, 2004 Q843182 KB843182 April 7, 2006
- 842522 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: May 21, 2004 Q842522 KB842522 April 7, 2006
- 842319 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: May 17, 2004 Q842319 KB842319 April 7, 2006
- 841886 Closed, embedded Word object that contains a VBA macro in an Office program consumes 100 precent of CPU time after you quit Word 2002 Q841886 KB841886 April 7, 2006
- 841885 The printer operates in manual feed mode when you print a Word 2002 document Q841885 KB841885 April 7, 2006
- 841540 Description of the Word 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: May 17, 2004 Q841540 KB841540 April 7, 2006
- 840662 You receive a security warning message when you open or when you save a document in Word 2002 Q840662 KB840662 April 7, 2006
- 838012 Black bars appear in a Word 2002 document when a screen reader is active Q838012 KB838012 April 7, 2006
- 837108 You cannot review all the tracked changes in a Word 2002 document Q837108 KB837108 April 7, 2006
- 836132 Shaded tables do not print correctly in Word 2002 Q836132 KB836132 April 7, 2006
- 835706 After you use the mail merge feature, the text in a merged document is missing, corrupted, or damaged in Word 2002 Q835706 KB835706 April 7, 2006
- 835226 Only the first occurrence of the NUMPAGES field is updated when you try to update the fields in the body of your Word 2002 document Q835226 KB835226 April 7, 2006
- 834011 Mail Merge data source opens or closes in Word 2002 each time that you click or press a key Q834011 KB834011 April 7, 2006
- 832343 You receive the "Word did not save the document" message when you save a Word 2002 document in DocsOpen Q832343 KB832343 April 7, 2006
- 823476 You cannot save changes to a shared Word document that is in a network folder Q823476 KB823476 April 7, 2006
- 823321 Description of Word 2002 post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package: July 1, 2003 Q823321 KB823321 April 7, 2006
- 822847 You receive a Word has encountered a problem error message when you open a document Q822847 KB822847 April 7, 2006
- 331899 WD2002: Rotated Text in a Table May Not Print Rotated As Expected Q331899 KB331899 April 7, 2006
- 330575 WD2002: Italian: Number of Lines on Page May Change After You Undo an Edit That Automatically Hyphenated a Word Q330575 KB330575 April 7, 2006
- 330432 WD2002: Text Loses Paragraph Numbering When Pasted into New Document Q330432 KB330432 April 7, 2006
- 330300 WD2002: Error Message "4198" When You Close a Word Table Object Q330300 KB330300 April 7, 2006
- 329985 WD2002: Word Displays an Inserted Multiple Frame TIFF Picture As a Box Q329985 KB329985 April 7, 2006
- 329976 WD2002: Single-Page Tables Expand to Cover Two Pages Q329976 KB329976 April 7, 2006
- 329815 WD2002: After You Check In a Document, AutoOpen or Document_open Macros Do Not Run As Expected Q329815 KB329815 April 7, 2006
- 329809 WD2002: The translation services do not start when you use a proxy server with basic authentication Q329809 KB329809 April 7, 2006
- 329808 WD2002: Word Objects Convert to Graphics When You Use the Close Button to Close and Save a Document Q329808 KB329808 April 7, 2006
- 329587 WD2002: The printer ignores the custom n-up setting in Word Q329587 KB329587 April 7, 2006
- 329280 Text that you delete and mark as hidden is printed when you use the Track Changes feature Q329280 KB329280 April 7, 2006
- 328683 WD2002: Text Is Lost or Hidden in Your Word Document When You Use the VBA SaveAs Method Q328683 KB328683 April 7, 2006
- 328528 WD2002: Excel Chart Pastes as Object in Non-English Version Q328528 KB328528 April 7, 2006
- 328232 You receive the "A table in this document has become corrupted" error message when you try to edit complex tables in Word 2002 Q328232 KB328232 April 7, 2006
- 328100 You receive a "The document name or path is not valid" error message when you open a document in Word 2002 Q328100 KB328100 April 7, 2006
- 328092 WD2002: Inserted Tables Are Not Aligned After You Reopen the Document Q328092 KB328092 April 7, 2006
- 327871 WD2002: Compare and Merge Documents Feature Shows Inaccurate Changes Q327871 KB327871 April 7, 2006
- 326041 WD2002: You Cannot Select the Frame or the Text Inside the Frame When You Create a Word Document That Contains a Frame Q326041 KB326041 April 7, 2006
- 325527 WD2002: Document Printed with Wide Right Margin and Small Text If You Turn Off Balloons Q325527 KB325527 April 7, 2006
- 325050 WD2002: The Mail Merge Function Does Not Merge All the Characters in the Data Source Q325050 KB325050 April 7, 2006
- 323235 WD2002: Word Quits Unexpectedly When You Look for Synonyms for French Words Q323235 KB323235 April 7, 2006
- 318046 Some images in Word 97 or Word 2000 documents do not appear or print in Word 2002 Q318046 KB318046 April 7, 2006
- 316104 WD2002: Slow Performance When a Paragraph Spans Several Pages in a Document Q316104 KB316104 April 7, 2006